
Polling Shows Romney With Big Lead in Florida

kirkspencer1/29/2012 11:36:50 am PST

re: #62 rwmofo

Here’s the first sentence:

“Just how rich is Mitt Romney? Add up the wealth of the last eight presidents, from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. Then double that number. Now you’re in Romney territory.”

Hmmm, why did they conveniently decide to stop before getting to JFK? While Kennedy is mentioned later in the article, there’s no Romney/Kennedy comparison which would defeat the point of this AP article.

…and the USA Today is by no means conservative - and sourcing the Associated Press? C’mon.

So, Mitt has greater wealth than the last eight presidents added together, but maybe not the last nine, and it’s dishonest to just point out about the last eight?

It doesn’t help that JFK’s wealth is harder to measure. The Kennedy estate is estimated to be worth $1Billion today, but a) that’s today and b) JFK didn’t inherit the estate. Since we don’t add other Romney’s wealth to Mitt, honesty compels that we only measure JFK’s wealth. According to the State Department of Corporations and Taxation, JFK’s total estate was $1.9 Million at the time of his death. Even allowing for an eight-fold increase due to inflation that’s far below the estimated 200 to 250 million Romney personally holds.