
Overnight Open Thread

Throbert McGee6/30/2009 8:46:27 am PDT

re: #540 iceweasel

Hey throbert!

I’m here, buzzsaw had to take off. Did you get to do that post you were thinking about?

Hey, Icy! I’m working on that post. After thinking about it, I decided that it would be better to present my arguments on my own blog and then link to it from an LGF Open Thread. But as a preview, here are a few selections from my posts responding to David Klinghoffer’s priceless essay How Women Will Be Hurt by Gay Marriage

“At the risk of getting too explicit, I leave it the reader’s basic grasp of anatomy to figure out why in ancient Rome a man who found pleasure in a woman, could also find pleasure in a man, while the record shows that a heterosexual woman rarely found sexual satisfaction in the company of another woman.”

Sheesh. Mr. Klinghoffer badly needs to acquaint himself with the terms “frot” and “scissoring” — both slang for NON-PENETRATIVE homosexual genital-to-genital rubbing, with frot being male/male and scissoring being female/female (as seen on South Park

(There’s oral-genital sex, too, of course, but my point is that sexual satisfaction doesn’t have to involve “insert Tab A into Slot B” — going Tab-to-Tab or Slot-to-Slot work splendidly, because pleasure is ultimately generated by FRICTION, and not by penetration.)

I point this one out, iceweasel, just to give you a little more background about me — promoting “frot” as a much healthier form of male/male sex than buttfucking has been a personal crusade of mine for several years now. But that’s incidental to the question of same-sex marriage and male bisexuality that I was talking about with buzzsaw yesterday.

More germane to that is this other response I made on Klinghoffer’s blog:

I think Klinghoffer’s essentially saying that homosexual coupling, whether man/man or woman/woman, shouldn’t be encouraged by society because bisexual men would walk away in droves from heterosexual marriage, and instead choose to marry other guys.

Thus, his claim is not that women are “lousy lovers,” but just that men who are able to be aroused by either men or women (i.e., bi dudes), if they had to pick just one partner to settle down with, would overwhelmingly tend to pick another man.

I’m not sure he’s right about that; my suspicion is that the urge to produce heirs is strong enough that most bi guys, if given their druthers, would prefer to marry a woman but have her permission to play around a little bit with other guys once in a while. (“Honey, since you’re PMSing and not in the mood for sex, I’m gonna go over to Steve’s house so he and I can give each other handjobs while we watch some bukkake videos, okay?”)

And I’m not just indulging in armchair speculation, here; I’m speaking as a homosexual dude who’s had several long-term “just j/o buddies” arrangements with bisexual married guys who were looking for low-risk M2M contact.

I know that last paragraph will sound like TMI² for a lot of lizards, but I just want to clearly establish my credentials, as it were — I’ve done plenty of empirical fieldwork with the “bi and/or str8-curious” subspecies of the human adult male.