
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Killgore Trout8/09/2011 7:01:19 am PDT

Fox News and Big Government are having frogmarch fantasies….
Treasurer: What Did Obama Know About Downgrade and When Did He Know It?

The tremendous 7% crash in stock market prices over the last five trading days serves as over-whelming evidence that the President of the United States or someone in his inner circle leaked “material non-public information” to Wall Street traders that the AAA credit rating of the United States of America would be downgraded.. Leaking of such information is criminal activity for both the trader who profits and the leaker. Depending on the level of the leak in his Administration; the President may be forced to resign of face severe sanctions.

It’s public knowledge that the White House and Congress were told weeks ago that the debt deal was inadequate and the us would be downgraded. That won’t stop a congressional investigation of course.