
Tennessee Republicans Introduce Idiotic Anti-Sharia Bill Drafted by Racist Loon

Simply Sarah2/28/2011 10:07:19 am PST

I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry. I mean, from a practical standpoint, it sounds like this bill wouldn’t actually do anything, since a law even remotely close to what is described in the article would probably be struck down so fast the sponsors’ heads would spin (I don’t see a link to the text of it, so I can’t say for certain). It’s also not clear how much support actually exists in the legislature there for this, as it only states that the sponsors are party bigwigs.

All that being said, the fact that such a bill would be introduced at all (And by state party leaders, at that) is rather frightening and depressing. Even if laws such as this are blatantly unconstitutional and likely to be struck down quickly, just the fact that they are out there stokes the anti-Muslim (Or other disapproved minority) feelings that are already far out of control. And, as we saw in Oklahoma, there’s a lot of fear and confusion out there in the general public. Ugh.