
Seth Meyers: Trump Back in Court as Key Witness Says Trump Shared National Security Secrets

Targetpractice3/15/2024 2:09:40 am PDT

re: #82 No Malarkey!

There is a strong human bias in favor of the status quo and against strong solutions that rock the boat, as we see with climate change and the fight against the rise of fascism, both today and in the 20th Century.

It’s the convenience factor in play, as in which is easier to accept: Taking precautions up to and including ceasing favored actions in order to avoid sickness or popping a pill and continuing to act as if there is no problem? Changing your lifestyle and abandoning beloved activities to avoid accelerating/worsening climate change or paying a few bucks to a couple guys who promise to plant a tree “in your name”? To accept that yours is not the master race and history does not conform to your beliefs or vote for the fascist dictator and invest in earplugs to drown out the screaming?