
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Walter L. Newton1/31/2009 9:16:22 pm PST

re: #789 SurferDoc

How are you liking it so far?

I’m loving it. His humor is very clever, you can miss it if you are not paying attention. I’m up to around 70 pages in, sometimes he gets wordier that I care for, but I notice some of his best gems are hidden in those wordy passages.

I’m in the part where he is explaining the Templars to his two new found friends. That’s boring me since I could have written that section myself.

He certainly has a way with “odd” characters, they seem just a step out of phase with the rest of the world. Which keeps them believable but still unique.

Looking forward to the rest of it. But it is like a fine cigarette and a brandy. I’m also really looking forward to taking my time enjoying it, because I don’t want it to end.