
Robert Stacy McCain's 300th Post on My Total Insignificance

Decatur Deb3/25/2011 6:19:47 pm PDT

re: #77 moderatelyradicalliberal

If Palin and Bachmann weren’t attractive we wouldn’t know who either of them are. Congresswomen Jean Shmitt and Virgina Foxx say the same kinds of things that Palin and Bachmann say, but they aren’t on TV all of the time or beloved by the right. Michelle Malkin is on TV a lot more often than K Lo is. GOP women can’t get any airtime or attention if they aren’t attractive. The far right is not only sexist, it’s lookist. If you aren’t causing starbursts, you don’t have much chance of being a conservative pundit or political icon.

It wasn’t always so:

Image: BE026456.jpg

The only Republican I almost voted for.