
Colbert: Dana Carvey IS John Bolton

Smith25's Liberal Thighs3/29/2018 8:13:05 pm PDT

My wife and I both work at a private school; and we have only worked at a private school, so any affect to teacher pensions would not affect us directly.

We have many friends who are teachers in the public schools in KY. This is a terrible action that Republicans in this state and others have been working towards for years.

As a new Head Coach, Iā€™m connected on a listserv with other KY football head coaches. Some of them from rural school districts, and many of them holding quite conservative politics. Many of them staunch Republicans. While a coaching listserv at this time of the year is full of posts discussing who wants to schedule who, or posting of assistant coach openings; the last week or so, this bill has dominated the topics of the football coaches in KY. There are a large number of them that are within 5 years of retirement. This is a big deal. Large number of Conservative/Republican coaches are seeing the negative effect of conservative policies, and even they are starting to turn a little bit.

We will see where this goes soon.