
Rachael & Vilray: "Is a Good Man Real"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/01/2023 2:47:56 am PDT

re: #54 ckkatz

The Rachel Maddow show Monday night had an interesting ‘A’ segment on the current GOP troubles.

It is a rare thing to watch a major political party collapse in real time. We’ll have to see if the deep-pockets donors to the GOP step in to save the state parties, or if they decide there are so many nutbars in them that they throw in the towel and try to organise a new conservative party. (The Libertarian Party might have seemed to be a good fit, but being taken over by the Mises Caucus they’re full of nutbars, too.)

As for Harlan Crow and Tom Scafie supporting JFK, Jr., the message needs to get out to the centrist “pox on both your houses” and those who don’t pay attention to politics that a couple of conservative libertarians are trying to get the title and deed to JFK Jr. like they have on Justice Clarence Thomas.