
Overnight Open Thread

Dark_Falcon6/29/2009 8:55:17 am PDT

re: #812 3 wood

Sports Nerd Corner:

The debacle by the Cubs over the weekend in their collapse against the White Sox (including a 6 - 0 waxing yesterday) did more than just give Sox fans like me bragging rights with my Cub fans friends for another year.

It effectively ended the Cubs year in terms of being competitive for a Championship, cause the White Sox are not all that good this year either. The Cubs just don’t have the talent to compete.

But this is where you see the difference between organizations that actually want to win and those that really don;t care as long as they make money.

At this time, winning organizations would start cutting deals and trading away aging players to competitive teams for young prospect and draft picks to build for the future. In the short run that will cost some ticket sales
but the long term payoff is hopefully a much better team that has a chance to win it all in a year or two.

Teams that don’t care will stand pat as long as the fans keep buying tickets to watch their team lose.

The Cubs are now 101 years into a Championship dry spell.

Watch what the Cubs GM does the rest of the year and then make up you own mind as to whether the Cubs really want to win or not.

By the way manager Lou Piniella has given up. He just sits in the dugout now and watches his team make mistake after mistake and does nothing.

The Cubs suck so bad that it drains the fight out even the manager. Wait till next year.