
Thanksgiving Night Open

lawhawk11/29/2013 6:50:57 am PST

re: #61 Dark_Falcon

Wait a moment. So you’re also opposed to any effort to fight a referendum that enriches deep pockets, like say the Koch Brothers or any other deep pockets group that redistributes wealth by concentrating it in the hands of a few. Because redistribution of wealth is unacceptable as well? Or legislative votes that accomplish the same thing after lobbyists throw campaign contributions around to do the same thing?

On one side, you’ve willing to overlook the deep pockets individuals and groups who want to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few. On the other, you’re opposed to unions and groups that think that the economy benefits when everyone gets a living wage and those workers have more money to spend on buying goods and services produced by others. That same living wage reduces reliance on government programs that are part of the safety net (not only directly by not needing things like SNAP, but by paying more in taxes that goes to funding the safety net and other collective goods - like infrastructure, law enforcement, education, etc.)

Which makes more sense to support?