
The Best Part of the White House Correspondents' Dinner: President Obama's Anger Translator

Targetpractice4/26/2015 9:43:55 pm PDT

re: #94 HappyWarrior

You know why I am cynical about the GOP’s future? It’s that even their “young guns” i.e. Rubio, Cruz, Paul, and so many of the others are actually more reactionary than the old guard. Yes, it’s true that millenials (my generation) may be more progressive as a whole but that doesn’t mean the millenails that will run the GOP one day will be.

That’s what gets me when wingnuts tell me about how the Dems have no young stars, that the party is “old and decrepit.” You look at the GOP’s young stars and all of them are reading from a playbook as old as Goldwater and Reagan. It’s why it was so laughable when Rubio started his campaign by declaring Hillary the “candidate of yesterday,” when he’s pushing marriage policies that haven’t budged since the 90s.