
Another Acoustic Guitar Virtuoso for Your Enjoyment: Adam Palma, "Gondolier"

Timothy Watson6/01/2017 5:20:27 am PDT

[media]Those poor neo-Nazis are being picked on by those evil left-wingers![/media]

In recent days, the tactics of local left-wing activists have been called into question following a number of incidents.

Jackson[, an independent candidate for City Council who is opposed to the removal of the Lee statue,] said the demonstration Wednesday was unnecessary, particularly in light of recent events.

“I think this is divisive because there’s no reason for them to be here,” he said as the event was getting started.

A week after the torch-lit demonstration, several white nationalists who participated in the event were confronted by about a dozen activists. The group, which included Fitzhugh, called them Nazis and ordered them to leave the Downtown Mall.

And recently, flyers featuring the personal information of those nationalists and other right-wing activists have appeared in the downtown area. The flyers were made by activists associated with Showing Up for Racial Justice Charlottesville.