
Russia Tells US That Tamerlan Tsarnaev Did Not Contact Terror Groups During 2012 Trip

Charles Johnson4/25/2013 11:24:18 am PDT

It’s amazing to me to see mainstream right wingers now spewing bigoted anti-Muslim statements that go far, far beyond anything I ever posted at LGF even in the days right after 9/11.

America Has Gone From Melting Pot to Pressure Cooker | Fox News

We have allowed, due to our liberal values and constitutional priorities on free exercise of religion, the one religion on earth that cannot, in its natural state, peacefully coexist with other religions, to migrate across the map.

Instead of pouring into Islam the western values of toleration for other ideas, values, and ways of life as Islam migrated, liberalism decided that not only would it be bigoted to do, we must not even dare confront it or treat it differently from religions that do not produce suicide bombers and international riots.

Now, in America, we have an untamed religion with calls for submission not tempered by the extra 600 years Christianity has had to temper, a liberalism that has left a cultural vacuum wherein many find themselves adrift looking to their own cultural connections to find their place in the world, and young Muslim men who, in that cultural vacuum, look not just to Islam, but an empowering Islam that can fill deep voids through demands for submission.

Boston is just the beginning.

This narrative is becoming the mainstream right wing ideology — demonizing all Muslims is now standard for the right. And it’s often combined with this toxic crap about “liberalism.”

It’s getting really awful out there. The one thing I give George W. Bush credit for is that he often called for tolerance and understanding after 9/11, and refused to jump on the bigotry bandwagon even though it probably would have benefited him politically.

Now there is absolutely nobody on the right who does this. The craziness has completely taken over.