
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Targetpractice8/09/2011 8:06:14 am PDT

re: #809 Gus 802

There is always room for “job friendly” policies short of the Tea Party idea. Obama indicated as much with his regulatory review announcement last year. A GOP controlled Senate and House may not help the current economic crisis but it’s important to note that this economic crisis is global and outside the control of congress and the president. The jobs issue will remain a difficult one. The remaining job market is focused on the service industries and not manufacturing since there is no way we can compete with Chinese and 3rd world labor costs.

This puts the federal government in the position of being the prime employer during these hard times. For good reason and it does keep us from falling deeper into the hole. However, the long term goal should be in private job creation which has been a tough road considering the tightening of credit and the continually depressed real estate market and new construction (and other depressed markets). The cash is there and has been so for almost 2 years now.

Agreed, there are methods of spurring some job growth, even not explosive, at this time. With a functioning government, where both sides were less focused on their reelection chances and more on fixing this crisis, there might be a real chance at finding these methods out and implementing them. As is, we’re left with the choice of picking our poison.