
60 Minutes' Benghazi Eyewitness Asked Fox News for Money

ausador10/28/2013 3:01:02 pm PDT

And thus did the war of Benghazi semantics continueth into its second year, the forces of spontaneous being savaged by those of pre-planned in the arena of the kingdom of Fox.

Nether side was willing to admit that they were both saying the same thing only using different words. There could never be any surrender or quarter offered to such an intransigent and implacable foe.

Therefore the war between the two sides was fated to continue into perpetuity. Those who sided with the idea of local terrorists taking their prompting for an assault on the embassy annex from the protests in Egypt and calling them spontaneous on the one side.

Those who sided with the idea of local terrorists taking their prompting for an assault on the embassy annex from the protests in Egypt and calling them pre-planned upon the other.

Two sides doomed to engage each other over and over in their endless war of semantics that neither could ever hope to win. Much blood was let by grammar nazis and spelling checkers from both sides yet the final resolution of the conflict never seemed to get any closer.

And so things stood even as the year of our Lord 2014 approacheth…
