
Live Video: Obama Speaks on Iraq

SanFranciscoZionist8/31/2010 7:55:05 pm PDT

re: #821 marjoriemoon

I made the awful mistake of getting into an argument with an anti-Semite on Yahoo once. You know the ones who “quote Talmudic writing”? Days later I got a notice at my account that told me I had violated TOS, but they didn’t say exactly what, and that my next warning, they would close my email account. It had to be that conversation because I don’t do anything with Yahoo.

I never read their news anymore unless I’m following a link.

The ‘Talmudic quotes’ shitheads made one key error. They did the ‘Talmudic quotes’ bit on me first. As a result, when they tell me the horrible secrets of Islam, I give them the stinkeye, ‘cause I know they’re filthy liars and I’ve already heard the routine.