
A Picture of the End of a War

The Ghost of a Flea8/30/2021 7:51:08 pm PDT


Today I literally begged a contractor I know to the get vaccine. He’s scared shitless and his GP is apparently some old dude who’s also scared and uncertain. So I gave it my earnest best shot and then doubled down when he told me he was expecting his third kid.

I’m…burnt out right now because I’m dialectically furiously angry and incredibly sad. Over the weekend I learned someone that cared for me as a child died of COVID in April, and someone my mom depends on is sick right now with maybe-Delta but hasn’t been tested.

What I hate is that it isn’t that shit rolls downhill…it’s that people are making shit roll downhill.

Same applies to Afghanistan. We’re watching test runs of narratives that attribute blame to somebody other than the incredibly cozy set of politicians, generals, defense contractors, and media hacks that hang out together. Suddenly the blame is some kind of collective failure of America rather than mistakes and fuck-ups by the dudes who made decisions that the rest of us weren’t privy to.

Jesus, I’m tired.