
Sherrod Will Sue Breitbart

darthstar7/29/2010 9:59:03 am PDT

re: #19 Charles

I’m not sure Sherrod qualifies as a public figure — she was virtually unknown before Breitbart’s smear job.

I agree, the bar for defamation is high. But in this case, the malice is pretty easy to demonstrate, as is the deliberate editing. And she can easily show damages, from the loss of her job and false portrayal of her as a “reverse racist.”

It will be interesting to see what comes of this. There’s no doubt in my mind that some kind of correction of the right wing blogosphere’s out of control smearing of their enemies is desperately needed. They’re insane and running amok.

I just like the thought of Breitbart having to find and pay lawyer who will argue his side…maybe he’ll get Orly Taitz…she’d be perfect for him. Then again, he’ll probably claim he’s being victimized and in a fit of irony go to the ACLU for legal relief.