
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Targetpractice8/09/2011 8:15:43 am PDT

re: #814 Gus 802

Pisses me off sometimes. Everyone is always screaming “the government, the government, the government!” in either direction. Yet the banks are sitting on a record pile of cash, the rich keep getting richer, many corporations continue to break profit records, the gap between the rich and the poor keeps widening, etc. The GOP keeps talking about tax cuts “creating jobs”. Yet it’s difficult to even see tax cuts having an effect when developers and investors can’t even get a bank loan. This after we helped them out with TARP and continue to funnel money to them through the Fed. It’s become a closed system favoring only financial institutions and not the people in the end.

Thing is, the GOP isn’t the only one with their fingerprints on this. The Democrats could have, in the past 2 years, taken on the banks and the ratings agencies. They certainly would have had plenty of public support in doing so. But they waved off that responsibility, making excuses about how doing so would “hurt” chances of a recovery and would “spook” Wall Street. So now, we’re left with banks that got saved with our tax dollars, but continue to bear absolutely no responsibility for their actions.

Whether it was willful collusion or weak-willed cowardice, I don’t know, but the Democrats had a duty to make the banks accountable and they shirked it.