
The Rainiest Place on Earth (Or, How a Rainfall Simulator Saves Millions of Lives)

William Lewis1/27/2024 2:04:41 am PST

re: #88 silverdolphin

Dungeons & Dragons turns 50 this year, and there’s a lot planned for it

I played my first game at Caltech in 1975. The rules were copies - can’t remember if mimeographed or some early xerography. We played every Friday. One of the players wrote up each session as if it was something from Lord of the Rings for the campus newspaper. We designed our own dungeons and had to special order the weird dice which were of such poor quaility that the 20 sided dies quickly lost their edges to become balls.

My best character was a cleric that I leveled pretty quickly. He was one of the few sources of resurrection for players killed during a game. I think I started with being able to do one resurrection a week. I know I increased that but can’t remember how many.

This was mportant because my cleric took cash for a resurrection. So I became one of the wealthiest players without really having to do much. Perfect rent-seeking behavior.

So D&D taught me a lot about the real world.

I really didn’t get into roleplaying till Traveller’s 3 little black books dropped in 1977 following Star Wars. That hooked me hard (still play it). D&D came along after and I started with AD&D in 79, usually as a thief or “rogue” as they like to call ‘em these days 🤣 I’m currently doing a 11th level light domain Cleric/5th arcane Rogue in the 5E campaign I’m in. Magic Missile, Knock, Fire ball, heal & raise dead. Nice combo. NG alignment too. 😎