
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/09/2011 9:39:15 am PDT

re: #940 Gus 802

Crap. Just watched one of Rick Perry’s ad for The Response. He’s standing in front of the American flag and the state flag of Texas. A semi official announcement if you will. A violation of the Establishment Clause IMO.

There is something downright sinister about Perry’s prayer meeting. He is no Bachmann, she at least appears to be sincere in her lunacy. Perry, otoh, has always been a transparently obvious corporate shill and Gilded Age throwback. Given the make-up of the prayer meeting, he apparently thinks that the interests of his corporate cronies are best served by aligning himself not just with the religious right, but with the craziest fringes of the religious right, the supernaturalists, dominionists, and conspiracy cranks. What is he aiming for here?