
Video: Detroit Police Viciously Assault Black Man for No Reason

Dark_Falcon3/25/2015 9:08:45 pm PDT

Here’s a idea that got funded fast. I’m kind of admiring but also worried:

Group raises $50K overnight for commercial flamethrower (VIDEO)

The XM42 is the world’s first commercial flamethrower. Or rather, it will be. Overnight the XM42 received the crowdfunding it needed to go from concept to production and has been completely funded and then some.

Developed by the Ion Production Team, the XM42 flamethrower is a fresh design built from the ground up for flame-throwing. An original design, the XM42 isn’t a bunch of parts from the hardware store that have been re-purposed. Your average backyard project flamethrowers have drawbacks, not being built using components intended for mixing with fire, and can have limited lifespans — or worse, pose a danger to the user and their surroundings.

The XM42 won’t have those drawbacks. It will be be a modern flamethrower with safety and functionality primary concerns along with longevity and portability in mind.


With its stainless steel and brushed aluminum construction, the XM42’s looks alone have made it a swift seller. The crowdfunding campaign started on March 24 and has already exceeded it’s goal of raising $40,000. People interested in picking up one of the flamethrowers from the first run have about a month left in the campaign to order one.

The article has the production group’s video, but in my mind this idea calls for some Fallout Boy:

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