
New Music From Yard Act: "Dream Job"

Targetpractice10/28/2023 9:11:38 pm PDT

re: #69 No Malarkey!

The second version of Battlestar Galactica was damn near perfect, so good luck to them.

It was…for the first few seasons. It really started to fall apart right around the New Caprica storyline, when they leaned in heavy on the religious elements on the show. And the finale…yeah, we could have really done without that.

The big overall issue with the series is that it suffered from Lost Syndrome: The writer’s room never had any idea where they were going with the story, and they couldn’t give it a satisfying finale so long as the studio kept ordering more seasons. So they burned through the few scripts they started the series with, then spent the rest of it tossing darts at a board and writing what they landed on.