
Sunday Night Time-Lapse: Helvetia's Dream

Mattand10/29/2012 11:16:39 am PDT

re: #781 Gretchen G.Tiger

I think there is a basic logic to types of communication. People in cold weather climates aren’t going to stand round in the snow gabbing niceties. We say or ask what we need get a concise answer and get in out of the cold. Same with busy metropolitan areas. We just don’t have time—we have to sit in traffic, or get to train station or us stop …

Warm weather people and rural people don’t have these things to deal with and tend to be “more polite”.

Personally, I think 10 minute messages on my voice mail to ask “will you watch my kid next thursday while hubby and I go to a event is really rude. Don’t take up my time with the why’s and wherefores I can figure it out. I’m a cold weather, metropolitan person.

I’m actually quite ambivalent about living in NJ. The problems stems from people looking at me like I live in some sort of toxic hellscape, with the implication that anyone who lives here is a fucking moron.

As I alluded to earlier, I used to work at a studio in just outside of Philly in Montgomery County. Took me nearly an hour each way to get there, and busted my ass the whole time.

That did not stop both management and my co-workers from “joking” with me that they hated NJ, and would be more than happy to see it leveled, save the Shore.

I had people from TX ask me why everyone was so “mean” up here, completely oblivious to many of the Lone Star State’s failings.

NJ is far from perfect, but I’m tired of looking the other way when these horseshit stereotypes are thrown in my face.

And quite frankly, anyone pushing them today, in light of the trouble we’re in from Sandy, is going to get an earful. Everyone has been warned.

EDIT: Changed “You have been warned” to “Everyone has been warned”