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Searched LGF articles for: The Protocols of the Daily Kos (601 matches, in 25 pages)

Was the Birther Conspiracy Theory Really Started by Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 2:03:12 pm
Today I saw this tweet go by on Twitter, from a writer for conservative site The Federalist, blaming Hillary Clinton "minions" for launching the Birther conspiracy theory that now dominates so much of the right wing: Weird, I don't recall you condemning Hillary's minions for *starting* the birther nonsense — ...

The Huge Right Wing Anti-Choice Fake Outrage of the Day

Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 1:31:37 pm
Well, there's another bogus, heavily edited James O'Keefe-style propaganda video being frantically circulated all over the right wing media and blogs, attacking Planned Parenthood. Yes, again. I'm not going to embed this deceptive video, but here's a link to it at YouTube if you really think you need to see it. ...

Chuck C. Johnson's Suit Against Gawker Has Really Been Filed

Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 12:29:01 pm
Today Adam Steinbaugh tweeted a screenshot to me, showing that Chuck Johnson has actually filed his lawsuit against Gawker in Missouri: @Green_Footballs — Adam Steinbaugh (@adamsteinbaugh) June 22, 2015 I recommend reading Steinbaugh's post on this entirely frivolous suit, for the full flavor of its ridiculousness: Chuck Johnson Files Libel Lawsuit ...

Chuck Johnson's Petition to Sue Gawker Media

Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:39:58 pm
Believe it or else, Chuck Johnson appears to be going through with his numerous threats to sue Gawker Media and several of their writers individually. Here's a document leaked by someone (can you guess who might do this?) that lays out this laughable case. I hope you're not drinking anything ...

Sunday Times Report: Russia and China Have Cracked Snowden's Cache of Secret Docs

Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 4:49:21 pm
The Daily Beast has advance word on a report coming out in The Sunday Times that Russia and China have cracked the top-secret cache of files stolen from the NSA by Edward Snowden, and that intelligence agencies are now engaged in "rescue operations" in hostile countries. I've been saying ever since ...

Lindsey Graham Says He'll Have a "Rotating First Lady"

Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 1:41:26 pm
Lindsey Graham says being a bachelor is really no impediment to getting elected President, and he even has a great plan to handle that uncomfortable situation when people ask, "But where's your First Lady?" Lindsey Graham Says He'll Have a 'Rotating First Lady'. "I've got a lot of friends. We'll ...

Chuck Johnson Threatens Everybody: "This Will Be the Summer of Justice!"

Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:07:09 pm
BEWARE, journalists! Chuck is COMING FOR YOU! When even Daily Caller hack Betsy Rothstein mocks you openly, as she does in this interview with Chuck "Babycakes" Johnson (she calls him "Gingerhead" throughout), you know you've got no friends left even on the loony right: BEWARE! Charles Johnson Is on the Warpath ...

Pamela Geller: Burmese Muslims Had It Coming

Wed, May 6, 2015 at 3:54:24 pm
In her recent Time magazine piece, Pamela Geller denies that she and her organization, American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), were "asking for it" when their "Draw the Prophet" contest was attacked by Muslim extremists on Sunday. She claims they were fighting for "freedom," but how does she feel about the ...

Important Note to Journalists Writing About Pamela Geller: Please Stop Calling LGF a "Conservative Site"

Tue, May 5, 2015 at 6:00:45 pm
Tonight I want to draw your attention to two good pieces on hate group leader Pamela Geller, but even though I agree with the basic direction of these articles I want to make a separate point, and I'll quote the paragraphs that I have issues with. First, Alan Feuer in the ...

Right Wingers Are Shrieking About New Daily Show Host Trevor Noah Because of Course

Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:44:50 am
It's getting harder and harder to check in on right-wing "news" sites, just to see what the topics of conversation are. I've long felt that one of the biggest threats to our democracy is that educated people insulate themselves in an echo chamber where they only hear thoughts and opinions ...

AZ GOP Lawmaker Suggests Law Requiring Church Attendance

Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 4:59:52 pm
YouTube Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen, who is a Republican if you can believe that, suggested this week (while explaining her vote for a bill that would allow people to carry guns basically everywhere) that Arizona lawmakers should debate a bill to force citizens to attend church on Sunday. You can't ...

Rick Santorum Meets the Crazies at the "South Carolina National Security Action Summit"

Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 2:13:47 pm
YouTube Did you know President Obama tried to nuke Charleston? Yes, he really did, honest! It's amazing how well the left wing media covered this up! The look on Santorum's face is classic, as a "retired schoolteacher" rambles on and on spewing one batshit crazy World Net Daily talking point after another. ...

Mickey Kaus Quits Daily Caller After Tucker Carlson Pulls Critical Fox News Column

Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 3:13:32 pm
The fascinating thing about this report that Mickey Kaus has quit working for The Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's flat out admission that he has a policy of not criticizing Fox News -- and will pull any column that does: Mickey Kaus Quits Daily Caller After Tucker Carlson Pulls Critical ...

Capitol Police Detain and Question Chuck C. Johnson About Stalking Behavior

Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:51:41 pm
Our stalker pal Chuck C. Johnson has told his story about being detained and questioned by Capitol Police at a fundraiser for John Boehner in Bakersfield last weekend, to Daily Caller hack Betsy Rothstein: Capitol Police Detain Charles Johnson For Attending Boehner Fundraiser. This is the most interesting bit: Police asked ...

DOJ Preparing Corruption Charges Against Sen. Bob Menendez, Chuck C. Johnson Starts Boasting

Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:20:06 pm
Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez will be facing criminal corruption charges, according to CNN: Washington (CNN)The Justice Department is preparing to bring criminal corruption charges against New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, a Democrat, alleging he used his Senate office to push the business interests of a Democratic donor and friend in ...

World Net Daily Crackpot Says Officials Who Skip Netanyahu's Speech Should Be Hanged - Especially the Black Ones

Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 11:12:51 am
SoundCloud Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is giving a very controversial address to Congress tomorrow, as you've probably heard; some Democrats are reportedly considering boycotting the speech, because it's an egregious violation of the usual diplomatic protocols. And it's not just US Democrats who think John Boehner's invitation to Netanyahu was ...

Right Wing Crackpot Chuck C. Johnson Wants You to Pay Him to Send Him a Story Tip

Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 2:02:27 pm
Our hilarious Chuck C. Johnson story of the day: the guy who outs Ebola and rape victims and thinks President Obama is secretly gay has now launched something he calls a "tip engine:" Submit a Tip to GotNews - GotNews. Lots of sites have a way for readers to send in ...

Brian Williams Announces Hiatus From NBC Nightly News for "Several Days"

Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 1:22:21 pm
Here's the statement from Brian Williams at NBC: In the midst of a career spent covering and consuming news, it has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions. As Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News, I have decided ...

New Video of Obama's 2008 Autism Statement Destroys the Claim He Was "Pandering to Anti-Vaxxers"

Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 9:49:43 pm
YouTube Brandon Wall of the Chicago Sun-Times dug up the full video of that Barack Obama campaign appearance in Pennsylvania in 2008, and it's fascinating to see the complete context of his remarks about autism and vaccines -- because it makes it extremely clear that he was not saying the "science ...

Rand Paul's Comment About Parents 'Owning' Children Was Not Random

Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 11:00:22 am
I hang around libertarians more often than you might guess. Some of them are even nice! But they're rare. Mostly I hang around libertarians to better understand how political intuition can go so far off the rails for some things. Found this on Google Images, turns out it was from a ...

The Sad State of Affairs at GotNews

Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 11:19:51 am
You may not have realized it, since Chucky has been tweeting up a storm lately, but things have been strangely quiet over at his flagship media enterprise GotNews. His last "BREAKING" story? Posted three days ago: BREAKING: Here's A Picture of Ted Cruz With All Of His Trophies #TedCruz Crimes Therein, one ...

Estimated 1 Million People Turn Out in Paris to Support Charlie Hebdo

Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 11:27:00 am
An estimated one million people march against terrorism in Paris. — New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) January 11, 2015 An enormous crowd has turned out in Paris for a demonstration of solidarity with French satirical journal Charlie Hebdo, and the US right wing is going utterly batshit nuts denouncing ...

Breaking! Chuck C. Johnson Conclusively Proves He's Totally Clueless About Digital Imagery

Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 12:46:43 pm
This one will go down in the annals of Chuck C. Johnson's very worst failures, an utterly ludicrous and flat out stupid post titled: BREAKING: We Can Conclusively Prove That #PrinceAndrew Underaged Prostitute Photo Is Fake - GotNews. Chuck has gotten it in his thick head that a picture of Prince ...

Right Wing Stalker Chuck C. Johnson Attacks Mayor De Blasio's Family

Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 11:30:19 am
Our stalker pal Chuck C. Johnson is now targeting the family of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio for his special kind of right wing hate attack, and using Twitter to ask his knuckle-dragging followers to help and give him money: We are beginning necessary research of vetting #BillDeBlasio's whole family. ...

Award-Winning Journalist Chuck C. Johnson Falls for Another Hoax

Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 5:32:30 pm
Stand back, folks, professional smear merchant Chuck C. Johnson is at it again with another HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE story smearing Rolling Stone writer Sabrina Erdely, his latest target: BREAKING: #UVAHoax Journalist #SabrinaRubinErdely Had "Problem Boyfriends" in College - GotNews. The mandatory screenshot: Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the disgraced journalist at the center ...

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