
Overnight Open Thread

haakondahl8/31/2009 7:57:02 am PDT

re: #753 Last Mohican

Did you know that, if you criticize the Obamacare bills, you are the ideological heir of Osama bin Laden?

So says Barack Obama’s official web site. In its astroturfing section, it has a list of pro-Obamacare rallies and events where it wants you to show up and support Obamacare. One of them is an event that’s going to happen ON SEPTEMBER 11, in which you’re supposed to call your member of congress and ask them to support Obamacare. Thereby “reclaiming our land from the heirs of, yes, Bin Laden,” i.e. people who are opposed to Obamacare.

This would be truly infuriating, if it were not for the fact that so far:

8 people have signed up to attend this event.

I had just about reached cruising altitude when I saw that. Sudden loss of cabin pressure :-D