
Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings

Kragar8/27/2013 1:18:52 pm PDT

Bradlee Dean: Gays Commit Half Of All Murders, Obama Is A ‘Homo’ And Maddow Is A ‘Shim’

After Dean said that homosexuality and abortion are the “last two stages that a country takes before God judges that country,” McMillan charged that “half of the murders in large cities were committed by homosexuals; thirty-three percent of child abuse cases were committed by homosexuals; half of the foster children molestations were done by homosexuals.”

McMillan explained, to Dean’s agreement, that gays are prone to criminality because “when a person’s mind has gone to that extent of committing an abominable act, it shows what else they are capable of.”

McMillan later recounted an interview with a gay reporter in which he charged that all people, including gays, are created equal, “but not when you make choices; if you break the law you’re no longer protected by the law.”

“God gives us strict orders to deal with people that commit such crimes in this life,” Dean said, “as a mercy to society.”