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Searched LGF articles for: Palestinian Child Abuse (569 matches, in 23 pages)

Twitchy: "Jew-Hating Bitch Pelosi" Says Hamas is a Humanitarian Group (A Lie)

Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 8:44:35 pm
[large]Exhibit A[/large] 'Jew-hating bitch Pelosi' says Hamas is a humanitarian group — TwitchyTeam (@TwitchyTeam) July 30, 2014 A screenshot: CNS also reported as Pelosi: Qataris Have Told Me 'Hamas Is a Humanitarian Organization' which is more accurate. What Rep. Nancy Pelosi really said with context: PELOSI: Well, we all -- war is a ...

Anti-Immigration Loon William Gheen: Obama Gives Obamaphones to Migrant Kids So They'll Confiscate All Our Guns

Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 11:31:53 am
YouTube It's going to be awfully hard to find a loonier right wing rant than this one, as Americans for Legal Immigration PAC president William Gheen goes on the whacked-out Alex Jones show and concocts a freakish conspiracy theory (on the spot!) that President Obama is bringing in Central American children, ...

Violence Resumes in Gaza After Short Informal Lull

Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 10:19:50 am
Israel and Hamas are trading accusations today; the informal cease-fire collapsed when explosions hit a Palestinian refugee camp playground and an area near Gaza City's main hospital. Both sides are blaming the other for the blasts; Israel says they were caused by misfired Hamas rockets, while Hamas blames Israeli shelling. ...

The Terms of Kerry's Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Proposal - Update: Israel Rejects Kerry Proposal

Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 11:14:35 am
Via Haaretz, here are the terms of the Israel-Hamas cease-fire proposal from US Secretary of State John Kerry. Kerry's initiative stipulates the following terms: 1. A one-week, temporary cease-fire, starting Sunday, during which Israel Defense Forces troops will not leave the Gaza Strip entirely and will continue to locate and destroy ...

Another Fake Outrage From Jim Hoft: Feds Are "Secretly" Smuggling 30,000 "Illegal Children" Into States

Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 8:14:53 am
DERPAs another example of the tenuous hold The Gateway Pundit has on accuracy, check out this xenophobic, scaremongering headline: BREAKING: HHS Has Released 30,340 Unaccompanied Illegal Minors Across US This Year So breaking!! that it's been going on for the last six months, but to continue with the post. According to the ...

Jim Hoft's Latest Sick Crusade: Attack NGOs Receiving Federal Money to Shelter Immigrant Kids

Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 6:06:09 am
Apparently the latest thing over Jim Hoft's The Gateway Pundit blog is to pinpoint and attack any NGO that receives federal grants to care for undocumented immigrant children. A week ago. Hoft's "guest blogger" Kristinn Taylor torpedoed a shelter proposed by BCFS, a charitable organization based in San Antonio. Taylor declared, ...

Greenwald Wrong Again: The Real Reason NBC Correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin Was Pulled From Gaza

Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 2:11:45 pm
When NBC News correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin was recently called home from Gaza where he had been reporting on the conflict, our good friend Glenn Greenwald immediately took to The Intercept to post one of his over-heated propaganda pieces, very strongly insinuating that Mohyeldin was pulled out because his reporting was ...

Update: As a Father Who Lost His Children in Gaza, I Call for an End to This Bloodshed

Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 11:58:53 am
The man in the photo below, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, was born & raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza. He studied hard and received a scholarship to study medicine in Cairo, then went on to earn a diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University of London. He subsequently ...

Glenn Greenwald Smears Elizabeth Warren Using a Right Wing Attack Video

Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 3:28:03 pm
Sometimes Glenn Greenwald does something that really brings out his true agenda -- and it's not at all related to helping advance progressive causes. The most important thing to Greenwald often seems to be simple sabotage of the democratic process, with smear tactics and ugly personal attacks the order of ...

Do You Have a Misbehaving Child? Now There's "Naptime!"

Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 5:55:10 pm
Vimeo OK, I know it's a little on the sick side. But it's funny as hell. Notice the quickly scrolling list of states at the end in which NAPTIME is illegal.

Israeli Military Starts Ground Operations in Gaza

Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:16:38 pm
In the other big news of the day, the expected Israeli ground invasion of Gaza has begun. Israel sent ground forces into the Gaza Strip in a military offensive intended to stop the barrage of missiles fired by Hamas and other Palestinian militants, raising the stakes of the 10-day-old conflict ...

Gateway Pundit Claims the "Obama Admin" Awarded a "$50M Contract" to House Migrant Children: A Bald-Faced Lie

Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 1:47:16 pm
DERPFollowing up on the ridiculously awful post at Gateway Pundit highlighted by Alouette, let's take a closer look at the claim made by Jim Hoft's guest poster Kristinn Taylor in this screaming headline: FEDS TO OPEN $50 MILLION RESORT for ILLEGAL CHILDREN - Complete With Tennis Courts, Sauna & Pools ...

Children's Home Bids on Rundown Motel to House Immigrants, Dim Jim Hoft's Head Explodes

Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:37:48 pm
More: Hotel to Undergo Transformation Into Immigrant Center DIM JIM HOFT SCREAMS: FEDS TO OPEN $50 MILLION RESORT FOR ILLEGAL CHILDREN - Complete With Tennis Courts, Sauna & Pools via @gatewaypundit — Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) July 16, 2014 WESLACO - A center for unaccompanied minors set to open in Weslaco ...

Sarah Palin's EXCLUSIVE Word Salad of the Day: Time to INPEACH!

Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 11:07:54 am
Hang on to your tricorne hat and pantaloons, because it's time for another EXCLUSIVE BREAKING BOMBSHELL word salad from the half-wit half-governor, brought to you by the crazed heirs of Andrew Breitbart: EXCLUSIVE--SARAH PALIN: 'IT'S TIME TO IMPEACH' PRESIDENT OBAMA. President Obama's rewarding of lawlessness, including his own, is the ...

Two Young, Gun-Wielding Mothers Appear Side-by-Side on Twitter

Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 11:03:27 am
Holly Fisher, aka "Holly Hobby Lobby," thought she was being pretty clever tweeting her super-patriotic selfie this week. There she is, standing in front of a huge American flag, with a huge Bible in her left arm, and a serious looking assault rifle in her right. Take that, librulz! Holly Fisher aka ...

Dr. Ben Carson Cites Far Right Crank W. Cleon Skousen in Speech Against Gay Marriage

Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 10:23:34 am
Dr. Ben Carson (Young Earth Creationist, Birther) recently cited a book called The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen, in a speech against marriage equality: If you look at the writings of a lot of the neo-Marxists, when they talk about the New World Order, they say there's only one ...

NSA Responds to FOIA Request: No Record of Snowden Challenging Spying

Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 12:31:48 pm
NSA leaker Edward Snowden has been claiming for months that he sent numerous emails to NSA officials and the Office of General Counsel, trying to "blow the whistle" on illegal practices before stealing as much information as possible and fleeing the country. But a month ago, the NSA released the only ...

Video: George Will Stands by His Column on Sexual Assault

Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:38:43 pm
YouTube I'm going out on a limb to predict that George Will's attempt to man-splain his recent column on sexual abuse and rape, in which he claimed women report rapes so they can be afforded the "coveted status" of "privileged" victimhood, isn't going to win anyone over to his weird, heartless ...

The Sneering Dishonesty and Hypocrisy of Glenn Greenwald, Part 294

Fri, May 30, 2014 at 12:19:24 pm
It won't come as a shock to anyone who reads LGF that I have zero respect for Glenn Greenwald; the man is a raving egomaniac with no ethics or honesty who poses as the most ethical and honest person in the world, and a vicious smear artist who specializes in ...

NSA Releases Email From Snowden: Did Not Report Abuse or Wrongdoing

Thu, May 29, 2014 at 11:11:11 am
Edward Snowden claims he sent numerous emails to NSA officials and the Office of General Counsel, trying to "blow the whistle" before he decided it wasn't working and he needed to steal as much top secret material as he could before fleeing the country. Yesterday, after his interview with Brian Williams, ...

Maya Angelou Passes Away, Right Wingers Spew Hatred and Racism

Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:15:42 am
Beloved American poet Maya Angelou passed away today at age 86. Maya Angelou, the memoirist and poet whose landmark book of 1969, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" -- which describes in lyrical, unsparing prose her childhood in the Jim Crow South -- was among the first autobiographies by ...

Joe the Plumber to Families of Isla Vista Victims: 'Your Dead Kids Don't Trump' the 2nd Amendment

Tue, May 27, 2014 at 5:31:32 pm
Right wing fringe figures like Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (dubbed "Joe the Plumber" in one of the most hideous political moments in recent history) are still covering themselves in glory, following the awful mass murder in Isla Vista. Joe's message to the families of the victims: he's really sorry and all, ...

Ted Cruz Demands John F. Kerry's Resignation for Using the Word "Apartheid"

Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 3:39:06 pm
YouTube Secretary Kerry should offer President Obama his resignation, and the President should accept it. — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) April 28, 2014 Sen. Ted Cruz, always first out of the demagogue's gate, is demanding that Secretary of State John F. Kerry resign following his private remarks to a group of world ...

Anti-gay pundits deplete national supply of Nazi comparisons, irony

Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 9:55:31 am
The gays are going to force us all into tolerating them, Or kill us. Or tolerance-camp us. Something that requires a pre-emptive strike by the forces of decency...which will coincidentally take the form of policing the population for gayness, criminalizing gayness, and maybe forced reparitive camps. And the occasional ...

Rick Perry Refuses to Comply With Anti-Prison Rape Law

Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 11:17:55 am
Yesterday, this happened: creationist Texas Governor Rick Perry came out strongly in favor of letting prison rape continue unabated. "I will not sign your form and I will encourage my fellow governors to follow suit," Perry wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, the first governor to make ...

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