
Cory Wong Brings the Funk to the DHL Supply Chain Warehouse: "Delivered"

Targetpractice4/04/2024 3:13:31 am PDT

re: #77 No Malarkey!

The important thing to know about the ‘intelligent design” movement is that it is a grift to divert taxpayer dollars away from science instruction in the vast public school educational system into the pockets of people who produce shoddy pseudoscience for the home school market.

That’s the long and short of it, getting “intelligent design’s” foot in the door to open up the lucrative educational materiel market and by doing so forcing other states to at least put their BS in front of students in the name of tight public school budgets limiting their choices for textbooks. Of course, you’d never see religious institutions reciprocate by putting “heathen” scientific texts in front of their rubes. The exchange is meant to be entirely one-way and only to one side’s financial benefit.