
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/09/2011 6:35:42 am PDT

re: #763

My only point is that a reporter should avoid inserting his own opinion as fact. And that’s done by finding experts, interviewing people, finding witnesses and interviewing them and then reporting what they say, and reporting it AS “so and so says”.

I agree, but I also think it involves saying “so and so says this, which does not match up with the actual facts. Such and such says this, which does match up with the actual facts.”

In other words, what I feel strongly about is that a reporter has the job to fact-check statements made to them, not just by setting up a round-robin of competing experts but using his own judgement, his own opinion on which expert should be deemed credible. So, Sergey credible on Holocaust yes, David Irving credible on Holocaust, no.