
GOHMERT! God Will Punish America for Obama Dissing Netanyahu

palomino1/26/2015 9:10:57 pm PST

re: #96 Pawn of the Oppressor

I just wonder where all these preachers, prophets, conduits of god’s word, holy men, wandering mystics, and mighty wind speech-ifyers are going to get their fix after Obama leaves office.

They’re flying so high on hate and hysteria, it’s going to be a massive letdown when they no longer have things to scream about. No more nigra in the white house… No more death panels… No more antichrist… No more sekrit moozlim kenyan Mussobama, et cetera. Poor kids are going to have nothing to freak out about. What then?

They’ve built up this massive edifice of nothingness, a golden calf of hate that they MUST serve. I suppose they’ll spend the next two or three election cycles blowing smoke about how they need to “undo” the evils of Sith Lord Obama then?

All that paranoia and rage can’t just fade like a hangover. They’re going to have to turn it on somebody. Like the bullies they are, I imagine they’ll target women, brown people, and the poor in general.

They’ll find something to hate (namely Hillary if she wins), but they’ll continue to blame Obama til their dying breath. Hillary isn’t black, and her name is “real American.” But she’s still an alleged socialist atheist and closet lesbian. That should be enough to keep the rage machine going.