
NY Post: Lecture Buyers Not Buying Palin

Cato the Elder9/30/2009 10:41:49 pm PDT

re: #62 Dark_Falcon

I swear, if Cato could start fires with his anger, all of Wasilla would burn to the ground. Not saying he would ever hurt anyone, but his rage at Sarah Palin is white-hot and intense. Those wishing to see its root should read his #602 from the previous thread.

My #602 from the previous thread, quoted in full for your delectation or derision, as the case may be. In all sincerity:

Shooting wolves, who are among the most intelligent and social animals in the world, from helicopters for sport, constitutes base cruelty and unsportsmanlike conduct in my book. I say that as a hunter who has no problem with culling animal populations.

Imagine you’re a wolf in a pack and you get singled out, separated and harried by a loud pterodactyl machine from the air and then gut-shot in an open field.

And Palin was in favor of that. I rest my case.

I stand by that. It’s barbarous and totally unnecessary for any sane wolf-management program. It is high-tech sadism for well-heeled “sportsmen” from the lower forty-eight.

I love wild animals and respect them and someone who thinks shooting them from the air is a good idea has forfeited any respect I might have.

My infatuation with Sarah bashing proceeded and grew from there…