
Why Don't TV Weathermen Believe in Climate Change?

Mad Prophet Ludwig1/30/2010 8:13:18 pm PST

re: #750 Unakite

LVQ, I have not weighed in much on AGW (one way or the other), and have not had a chance to discuss with you in this forum. However, and with scientific respect, the problem I have is not the warming aspect, but the over-the-top doomsday predictions. I don’t see the global catastrophe, and I have confidence that our civilization will survive. It has survived a hell of a lot worse.

It is not over the top.

Look at the papers look into the data and look into the models.

Just look at the soil predictions for the US alone from Princeton GPFDL. We are talking about a 50-70% reduction in soil moisture across the American farm belt.

What happens to the US when we have 50-75% less food from that alone? If you couple it with the fact that many of our crops really really don’t like being hotter, then I have seen predictions with as much as 90% of our food supply wiped out.

What about the effects of losing cities? A meter rise, which is low ball and the high end predictions are as much as two meters by the end of this century will wipe out our major eastern and west coast cities. That puts almost half of our population almost without a home.

What about the Southwest which will no longer have fresh water and the spread of contagion?

If you are not seriously concerned, you have not looked deeply into this. respectfully, this is not over the top. This is what is coming down the pike.