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Searched LGF articles for: The Protocols of the Daily Kos (601 matches, in 25 pages)

Irshad Manji Goes 'Post-Wing'

Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 8:01:45 pm
A shout out to LGF from Irshad Manji: Take a cue from Charles Johnson. He runs a blog called LittleGreenFootballs. As The Daily Beast’s Jon Avlon notes, “Johnson had risen to prominence as a committed anti-jihadist — a cause he continues to fight. ‘I used to get pretty nasty emails ...

Wingnut Insanity of the Day

Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:28:28 pm
This one comes to you courtesy of wingnut kingpin (and de facto head of the GOP) Rush Limbaugh, who titles his bizarre post: Michelle Obama, Birther. Limbaugh’s red meat for the slavering hordes is a video clip of Michelle Obama in 2008, in which she mentioned Barack Obama’s “home country” of ...

So That's What 'Republican Whip' Means

Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:59:47 am
The party of family values. The latest scandal to dog the Republican National Committee—a $1,946 tab at the Los Angeles club Voyeur in February, first reported Monday by the Daily Caller—is tame by Washington standards and far from the electoral fodder some Democrats are making it out to be. Even ...

PJM's Stephen Green: 'Tarring and Feathering Needs to Come Back'

Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:56:34 am
After my last encounter with Stephen Green, in which he put his reputation on the line to defend white supremacist blogger Robert Stacy McCain, it’s not surprising to see Green being called out by TPM for advocating bringing back tarring and feathering. And possibly more. In the post, titled “Put ...

Pamela Geller Goes Nuts Over 'Census Stalkers'

Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 9:43:16 am
Newsmax columnist and wingnut blogger Pamela “Shrieking Harpy” Geller is losing her marbles today over being contacted by census workers, calling them “Census Stalkers.” For the past month I have been called, harassed and visited by a Pamela Childs of the Census Bureau, who was pursuing me for an interview. ...

Another Catholic Priest Abuse Scandal

Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 6:02:51 pm
Here we go again, with yet another horrifying child sex abuse scandal involving the Catholic Church — this time in Germany: German Catholic schools at center of abuse scandal. The first accusers came forward a month ago in Berlin. Since then, the list of schools and victims who say they ...

A Fascist Summit Meeting in Belgium

Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 10:35:35 am
Here’s some interesting news from the far right scene in Europe. For years, the Belgian Vlaams Belang party (a European party promoted by “anti-jihad” bloggers such as Pamela Geller, Gates of Vienna, and Brussels Journal) tried to deny they had any connection to the neo-Nazi British National Party. Well, they just ...

Shocka: Hamas Founder's Son Spied for Israel

Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:15:13 am
Here’s a surprise from the Middle East: the son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef spied for Israel for more than ten years. The son of one of Hamas’s founding members was a spy in the service of Israel for more than a decade, helping prevent dozens of Islamist suicide ...

Video: World Net Daily Columnist Supports Uganda Death Penalty for Gays

Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 5:46:34 pm
World Net Daily columnist Molotov Mitchell comes right out and defends Uganda’s bill to make homosexuality a capital offense — because “God created the death penalty” for gays. This caveman even quotes Martin Luther King as some kind of twisted support for his “kill the gays” rant. This has to be ...

Video: Daily Mail Fails Again

Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 6:19:37 pm
Here’s another excellent video by ‘potholer54’ on the latest wildly overblown climate change denial claims; this one deals with the BBC’s interview with Phil Jones, and the absurd distortions touted by the Daily Mail and uncritically parroted by a host of right wing bloggers. [Video]

Avlon: The Return of the Fright Wing

Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 9:07:03 am
John Avlon has a piece at The Daily Beast on the appalling rise in conservative circles of the once marginalized John Birch Society, and their co-sponsorship of CPAC: Return of the Fright Wing. When the John Birch Society announced that it would be co-sponsoring CPAC, its press release declared that ...

Ron Paul Fans Post Tributes to Rabid Antisemite

Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 12:36:58 pm
This month, the two main Ron Paul-related websites (“Campaign for Liberty” and “The Daily Paul”) both published eulogies for author Eustace Mullins, who recently died at the age of 86. The Daily Paul’s version: Eustace Mullins Passes On. Legendary author of scores of books and pamphlets demolishing the lies of ...

Book of the Week: Wingnuts

Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 4:37:03 pm
John Avlon, senior political columnist for The Daily Beast and former speechwriter for Rudy Giuliani, has a new book out called Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America — a subject near to my heart, especially recently. (And somewhere in there you’ll even find a paragraph featuring a quote ...

The Daily Mail's Latest Lie About Climate Change

Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 9:41:15 am
The Daily Mail’s story by David Rose, claiming that climate scientist Phil Jones “admitted” there has been no global warming since 1995, is completely false. Journalism at its most irresponsible. There really ought to be a law. At least there ought to be consequences. The BBC interviews Phil Jones: B - ...

Video: Jon Stewart and John Oliver Confront Hawaiian Socialism

Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:44:19 pm
John Oliver’s Daily Show segment on health care in Hawaii is a classic. [Video]

Monday Morning Craziness: Orly Taitz Says Obama Has 39 Social Security Numbers

Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 10:26:24 am
Orly Taitz, queen bee of the Birther movement at the Nashville Tea Party Convention, uncorks some classic paranoid fantasies in this video clip; Obama has 39 Social Security numbers, according to Taitz, one of them issued to a man born over 100 years ago. “So what,” you might say. “Any random ...

TeaBagCon: Where Have All the Young People Gone?

Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 8:39:45 pm
Here’s an interesting note on TeaBagCon, from a roundup of the first day’s craziness by Mary C. Curtis at Politics Daily: A funny thing about the break-out session “How to Involve the Youth in the Conservative Movement” – not too many young people showed up. Mishelle Perkins, a 44-year-old mother ...

Breitbart Shocked, Shocked to Find That Birtherism is Going on at TeaBagCon

Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 12:07:55 pm
There are reports that the Tea Party Convention organizers are planning a press conference today to denounce Birtherism, after Joseph Farah’s speech last night. It seems a little late to start worrying about it, the day after the keynote speaker unleashed a full-on paranoid Birther rant to a cheering audience and ...

Birtherism Takes Center Stage at TeaBagCon - Update: Gets Standing Ovation

Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 6:40:55 pm
Joseph Farah of World Net Daily gives us a preview of his speech to the First National Tea Party Convention: What I’ll say today at 1st Tea Party Convention. Here’s a sneak peak at what I will be talking about in my keynote address to the first National Tea Party ...

Poll: Bad Craziness in the GOP Base, Part 2

Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:24:41 am
Imagine my surprise that linking to a piece about a disturbing Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll of Republicans prompted several hyper-emotional meltdowns in our comments, and three hate mails so far today. Apart from the insult-spewers, though, many readers wanted to know exactly which questions were asked, and where the samples came ...

Poll: Bad Craziness in the GOP Base

Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:01:40 pm
A new poll conducted among 2,000 self-identified Republicans by Daily Kos and Research 2000 shows that the Republican base is possibly even crazier than I previously thought: Poll: Republicans Think Obama Is A Socialist, And Palin More Qualified To Be President. [Item List] Oh brother.

New Study: US Weather Stations Not Biased Toward Warming

Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 11:31:41 am
Former TV weatherman Anthony Watts has been engaged in an ongoing attack on the reliability of the US network of surface weather stations, claiming that poor placement of the stations has resulted in data that’s biased toward the warm side. Watts set up the website to coordinate photographic evidence ...

A Reply to Dennis Prager's Open Letter

Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:38:41 pm
In many ways I have an enormous amount of respect for Dennis Prager; unlike some of his fellow talk radio hosts, he gets deep into the issues, and for the most part refrains from demagoguery. And he and I have many things in common, particularly an understanding of the danger ...

Re: An Open Letter to Charles Johnson

Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 11:01:45 am
I have some business in the analog world today, so I’ll have a more detailed response to Dennis Prager’s article (posted at several conservative websites today) a bit later. But in the meantime I’ll just make one point about his conclusion: 10. Hatred for President Obama that goes far beyond ...

Report: New York Times Will Put Up a Pay Wall

Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 8:34:24 pm
The New York Times may be about to start charging people for online access to their articles, using a system in which readers can sample a few free articles before being required to subscribe. Apparently, they’re hoping that their bad experience with Times Select, the previous attempt to put some ...

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