
Polling Shows Romney With Big Lead in Florida

Rightwingconspirator1/29/2012 11:35:02 am PST

re: #74 publicityStunted

I’d say they’re far more “altered” by what people decide to do with that wealth, and their attitudes to people who don’t have as much.

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates may not be perfect, but they’ve done staggeringly good things with their wealth, and don’t go around shitting all over poor people. The GOP does far too little of the former, and disgustingly large amounts of the latter. Ergo, $Romney == “douche” :)

Okay, I agree in principle. But the fact neither of them ever faced a fierce primary vetting has me questioning the choice. Hilariously, according to a couple sources I was just looking at Washington may have been our richest President ever.