
Gingrich: Park51 Community Center is 'Hostile to Our Civilization'

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/28/2010 11:59:46 pm PDT

re: #82 windsagio

The point of Godwin isn’t that the parallels aren’t there sometimes, but rather that they’re not necessarily that useful to make, due to overuse diluting the argument.

I mean I think you’re right they’re pretty nazish, but I would never bring it up because I think it would actually weaken my argument to make the comparison.

And that is simply wishful thinking that it isn’t as bad as it is. With the early Nazis, the average German thought they were nuts and would never amount to anything. The early Nazis were a joke. That is how they were allowed to fester so long amongst the uneducated classes.

People just like you in Germany of 1927 thought that they were loonies who would pass.

We are not in Germany of 1938, rather 27. The Az law for instance was written by people who quote Hitler’s 1927 Nuremberg rally speech almost verbatim. What does “to populate is to control” mean to you in the context of an anti immigration bill? What exactly was Hitler saying then and the Az people saying now?

No my friend, you are suffering from very wishful thinking.