Fox News: We Love Picking Cherries but Just Hate Aliens

Republicans decry ‘deadly’ policy
Politics • Views: 28,879

Here we go boys and girls, one more attempt by Fox and the Republicans to spin, color and skew public opinion against rational policies put in place by their favourite hate target, Obama and the Dems.

The caption reads:

Republicans decry ‘deadly’ policy as report shows illegal immigrants committing new crimes

Followed by the summary paragraphs (where most readers of Fox News stop, I warrant):

Roughly one in six illegal immigrants is re-arrested on criminal charges within three years of release, according to new government data being released Tuesday.

Those charges range from murder to drunken-driving and, according to House Republicans pushing out the report, are symptoms of what they describe as a “dangerous and deadly” immigration policy.

The implication here is that one in six illegal immigrants are arrested at least twice, with some ungodly high number of illegal immigrants arrested at least once. They make the attempt to equate illegal immigrants (later they do it to any immigrant) with violent crime.

Let’s take a look at the numbers.

First off, the database includes only those immigrants who were arrested between Oct 27, 2008 and July 31, 2011. It does not include all immigrants nor does it include all illegal immigrants.

The entire database contains 174,777 individuals.

Of those 174,777, 46796 are illegal immigrants, 96731 are legal immigrants and 559 are unknown.

[UPDATE] Correction, I missed Legal Permanent Residents under legal immigrant. The new total is reflected above. (96731)

The report had several questions to be answered, each of which narrowed the field from the previous answer.

  1. How many individuals were identified through Secure Communities but not taken into custody?
  2. Of those what is the breakdown of US citizen, non-citizen and immigrant status?
  3. Of those non-citizens, how many were re-arrested?
  4. Of those re-arrested, what was their immigration status?
  5. Of those re-arrested, what offences led to re-arrest?

Here is the breakdown of the CHRI checks for aliens:

US Citizen					10867
Non-Immigrant BCC			868
Illegal						37135
Illegal under proceedings	2997
Lawful Perm Res				88693
Legal						10158
Legal under proceedings		1122
Legal Non-immigrant			15714
Removed						4561
Outstanding warrant			2103
Undetermined				519
Missing						40
Total in database			174777

Here is the breakdown of non-citizens who were not held in custody:

Non-Immigrant BCC			860
Illegal						36446
Illegal under proceedings	2750
Lawful Perm Res				86535
Legal						9201
Legal under proceedings		995
Legal Non-immigrant			15427
Removed						4538
Outstanding warrant			2005
Undetermined				490
Missing						39
Total						159286

Here is the breakdown of immigrants who were re-arrested:

Illegal						5210
Illegal under proceedings	480
Lawful Perm Res				16105
Legal						1433
Legal under proceedings		191
Removed						1015
Outstanding warrant			387
Undetermined				197
Missing						19
Total						25037

Since the main story line from Fox is the inability of the Obama administration to do anything about the alien problem, we can remove the numbers for those the Obama administration is obviously attending to, such as both legals and illegals under removal proceedings as well as those already removed and those with warrants for removal.

Total # of illegal immigrants re-arrested	5210 (20.8%)
	Recidivism rate							14.3%
Total # of legal immigrants re-arrested		17538 (70%)
	Recidivism rate							18.32%
Total unknown or missing re-arrested		216 (.86%)
Total being processed by OA					2073 (8.28%)

Overall US recidivism rate = 44.1% to 67.5% [Link:…]

Overall immigrant recidivism rate = 15.72%

Maybe the US should keep the immigrants and get rid of everybody else?

More from Fox:

They allegedly committed nearly 8,500 drunken-driving offenses and more than 6,000 drug-related violations. The records also show major criminal offenses, which included murder, battery, rape, kidnapping and nearly 3,000 thefts. Roughly 2 percent of the crimes included carjacking, child molestation, lynching and torture, according to the 13-page Congressional Research Service report.

If we use the information in the report on only those individuals ICE had the authority to bring action against we find different numbers.

Drug violations				1420 (8.7%)
Major Criminal Offences		852 (5.2%)
Thefts						489 (3%)
Other Violent Crimes		253 (1.6%)

Total Offences				16226

Fox really screws up next, by making a statement that some of the offences included child molestation, lynching and torture when the report lists those under a general definition of a category called Other Violent Offences but does not specify those in the breakdown.

How is Fox claiming there were lynching and tortures when they have no evidence for or against?

Jump to bottom

1 Artist  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 2:16:15pm
How is Fox claiming there were lynching and tortures when they have no evidence for or against?

That's never stopped them before.

2 aagcobb  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:03:54pm

Evidence? Fox don't need no steenkeen evidence!

4 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:16:55pm

re: #3 Kragar

Fox News contributor wants to test voters before letting them vote

Same applies if you don't accept science.

5 Charles Johnson  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:18:15pm

Promoted! Good job digging up those stats and putting them in context.

6 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:25:20pm

Excellent page, b!

7 alexknyc  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:26:33pm

I don't think your numbers from the database add up-- 46796+96731+559=144086 not 174,777.

Unless I missed something, which is always a possibility.

8 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:27:41pm

I can safely say you've done more journalism on this than anyone at Fox.

9 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:28:32pm

Holy shit. Harry Reid takes the gloves off, pulls out a switchblade and just starts slashing like a madman:

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

"His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son," Reid said, in reference to George Romney's standard-setting decision to turn over 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in the late 1960s.

Saying he had "no problem with somebody being really, really wealthy," Reid sat up in his chair a bit before stirring the pot further. A month or so ago, he said, a person who had invested with Bain Capital called his office.

"Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years," Reid recounted the person as saying.

"He didn't pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain," said Reid. "But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look?

10 alexknyc  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:35:53pm

re: #9 goddamnedfrank

Holy shit. Harry Reid takes the gloves off, pulls out a switchblade and just starts slashing like a madman:

It's OK that Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years. He was just taking Harry Reid at his word-- taxes are voluntary.

Politics is strange-- Harry wouldn't have supported George Romney either.

11 RadicalModerate  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:36:21pm

re: #3 Kragar

Fox News contributor wants to test voters before letting them vote

A couple of the questions I'm sure that the folks over at FoxNews would like to include on their voter "literacy" test - with a "wrong" answer giving an automatic disqualification would likely include:

How old is the universe?
What was the root cause of the American Civil War?

12 austin_blue  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:36:28pm

And today is runoff day in Texas!

And Kay Bailey's Senate seat is open.

If you're a Dem, you get to choose between Paul Sadler, a relatively Conservative Dem, or a retired San Antonio educator.

If you're an R, you get to choose between Light Gov David Dewhurst and former Solicitor General Ted Cruz, who having spent the past two months kicking each others' guts out, are no longer neck and neck.

The funny thing is, we are having the runoff now because Dewhurst pushed through a Photo ID Voter bill. Because of the delay, it now looks like Cruz will win. He's the Tea Party darling.

Oh, and since the Voter ID bill has been delayed until at least next year, my precinct was just crawling with illegals, just a'votin' left and right.

13 blueraven  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:36:47pm

re: #9 goddamnedfrank

"Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years," Reid recounted the person as saying.

Ouch! If that is true, OMG

14 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:37:22pm

re: #9 goddamnedfrank

Holy shit. Harry Reid takes the gloves off, pulls out a switchblade and just starts slashing like a madman:

I hate to break it to you but it's probably not true (not that it makes much difference these days).
CNN: Calling BS on Reid's Bain tax claims

One of two things has happened: (1) Reid is simply making the whole thing up, in order to pressure Romney into releasing tax returns for years prior to 2010, or (2) Reid's investor pal lied, and the Senator didn't bother to conduct even a mild vetting before sharing the accusation with reporters. Either way, shame on gossipy gentleman from Nevada.

Let me make this crystal clear: Investors in private equity funds do not receive, nor are they entitled to request, personal tax returns for fund managers. Not just at Bain Capital, but everywhere. For example, ask the person managing your 401(k) for their personal tax returns. See how far you get.

What makes this particular claim even sillier, of course, is that Romney hasn't even been managing Bain funds for the past 10 years (no matter when you believe he left the firm). He's been a silent investor like Harvard and MIT. Think the guy managing private equity for Harvard can get the personal tax returns of the guy managing private equity for MIT? Yes, that's another rhetorical question.

15 makeitstop  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:39:18pm

Right on cue.

Who's to say that Bain investor didn't hear that Romney didn't pay any taxes for ten years from Mitt himself? It's entirely possible.

16 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:41:43pm

re: #14 Killgore Trout

I hate to break it to you but it's probably not true (not that it makes much difference these days).
CNN: Calling BS on Reid's Bain tax claims

I agree that Reid is overreaching. However Romney is almost certain to have paid little to no taxes in 2008 and 2009, using capital losses from the tanking economy to offset any obligation he had in those years. That's the reason he doesn't want to release more, because if those two years come out then he'd have to release many more years worth of returns to show that the 2008/2009 returns were anomalous. Pretty soon he's back in the Bain grey area of 1999 to 2002, where it would be interesting to see what he listed his primary profession as.

17 makeitstop  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:43:18pm

That CNN piece is crawling with red herrings.

Who said the investor asked for Mitt's tax returns? Reid didn't.

Why is it relevant which ten years Romney allegedly didn't pay taxes? Is not paying any taxes fair game while he worked at Bain, but off-limits while he didn't?

Whoever that writer is, he's playing a little too much defense here.

18 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:45:02pm

re: #14 Killgore Trout

I hate to break it to you but it's probably not true (not that it makes much difference these days).
CNN: Calling BS on Reid's Bain tax claims

Pretty weak rebuttal.

What makes this particular claim even sillier, of course, is that Romney hasn't even been managing Bain funds for the past 10 years

Reid's claim didn't say which 10 years. I understand there were intense negotiations for Romney's severance between 1999 and 2002. That may have been an occasion for several collegues to see his returns.

19 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:49:31pm

If Romney manages to lose in November look for the national GOP to institute a mandate that all candidates must release at least 10 years of returns in order to take part in the nominating convention. The secretiveness and growing sense that there's some dark secret contained in Romney's returns that must remain hidden at all costs is really starting to grind heavily on the patience of establishment Republicans.

20 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:52:18pm

The reason a presidential candidate would choose not to release his tax records is pretty simple. He thinks something in there would lose him the election.

21 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:53:52pm

re: #16 goddamnedfrank

I agree that Reid is overreaching. However Romney is almost certain to have paid little to no taxes in 2008 and 2009, using capital losses from the tanking economy to offset any obligation he had in those years. That's the reason he doesn't want to release more, because if those two years come out then he'd have to release many more years worth of returns to show that the 2008/2009 returns were anomalous. Pretty soon he's back in the Bain grey area of 1999 to 2002, where it would be interesting to see what he listed his primary profession as.

It's possible that the story is fake but accurate. It may be an outright lie but it's a lie that serves the greater good. Just like when Dems suggested Mitt committed a felony by lying to the FCC. It doesn't have to be true to inflict political damage. I think they're just flinging poo.

23 blueraven  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:55:58pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

It's possible that the story is fake but accurate. It may be an outright lie but it's a lie that serves the greater good. Just like when Dems suggested Mitt committed a felony by lying to the FCC. It doesn't have to be true to inflict political damage. I think they're just flinging poo.

He could release his tax returns and put the matter to rest.

24 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:58:31pm

re: #14 Killgore Trout

I hate to break it to you but it's probably not true (not that it makes much difference these days).
CNN: Calling BS on Reid's Bain tax claims

I doubt many people, Reid (and gdf) included, would take a story like that as gospel truth. In fact, the article points out (emphasis mine):

The highest ranked Democrat in Congress, Reid is known more as a back room brawler than a public flamethrower. So his willingness to throw this private conversation into the media frenzy over Romney's taxes underscores the low opinion he has of the Republican candidate.

Tellingly, neither Reid nor his office would reveal who the investor was, making it impossible to verify if the accusation is true. And as his quote makes clear, he's uncertain if the information is accurate. The Romney campaign's press secretary, Andrea Saul, has previously denied rumors that Romney didn't pay "any taxes at all."

But there is limited political downside to the type of open speculation that Reid is making, so long as Romney refuses to budge on the issue of his tax returns. Increasingly, other Democrats are growing more assertive in their goading. In an appearance at the Center for American Progress on Tuesday, former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland argued that he could openly speculate as to whether Romney "is a tax avoider" or "cheat" because "his behavior invites such speculation."

As the article points out, it's out of character for Reid to make that type of statement, but it's Romeny's refusal to release more tax returns that's opening the door for it. It's the exact reason several Republicans have urged him to release more: Mitt Romney: Republican 'friendly fire' grows over tax returns

25 engineer cat  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:00:12pm

Fox really screws up next

apparently the 'proficiency' requirement has been drastically lowered for professional liars in the past few years

26 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:01:43pm

re: #23 blueraven

He could release his tax returns and put the matter to rest.

Mitt might have something to hide, maybe not. He might figure it doesn't make any difference because there'll always be something new. Just invent a new lie and make Mitt prove it isn't true. Can he prove he didn't assassinate Arafat? Where was he on 9-11? Has he ever smoked crack with a prostitute? With the accusations become more absurd and the evidence so weak he might just wait this out and let the Dems cry wolf until nobody pays attention anymore.

27 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:02:06pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

It's possible that the story is fake but accurate. It may be an outright lie but it's a lie that serves the greater good. Just like when Dems suggested Mitt committed a felony by lying to the FCC. It doesn't have to be true to inflict political damage. I think they're just flinging poo.

Well, it would be pretty stupid for the Dems to just stand by and let the GOP fling poo at President Obama without flinging some in return, wouldn't it?

28 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:02:28pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

Your amusing defense of Mitt is amusing.

29 makeitstop  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:03:51pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

Mitt might have something to hide, maybe not. He might figure it doesn't make any difference because there'll always be something new. Just invent a new lie and make Mitt prove it isn't true. Can he prove he didn't assassinate Arafat? Where was he on 9-11? Has he ever smoked crack with a prostitute? With the accusations become more absurd and the evidence so weak he might just wait this out and let the Dems cry wolf until nobody pays attention anymore.

So, you're saying he'd be treated like Obama has been treated by Republicans for four years now?

Doubt it.

30 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:04:29pm

Mitt is refusing to release his tax returns because he has something to hide.
My proof?
His refusal to release them is causing him damage. He thinks this is better than the damage that would be caused by actually releasing them.

31 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:04:49pm

re: #27 CuriousLurker

Well, it would be pretty stupid for the Dems to just stand by and let the GOP fling poo at President Obama without flinging some in return, wouldn't it?

That seems to be the prevailing logic. I've been reading Nietzsche lately....

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

32 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:05:37pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

Mitt might have something to hide, maybe not. He might figure it doesn't make any difference because there'll always be something new. Just invent a new lie and make Mitt prove it isn't true. Can he prove he didn't assassinate Arafat? Where was he on 9-11? Has he ever smoked crack with a prostitute? With the accusations become more absurd and the evidence so weak he might just wait this out and let the Dems cry wolf until nobody pays attention anymore.

Don't count on it. Look at the absurd allegations members of the GOP have made about POTUS—not only are they believed, they're embellished & amplified.

34 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:07:53pm

re: #31 Killgore Trout

That seems to be the prevailing logic. I've been reading Nietzsche lately....

Yeah, better the Dems should take the high ground and surrender the country to the wingnuts for the foreseeable future. //

35 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:09:06pm

re: #34 CuriousLurker

Yeah, better the Dems should take the high ground and surrender the country to the wingnuts for the foreseeable future. //

Don't mind him, he's just trying to balance out something that can not be balanced;
Just how bad/crazy the GOP has become compared to the Dems.

36 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:09:39pm

re: #32 CuriousLurker

Don't count on it. Look at the absurd allegations members of the GOP have made about POTUS—not only are they believed, they're embellished & amplified.

Exactly. Some of them even stuck. I saw a recent poll that something like 30% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim. But in the larger picture nobody seems to give a shit anymore. Sure the wingnuts still rant and rave. Some Fox news lies catch on but the net effect on voters has become negligible. I don't recommend using the GOP or Fox as a blueprint for success.

37 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:10:05pm

Aaron Burr was a natural born American. Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant.

38 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:11:18pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

It's possible that the story is fake but accurate. It may be an outright lie but it's a lie that serves the greater good. Just like when Dems suggested Mitt committed a felony by lying to the FCC. It doesn't have to be true to inflict political damage. I think they're just flinging poo.

The suggestion concerned SEC documents (not FCC), if they were signed fraudulently. No Democrat believes they were though, because those forms list Romney as CEO, Chairman of the Board, President, Managing Partner, sole owner and shareholder of the company. It wasn't a lie, it was a statement of fact concerning the gravity of the situation meant to illustrate the utter impossibility of Romney's claim that he had no involvement with a company he owned outright whose contractual deals he signed off on.

39 The Ghost of a Flea  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:11:51pm

re: #34 CuriousLurker

Yeah, better the Dems should take the high ground and surrender the country to the wingnuts for the foreseeable future. //

The Dems should stop asking relevant questions about the business activities of a man that's pursuing the executive office and touting his business acumen and "doing it without support of the government"...yet won't release materials that actually back his claims.

The whole equivalency/ who's flinging fecal matter is a red herring. An actual, relevant question is being asked because Romney is actively using his "business experience" as selling point. He opened the door to questions about what exactly he's done and not done...particularly given the "get of the wealth creators' way" shtick he's selling.

40 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:12:25pm

Julius Rosenberg was born in New York City. Albert Einstein was an immigrant.

41 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:12:52pm

re: #36 Killgore Trout

Exactly. Some of them even stuck. I saw a recent poll that something like 30% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim. But in the larger picture nobody seems to give a shit anymore. Sure the wingnuts still rant and rave. Some Fox news lies catch on but the net effect on voters has become negligible. I don't recommend using the GOP or Fox as a blueprint for success.

Really? Their tactics appear to have won them control of the House and gave them several seats in the Senate in 2010. They also picked up some governorships that are now being used to change things at the state level. Try again.

42 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:13:18pm

A whole lot of people who weren't very bright were born in America. Nikola Tesla was an immigrant.

43 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:13:48pm

We know what's in Romney's tax returns, because he told us. Ammunition.

Unfortunately for him, there's also ammunition in the withholding of those returns.

44 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:13:55pm

Asking questions about Romney and Bain is just like the Birthers!

45 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:14:58pm

Bloomberg: When Did You Stop Paying No Taxes?

Harry Reid says an unnamed Bain Capital investor told him Mitt Romney “didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.” I don’t buy this rumor for a second -- it’s rare for a wealthy person to get his tax burden all the way down to zero, and if Mitt Romney did, I very much doubt that he was blabbing to his investors about it. Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul has previously denied that Romney ever had a $0 tax liability.
If Romney won’t release more taxes, that probably means their actual contents are more damaging than whatever we might imagine their contents to be. But if Democrats succeed in getting people to imagine worse and worse things about what's in Romney's taxes, that calculus will flip and Romney will open up his books. Which is exactly why we can expect more speculation just like this.

46 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:15:09pm

Benedict Arnold was born in Connecticut. The Marquis de Lafayette and the Baron*von Steuben were immigrants.

*Not technically a baron.

47 Kragar  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:15:22pm

Romney Praises Poland’s Economy, Where Government Plays A Larger Role Than The U.S.

Visiting Poland for the final leg of his gaffe-filled trip abroad, Romney praised how the nation has “lifted the heavy hand of government” to become one of the fastest growing economies in Europe.

The problem with Romney’s speech, however, is that the the Polish government plays a larger role in its economy than the U.S. government plays here. The Associated Press noted that the reality of Polish government spending doesn’t match Romney’s rhetoric:

While it’s true that Poland is one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies and boasts dynamic entrepreneurs, Romney’s depiction of Poland as a place of small government is debatable. Even 23 years after throwing off a communist command economy, the Polish government continues to have a strong presence in people’s lives: it gives women $300 for each baby they have, doubling that sum for poor families; it fully funds state university educations; and it guarantees health care to all its 38 million citizens.

And while Poland’s economic growth has certainly been impressive in recent years, this is partly the result of economic redistribution in the form of subsidies that have been flowing in from the European Union since it joined the bloc in 2004.

48 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:15:34pm

re: #39 The Ghost of a Flea

The Dems should stop asking relevant questions about the business activities of a man that's pursuing the executive office and touting his business acumen and "doing it without support of the government"...yet won't release materials that actually back his claims.

The whole equivalency/ who's flinging fecal matter is a red herring. An actual, relevant question is being asked because Romney is actively using his "business experience" as selling point. He opened the door to questions about what exactly he's done and not done...particularly given the "get of the wealth creators' way" shtick he's selling.


Someone asked me whether a candidate should release his college transcripts. I said, "If he's running on his GPA he should."

49 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:15:48pm

re: #38 goddamnedfrank

The suggestion concerned SEC documents (not FCC), if they were signed fraudulently. No Democrat believes they were though, because those forms list Romney as CEO, Chairman of the Board, President, Managing Partner, sole owner and shareholder of the company. It wasn't a lie, it was a statement of fact concerning the gravity of the situation meant to illustrate the utter impossibility of Romney's claim that he had no involvement with a company he owned outright whose contractual deals he signed off on.

50 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:16:16pm

re: #44 Varek Raith

Asking questions about Romney and Bain is just like the Birthers!

Shut up Buck!

51 William Barnett-Lewis  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:16:29pm

re: #31 Killgore Trout

That seems to be the prevailing logic. I've been reading Nietzsche lately....

Arguably, reading him as anything other than comedy relief it the problem.

52 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:17:45pm

re: #35 Varek Raith

Don't mind him, he's just trying to balance out something that can not be balanced;
Just how bad/crazy the GOP has become compared to the Dems.

To me he appears to be suggesting that the Dems "play nice" with a bunch of bullies. Perhaps they should show up to a gunfight with a water pistol while the opposition is armed with machine guns...

53 Sheila Broflovski  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:19:07pm

I can't believe the media attention that is being heaped on the crybaby Jordan Wieber, while totally ignoring Gabby Douglas who outscored her to make the finals, and Aly Raisman who danced to hava nagila.

I did not even know the name of the girl who scored in second place (Douglas) or the fact that she is an African-American gymnast.

54 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:19:18pm

re: #41 CuriousLurker

Really? Their tactics appear to have won them control of the House and gave them several seats in the Senate in 2010. They also picked up some governorships that are now being used to change things at the state level. Try again.

It historically normal that Congress goes to the opposite party of the executive within a few election cycles. American voters see it as balance of power. I'm pretty sure the Republicans should have taken the senate by now but Crazy Tea Party nonsense is slowing them down. The even lost a few easy congressional seat pick ups by Sharron Angle, Christine O'donnel and a few others. The crazy has actually slowed down their progress not sped it up. Like I said, it's not a model I recommend adopting.

55 Patricia Kayden  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:22:25pm

re: #30 Varek Raith


If releasing his tax returns was a winner, he'd have done it a long time ago. He has something to hide and I guess we'll never find out what that is because he's already made the calculation that releasing them will do more damage than twiddling his thumbs and waiting for this to blow over.

56 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:22:39pm

re: #54 Killgore Trout

Since the 2010 elections it has been all about abortions and other SoCon issues. Guess what? The TP is crazy SoCon.
More so than ever before.

57 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:22:57pm

re: #31 Killgore Trout

That seems to be the prevailing logic. I've been reading Nietzsche lately....

Way above your grade level. You need to focus on basic comprehension skills and memory drills, so you understand the difference between things like the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Election Commission, and the Federal Communications Commission. You routinely fail to grasp incredibly fundamental, elementary concepts and facts in the analysis of arguments made in plain english and thus frequently regurgitate a peculiar and fundamentally flawed understanding of even the most mind bogglingly simple reality.

Skimming through the material and name dropping philosophers with trivial quotes is no substitute for making an actual, concerted effort at cognition.

58 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:23:23pm

Presidential Tax Returns

Not crazy, just customary.

59 Sionainn  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:23:47pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

Mitt might have something to hide, maybe not. He might figure it doesn't make any difference because there'll always be something new. Just invent a new lie and make Mitt prove it isn't true. Can he prove he didn't assassinate Arafat? Where was he on 9-11? Has he ever smoked crack with a prostitute? With the accusations become more absurd and the evidence so weak he might just wait this out and let the Dems cry wolf until nobody pays attention anymore.


60 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:23:48pm

re: #54 Killgore Trout

It historically normal that Congress goes to the opposite party of the executive within a few election cycles. American voters see it as balance of power. I'm pretty sure the Republicans should have taken the senate by now but Crazy Tea Party nonsense is slowing them down. The even lost a few easy congressional seat pick ups by Sharron Angle, Christine O'donnel and a few others. The crazy has actually slowed down their progress not sped it up. Like I said, it's not a model I recommend adopting.

Well, since neither of us can prove it was one thing or the other or the other than contributed to their wins, or that they would have won more were it not for the TP, then I'll call leave that alone.

I still think it's absurd, however, for you to imply that the Dems should not use ammunition that Romney has handed them on a silver platter.

61 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:24:04pm

re: #7 alexknyc

I don't think your numbers from the database add up-- 46796+96731+559=144086 not 174,777.

Unless I missed something, which is always a possibility.

The 174777 is the total for all people found in the CHRI database, including US citizens and non-immigrants. Since the Fox News article is nothing more than a dog whistle to the RWNJ anti-immigration fear-mongers, the non-immigrants and US citizens can be discounted.

If you have trouble with the number, review the progression of the 5 questions to be answered and it will explain why the numbers keep reducing.

62 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:24:23pm

re: #53 Learned Mother of Zion

I can't believe the media attention that is being heaped on the crybaby Jordan Wieber, while totally ignoring Gabby Douglas who outscored her to make the finals, and Aly Raisman who danced to hava nagila.

I did not even know the name of the girl who scored in second place (Douglas) or the fact that she is an African-American gymnast.

My guess is that they put together information and clips on athletes before the games, so they have to feature those athletes. Jordan Wieber was expected to win, so they probably already have stuff prepared for her.

Aly is, I noticed, quite a lovely young lady. Who could bench press me.

63 Sionainn  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:24:53pm

re: #28 Varek Raith

Your amusing defense of Mitt is amusing.

Only if amusing = asinine.

64 EdDantes  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:24:54pm

O.T. I hope this is true.


65 Kragar  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:26:05pm

re: #56 Varek Raith

Since the 2010 elections it has been all about abortions and other SoCon issues. Guess what? The TP is crazy SoCon.
More so than ever before.

Remember when they said the 2010 election was all supposed to be about "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!"?

That joke never gets old.

66 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:27:01pm

re: #61 b_sharp

The 174777 is the total for all people found in the CHRI database, including US citizens and non-immigrants. Since the Fox News article is nothing more than a dog whistle to the RWNJ anti-immigration fear-mongers, the non-immigrants and US citizens can be discounted.

If you have trouble with the number, review the progression of the 5 questions to be answered and it will explain why the numbers keep reducing.

While you're at it, there's a typo.

to spin, color and skew public opinion against rational policies put in place by their favourite hate target, Obama and the Dems.


67 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:28:11pm

If anyone is interested in the report, here is the link to the pdf.
If it doesn't load, save it to your drive and open it from there.

BTW, Charles I really like those tables you put the data in. Is it possible for us to do that from the pages?

68 Interesting Times  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:29:57pm

re: #60 CuriousLurker

I still think it's absurd, however, for you to imply that the Dems should not use ammunition that Romney has handed them on a silver platter.

QFT. Going on the offense with reality-based attacks != adopting TP/GOP tactics. That's like saying Obama's Seal Team 6 kill-Bin-Laden raid is equivalent to suicide bombers who attack civilians.

69 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:31:04pm

re: #66 wrenchwench

While you're at it, there's a typo.


Only the most favoured get to spell favourite with a 'u'.

70 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:31:40pm

I'm confused, KT.
Are you now minimizing the TP effect on the GOP?

71 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:31:46pm

re: #69 b_sharp

Only the most favoured get to spell favourite with a 'u'.


72 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:32:31pm

re: #71 wrenchwench


Now you've got it, eh!

73 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:33:44pm

re: #72 b_sharp

Now you've got it, eh!

Daumn Britisuh-Canadiaun...

74 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:34:37pm

re: #73 Varek Raith

Daumn Britisuh-Canadiaun...

Yeah, those darned Canadians and their sissy British spelling. //

75 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:35:36pm

Math iz hard.

76 Achilles Tang  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:35:47pm

Somebody at MSNBC should look at these numbers and call out Fox.

77 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:36:02pm

re: #69 b_sharp

Only the most favoured get to spell favourite with a 'u'.

Elitist. //

78 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:36:06pm

ABC: Harry Reid’s Wild Speculation About Mitt Romney’s Unreleased Tax Returns

Here’s a totally unsubstantiated rumor: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said that he’s heard that Romney did not pay any taxes for 10 years. Democrats have criticized Romney for not releasing more than two years of his tax returns. But there has never been anything to suggest that Romney’s tax bill was zero.

The presumptive GOP candidate has said he always paid all of the taxes he was required by law to pay. But he has said releasing more tax returns would likely not quiet critics.

And so speculation has run rampant

79 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:36:53pm

Srsly, nice article, b-sharp. Although I did think you made those tables yourself. Guess I should have looked when it was still a Page.

80 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:37:26pm

New Yorker: Harry Reid Heard From Some Guy That Mitt Romney Didn’t Pay Taxes for Ten Years

What's Mitt Romney hiding in his tax returns? Harry Reid finally figured it out:
Oh, wait, did we say "figured it out"? We meant "heard an insane rumor from a guy who has seemingly no way of knowing anything about Mitt Romney's taxes." Awesome scoop, Harry Reid.

81 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:38:22pm

re: #78 Killgore Trout

ABC: Harry Reid’s Wild Speculation About Mitt Romney’s Unreleased Tax Returns

Well, duh.

Though, the media has a lot of nerve.
The media hasn't shied away from AGW speculation, Obama is foreign speculation, Churchill bust speculation, Obama is a Muslim speculation and so on and so forth.

82 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:38:27pm

re: #74 CuriousLurker

Yeah, those darned Canadians and their sissy British spelling. //

I say there, chap, you don't have to be unkind.

83 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:39:29pm

I don't think most of us here are taking Reid very seriously on this.

84 Killgore Trout  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:39:44pm

re: #70 Varek Raith

I'm confused, KT.
Are you now minimizing the TP effect on the GOP?

No but I think the influence cost them some easy opportunities. It also drove out all the moderates and anyone even remotely interested in honesty. It was a bad idea.

85 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:40:00pm

re: #77 CuriousLurker

Elitist. //

Excuse me, I have 42 flights of stairs to climb to reach my study in this ivory tower.

86 Someone Please Beam Me Up!  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:40:50pm

re: #37 Mostly sane, most of the time.

Aaron Burr was a natural born American. Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant.

Speaking of aliens and Americans, is the non-Mormon Mormon scholar you were thinking of Jan Shipps?

87 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:41:11pm

re: #85 b_sharp

Excuse me, I have 42 flights of stairs to climb to reach my study in this ivory tower.

Well my Ivory Tower is connected to another Ivory Tower which is connected...Well, I have an elevator. For my spaceship.

88 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:42:05pm

re: #86 Someone Please Beam Me Up!

Speaking of aliens and Americans, is the non-Mormon Mormon scholar you were thinking of Jan Shipps?

Yes, it is. Thank you for that. She is not LDS, but the LDS respect her work.

89 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:42:17pm

re: #84 Killgore Trout

No but I think the influence cost them some easy opportunities. It also drove out all the moderates and anyone even remotely interested in honesty. It was a bad idea.

The problem being is that they still follow the TP stance on things regardless if it's political suicide or not.

90 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:42:44pm

re: #83 Varek Raith

I don't think most of us here are taking Reid very seriously on this.

I've posted something at times just to get a reaction on the record. I imagine Reid could do something similar.

91 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:43:16pm

re: #90 wrenchwench

I've posted something at times just to get a reaction on the record. I imagine Reid could do something similar.

Greedo shot first.

92 Obdicut  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:45:15pm

re: #91 Varek Raith

Greedo shot first.

Greedo used to be a bounty hunter. Then he took a blaster bolt to the knee.

93 Interesting Times  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:45:20pm

Durr hurr, let's go to the last refuge of rightwingnuthood and compare our opponents to child molesters! Derp.

94 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:46:19pm

re: #27 CuriousLurker

Well, it would be pretty stupid for the Dems to just stand by and let the GOP fling poo at President Obama without flinging some in return, wouldn't it?

Good, but stinky, imagery.

95 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:46:20pm

re: #85 b_sharp

Excuse me, I have 42 flights of stairs to climb to reach my study in this ivory tower.

All those stairs for thirteen old comic books and a 1980's BETA tape of the Muppets!!?

Hardly seems worth the effort!

96 Achilles Tang  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:47:37pm

re: #83 Varek Raith

I don't think most of us here are taking Reid very seriously on this.

I can't say, but if Romney can finangle to get 100 million into an IRA, that would take you or me 17,000 years to do, then not paying any taxes for 10 years doesn't sound odd to me at all. In fact plenty of corporations don't pay any taxes, and Mitt is many corporations.

This would be a very good reason not to release tax returns, even though not illegal.

97 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:51:59pm

re: #87 Varek Raith

Well my Ivory Tower is connected to another Ivory Tower which is connected...Well, I have an elevator. For my spaceship.

You bloody 1 %er.

Time to start Occupy Varek's Tower.

98 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:52:29pm

re: #80 Killgore Trout

New Yorker: Harry Reid Heard From Some Guy That Mitt Romney Didn’t Pay Taxes for Ten Years

ABC News: George Will, Matthew Dowd Blast Romney For Not Releasing Tax Returns

[...] Will said Romney is “losing [the argument] at this point in a big way” in the debate over his tax returns, which the Obama campaign has hammered on in the past week.

“The cost of not releasing the returns are clear,” Will said. “Therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them.” [...]

This is like karma to me. Mitt Romney did the same exact thing that Barack Obama is doing to him,” Dowd said. “He did it to Newt Gingrich… He did the same thing to Rick Santorum.”

“So now, all of a sudden… in a general election against a very professional group of people, against a very astute politician, against a Chicago machine who’s doing the same thing he did, and now he’s sitting there saying, ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this. I can’t believe you’re doing this,’” Dowd added. [...]

99 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:53:19pm

re: #95 sattv4u2

All those stairs for thirteen old comic books and a 1980's BETA tape of the Muppets!!?

Hardly seems worth the effort!

It's my wife's tape.

100 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:54:07pm

re: #99 b_sharp

It's my wife's tape.

Scotch, Duct, Electric!?!?!

101 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:54:35pm

re: #99 b_sharp

It's my wife's tape.

re: #100 sattv4u2

Scotch, Duct, Electric!?!?!

and I don't EVEN want to know what/how she uses it

102 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:55:22pm

re: #100 sattv4u2

Scotch, Duct, Electric!?!?!

Double sided carpet tape.

103 CuriousLurker  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:56:28pm

Ahhh, sunset approaches. Gonna get ready to chow down. Later, Lizards.

104 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:57:32pm

re: #102 b_sharp

Double sided carpet tape.

Does that prevent carpet burns?

105 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:59:13pm

re: #103 CuriousLurker

Ahhh, sunset approaches. Gonna get ready to chow down. Later, Lizards.

And the Vampire begins to feed as the sun descends into the horizon and the cowboy tunes his guitar.

106 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:59:43pm

re: #104 sattv4u2

Does that prevent carpet burns?

Prevents sliding.

107 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 4:59:54pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

Mitt might have something to hide, maybe not. He might figure it doesn't make any difference because there'll always be something new. Just invent a new lie and make Mitt prove it isn't true. Can he prove he didn't assassinate Arafat? Where was he on 9-11? Has he ever smoked crack with a prostitute? With the accusations become more absurd and the evidence so weak he might just wait this out and let the Dems cry wolf until nobody pays attention anymore.

What a piss poor and intellectually dishonest list of analogies. You're basically Godwinning yourself by throwing in crazy shit like 9/11.

The questions about his taxes are legitimate for the same reason they're legitimate for other presidential candidates, Cabinet appointees, etc. Geithner was raked over the coals for his taxes, but Romney should get a free pass?
Especially considering the primary rationale for his campaign is his business experience and superhuman ability with money? Bullshit.

108 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:00:04pm

re: #105 b_sharp

And the Vampire begins to feed as the sun descends into the horizon and the cowboy tunes his guitar.


109 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:02:20pm

re: #108 Varek Raith


[Embedded content]

How is it you're so familiar with Strawberry Shortcake?

110 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:02:52pm

re: #109 b_sharp

How is it you're so familiar with Strawberry Shortcake?


111 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:04:09pm

So, I got 3 hours straight sleep --without waking up every 15 minutes to cough up a lung

I feel so much better.


112 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:05:17pm

re: #110 Varek Raith


She looks pretty good for being 495.

113 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:05:31pm

re: #104 sattv4u2

Does that prevent carpet burns?

knee pads, bsharp, knee pads

114 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:05:53pm

re: #111 ggt

So, I got 3 hours straight sleep --without waking up every 15 minutes to cough up a lung

I feel so much better.


Can I borrow some of that sleep?

115 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:06:16pm

re: #112 b_sharp

She looks pretty good for being 495.

116 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:06:19pm

re: #110 Varek Raith


is that like a My Little Pony vampire?

117 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:06:37pm

re: #114 b_sharp

Can I borrow some of that sleep?


118 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:07:25pm

re: #115 Varek Raith

[Embedded content]

Shame on you, picking on a little kid.

119 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:09:48pm

re: #90 wrenchwench

I've posted something at times just to get a reaction on the record. I imagine Reid could do something similar.

Harry Reid is 72 years old, used to be a boxer and assuming he even wants to run again isn't facing reelection until 2016. At this point there's basically nothing to prevent him from becoming the honey badger of american politics. I can see him tenaciously maintaining this line of attack until the bitter, miserable end, with the sole goal of damaging or destroying Romney's coattails in the House and Senate elections.

120 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:12:38pm

re: #119 goddamnedfrank

Harry Reid is 72 years old, used to be a boxer and assuming he even wants to run again isn't facing reelection until 2016. At this point there's basically nothing to prevent him from becoming the honey badger of american politics. I can see him tenaciously maintaining this line of attack until the bitter, miserable end, with the sole goal of damaging or destroying Romney's coattails in the House and Senate elections.

Ah, yes. Time to go for the coattails. Snip snip snip!

121 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:14:15pm

re: #111 ggt

So, I got 3 hours straight sleep --without waking up every 15 minutes to cough up a lung

I feel so much better.


Well of course

After 30 minutes both are gone, so the next 2 1/2 hours should have been restful!!

122 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:16:02pm

re: #118 b_sharp

Shame on you, picking on a little kid.

Yeah right.
I have that game and I can't even get close to beating #116 ggt

is that like a My Little Pony vampire?


123 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:18:53pm

re: #107 palomino

Geithner was raked over the coals for his taxes,

Not paying owed taxes/ filing proper returns is not the same as not releasing returns

124 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:21:28pm


D.C. beltway ‘UFO’ up close at air base

Read more: [Link:]

Remember the ‘UFO' that motorists spotted along D.C. highways back in June?

The saucer-shaped object caused a stir in the area prompting many to call 911 and to post photos on Twitter.

We later learned the mysterious object was an experimental, unmanned aircraft called an X-47B.

125 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:24:37pm

re: #123 sattv4u2

Geithner was raked over the coals for his taxes,

Not paying owed taxes/ filing proper returns is not the same as not releasing returns

But that's precisely the point. Since Geithner actually released his tax returns, we know something about them.

How do we know Mitt's are squeaky clean, with nothing problematic, if we haven't even seen them? It's the reason his father, and other candidates over the last 44 years have been putting out tax returns. Defending a guy not releasing tax returns when he's running for the highest office and has business experience as his number 1 qualification is absurdly partisan.

You're essentially unwittingly proving my point for me. Thanks.

126 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:25:06pm

re: #124 sattv4u2


D.C. beltway ‘UFO’ up close at air base

Read more: [Link:]

Remember the ‘UFO' that motorists spotted along D.C. highways back in June?

The saucer-shaped object caused a stir in the area prompting many to call 911 and to post photos on Twitter.

We later learned the mysterious object was an experimental, unmanned aircraft called an X-47B.

I have one of those.

127 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:27:35pm

re: #125 palomino

How do we know Mitt's are squeaky clean, with nothing problematic, if we haven't even seen them?

I'm sure the IRS has. Don't get me wrong. I think Romney should release them regardless of what they show. Again, the IRS has seen and accepted them all these years.

But equating someone who has filed to someone that filed late, filed returns missing info, and failed to pay taxes is a bad analogy also

128 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:28:18pm

re: #125 palomino

Defending a guy not releasing tax returns

Unfortunately for you, I never did that

129 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:28:43pm

re: #126 b_sharp

I have one of those.

Can I have a ride??

130 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:28:53pm

re: #127 sattv4u2

How do we know Mitt's are squeaky clean, with nothing problematic, if we haven't even seen them?

I'm sure the IRS has. Don't get me wrong. I think Romney should release them regardless of what they show. Again, the IRS has seen and accepted them all these years.

But equating someone who has filed to someone that filed late, filed returns missing info, and failed to pay taxes is a bad analogy also

Maybe Mitt gave the IRS a horse.

131 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:30:05pm

re: #129 sattv4u2

Can I have a ride??


I'm not sure how it will go though, I've never gone riding on a gum wrapper.

132 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:30:56pm

re: #130 b_sharp

Maybe Mitt gave the IRS a horse.

as payment?

hmmm,,, I have lots of squirrels around here. I wonder if they'll accept those?

133 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:31:23pm

re: #131 b_sharp


I'm not sure how it will go though, I've never gone riding on a gum wrapper.

Lets chew on that awhile!

134 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:32:03pm

We must remember that the primitive worldview endemic in, say the Tea Party self-identifiers, is rather ubiquitous in American society. It's not just limited to the Republican party (though atavism does seem to now control said party), not limited to the stereotypical WASP, not even limited to Texas and Fox News viewers.

I write that in response to a full page editorial the largest newspaper in in the upper-Mississippi, the (Minneapolis) StarTribune chose to run today:

The evolution of a creationist

The substance of the editorial is nothing other than a restatement of Paley's watchmaker argument for YEC.

And it is written by someone who claims to be a practicing physician, a pediatrician.

(And I've been told before by my doctors that they are "scientists" - yeah, right.)

Yes, a practicing physician arguing for YEC, claiming creationism is backed up by science.

So this is America, folks, just accept it.

We live in a society of magical thinkers.

That is why Fox News can day after day run deceptive clips, such as the topic of this thread, and be quite confident that it won't matter how truthful their segments and articles may be, as it doesn't matter. All one has to do is incant the right magic words and wham - we've got belief, and that is all that matters.

135 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:33:09pm

re: #119 goddamnedfrank

Harry Reid is 72 years old, used to be a boxer and assuming he even wants to run again isn't facing reelection until 2016. At this point there's basically nothing to prevent him from becoming the honey badger of american politics. I can see him tenaciously maintaining this line of attack until the bitter, miserable end, with the sole goal of damaging or destroying Romney's coattails in the House and Senate elections.

Yeah, I can see him doing that, if nothing else than for spite.

136 kirkspencer  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:36:58pm

re: #127 sattv4u2

How do we know Mitt's are squeaky clean, with nothing problematic, if we haven't even seen them?

I'm sure the IRS has. Don't get me wrong. I think Romney should release them regardless of what they show. Again, the IRS has seen and accepted them all these years.

But equating someone who has filed to someone that filed late, filed returns missing info, and failed to pay taxes is a bad analogy also

I think you make an implied leap here, one that's quite wrong. The IRS has seen and accepted them - but that doesn't mean they're clean. The only time they're actually vetted is if there is an audit of them.

This doesn't mean Romney's returns have problems, it just means equating accepted and squeaky clean is wrong.

137 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:38:35pm

re: #136 kirkspencer

I think you make an implied leap here, one that's quite wrong. The IRS has seen and accepted them - but that doesn't mean they're clean. The only time they're actually vetted is if there is an audit of them.

This doesn't mean Romney's returns have problems, it just means equating accepted and squeaky clean is wrong.

He has stated he's been audited in the past

138 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:39:05pm

re: #134 freetoken

The YEC that I know is a nurse anesthetist. Actually, a nurse anesthetist cyclist, or I wouldn't know him.

139 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:39:46pm

re: #134 freetoken

We must remember that the primitive worldview endemic in, say the Tea Party self-identifiers, is rather ubiquitous in American society. It's not just limited to the Republican party (though atavism does seem to now control said party), not limited to the stereotypical WASP, not even limited to Texas and Fox News viewers.

I write that in response to a full page editorial the largest newspaper in in the upper-Mississippi, the (Minneapolis) StarTribune chose to run today:

The evolution of a creationist

The substance of the editorial is nothing other than a restatement of Paley's watchmaker argument for YEC.

And it is written by someone who claims to be a practicing physician, a pediatrician.

(And I've been told before by my doctors that they are "scientists" - yeah, right.)

Yes, a practicing physician arguing for YEC, claiming creationism is backed up by science.

So this is America, folks, just accept it.

We live in a society of magical thinkers.

That is why Fox News can day after day run deceptive clips, such as the topic of this thread, and be quite confident that it won't matter how truthful their segments and articles may be, as it doesn't matter. All one has to do is incant the right magic words and wham - we've got belief, and that is all that matters.

Some scientists are doctors, but a very low percentage of doctors are scientists. I have yet to meet a GP that knows as much as I do about science.

Current magical thinking is as pervasive as it has always been, although there is somewhat a separation between official religions and the more secular types such as crystals, pyramid, homeopathy and other naturopathic bs. The right looks to be trying to reclaim or reconnect the two magical practices.

140 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:40:09pm

re: #128 sattv4u2

Defending a guy not releasing tax returns

Unfortunately for you, I never did that

How is that unfortunate for me? And if you read what I said, you'll notice I didn't aim it directly at you or anyone in particular. It was a general statement.

But I am glad to hear that you think Romney's tax returns, like other candidates, are relevant and should be released immediately...and that no double standard should exist for prez candidates, where one releases and the other doesn't without fallout (including members of his own party arguing in favor of release).

141 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:40:45pm

re: #138 wrenchwench

The YEC that I know is a nurse anesthetist. Actually, a nurse anesthetist cyclist, or I wouldn't know him.

I'm sure he has faith his bicycle will never crash.

142 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:41:30pm

re: #137 sattv4u2

He has stated he's been audited in the past

So what?

His statement, to say the least, is vague ("in the past"), could have been 25 years ago. And the fact that Mitt states something shouldn't really be sufficient proof for voters in a prez election.

143 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:42:26pm

re: #142 palomino

There's a good chance he might say something opposite tomorrow.

144 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:42:57pm

re: #140 palomino

you'll notice I didn't aim it directly at you or anyone in particular. It was a general statement.

We were conversing. Your statement was a response to me

But I am glad to hear that you think Romney's tax returns, like other candidates, are relevant and should be released immediately...and that no double standard should exist for prez candidates,

Once again, your pre-conceived notion of what I believe gets in your way

145 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:43:02pm

re: #143 jaunte

There's a good chance he might say something opposite tomorrow.

jaunte, are you still drawing?

146 sattv4u2  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:43:32pm

And on that note

Wifey has arrived home

Dinner is ready

I'm out !

147 wrenchwench  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:43:42pm

re: #141 b_sharp

I'm sure he has faith his bicycle will never crash.

Yet he wears a helmet. I have known people who didn't, because God would only take them if it was their time anyway.

Later, lizards.

Image: funny-cat-pictures-cattv.jpg

148 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:44:52pm

re: #146 sattv4u2

And on that note

Wifey has arrived home

Dinner is ready

I'm out !

Have a good chow-down.

149 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:45:13pm

re: #145 b_sharp

Yes; I'm very slow.

150 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:46:26pm

I think GP's see first hand the power of suggestion. Many see how a person's faith and prayer can help them get better. I also think they confuse self-fulfilling prophecy with magic.

As my Dear Ole' Dad used to say, "they only have to score 70% to pass the test and become a doctor."

He called them the "70 percenters"

151 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:46:28pm

re: #149 jaunte

Yes; I'm very slow.

Let me know when you're finished, I have a request.

152 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:46:51pm

re: #144 sattv4u2

you'll notice I didn't aim it directly at you or anyone in particular. It was a general statement.

We were conversing. Your statement was a response to me

But I am glad to hear that you think Romney's tax returns, like other candidates, are relevant and should be released immediately...and that no double standard should exist for prez candidates,

Once again, your pre-conceived notion of what I believe gets in your way

I was being sarcastic, since I can tell you don't really believe that, even though it's been settled custom for over 40 years.

You seem to think Romney's squeaky clean and should just be taken at his word. Problem is that his word one day typically conflicts with his words from another day.

153 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:47:09pm

re: #151 b_sharp

Just kidding. What's your request?

154 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:47:28pm

re: #153 jaunte

Just kidding. What's your request?

Tower of Doom.

155 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:48:41pm

Hmm... I wonder if anything interesting lurks here:

Mystery Republicans fight release of embarrassing document

Attorneys for unnamed high-profile state Republicans are trying to keep an embarrassing document from becoming public.

The document is tied to the criminal trial of former State GOP Party Chairman Jim Greer.

Yesterday, an Orange County judge -- who agrees the document would be embarrassing -- ordered the special prosecutor on statewide public corruption to release it.

Today, attorneys for those unnamed Republicans say they should be able to see what the document says and how damaging it is before it is released, so they can decide whether to file an appeal for their mystery clients.


156 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:48:47pm

re: #150 ggt

I think GP's see first hand the power of suggestion. Many see how a person's faith and prayer can help them get better. I also think they confuse self-fulfilling prophecy with magic.

As my Dear Ole' Dad used to say, "they only have to score 70% to pass the test and become a doctor."

He called them the "70 percenters"

Self fulfilling prophecy is pretty common. I've argued with creationists where they were confusing self-fulfilling prophecy with a true prediction.

157 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:50:24pm

re: #153 jaunte

Just kidding. What's your request?

For some reason, I'd like to see an octo-lizard and where my mind can sometimes make shit up, my hands make a hell of a mess.

158 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:50:53pm

re: #154 Varek Raith

Tower of Doom.

Tower of Brooms.

I want to clean up.

159 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:51:01pm

re: #156 b_sharp

Self fulfilling prophecy is pretty common. I've argued with creationists where they were confusing self-fulfilling prophecy with a true prediction.

Self-fulfilling prophecy and Placebo effect can account for most of what people call magic or spiritualism, IMHO. These people are ripe for the snake-oil salesman.

160 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:52:31pm

re: #157 b_sharp

Are you imagining an octopus body arrangement, or a linear eight-legged lizard?

161 William Barnett-Lewis  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:53:02pm

re: #122 Varek Raith


A link to Cracked is almost as bad a time killer as a link to TVTropes...

162 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:53:02pm

re: #160 jaunte

Are you imagining an octopus body arrangement, or a linear eight-legged lizard?

The Great Lizard Kracken!!!

163 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:53:05pm

re: #158 b_sharp

Tower of Brooms.

I want to clean up.

Image: michael_delucia_brooms.jpg

164 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:53:25pm

re: #160 jaunte

Are you imagining an octopus body arrangement, or a linear eight-legged lizard?

Lizard body, eight legs that become tentacles.

165 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:54:24pm

re: #164 b_sharp

Got it. Was this a rum-inspired vision?

166 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:54:31pm

re: #161 William Barnett-Lewis

A link to Cracked is almost as bad a time killer as a link to TVTropes...

I hate going there, the links seem to draw my mouse pointer to them. I have no control.

167 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:55:13pm

re: #163 Varek Raith

Image: michael_delucia_brooms.jpg

Just wait until the cat sees that.

168 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:55:16pm
169 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:55:38pm

re: #165 jaunte

Got it. Was this a rum-inspired vision?

No, absolutely not.

170 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:56:51pm

re: #169 b_sharp

I'll take a few days and tinker with it.

171 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:57:52pm
172 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:58:04pm

re: #170 jaunte

I'll take a few days and tinker with it.


173 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 5:58:51pm

re: #171 jaunte

[Embedded content]

ggt, your design talent is required.

174 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:02:09pm

re: #173 b_sharp

ggt, your design talent is required.

I'll see what I can do . . . .


175 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:04:48pm

Texas Sonogram bill author losing early

State Rep. Sid Miller, the Republican from Stephenville who passed the controversial sonogram bill, is losing his bid for re-election with 6 percent of precincts reporting.

Challenger J.D. Sheffield, a doctor, is leading with 57.2 percent of the vote, to Miller’s 42.8 percent.

176 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:09:42pm

Texas Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz appears to be winning over David Dewhurst.
The Texas Tribune has a shot of some of the reading material at Cruz' watch party:
Image: tumblr_m81xeqwxq41rapak3o1_1280.jpg

177 Charles Johnson  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:10:07pm

re: #67 b_sharp

BTW, Charles I really like those tables you put the data in. Is it possible for us to do that from the pages?

Working on it.

178 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:11:45pm

re: #177 Charles Johnson

Me wants tables.

Or, at least ordered lists.

179 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:12:17pm

re: #175 jaunte

Texas Sonogram bill author losing early

Looks like his orifice is getting filled.

180 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:13:42pm

re: #177 Charles Johnson

Working on it.

Thanks, that would make dealing with data a whole lot easier.

181 dragonfire1981  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:14:29pm

re: #155 freetoken

Hmm... I wonder if anything interesting lurks here:

Mystery Republicans fight release of embarrassing document


Tonight, the story of a group of Florida lawyers and politicians fighting to prevent the release of secret documents. What do they contain that could be so damaging and how far will they go to keep the secret from getting out?

I'm Robert Stack and this is...Unsolved Mysteries.

182 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:14:46pm

re: #177 Charles Johnson

Working on it.

Pizza button.
Need one.

183 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:15:28pm

re: #182 Varek Raith

Pizza button.
Need one.

Get in line pal.

184 Interesting Times  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:16:54pm

Secret Service can haz reason to pay great state of Tennessee a visit?

185 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:17:27pm

In case anyone missed it, yesterday Ken Miller took Bobby Jindal to task, in Slate:

Bobby Jindal’s Science Problem

186 dragonfire1981  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:17:56pm

re: #176 jaunte

Texas Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz appears to be winning over David Dewhurst.
The Texas Tribune has a shot of some of the reading material at Cruz' watch party:
Image: tumblr_m81xeqwxq41rapak3o1_1280.jpg

The sun did not shine. The Iraq war dragged on.

Our once great economy was almost all gone.
I sat there with Franklin. We sat there, we two.
I wished, at that moment, for somebody new.
The “big tent” Republicans kept expanding the state.
And the health of our country was quite far from great.
So all we could do was to
We did not like Bush! Didn’t care whom we’d get!

someone yelled! “CHANGE” Oh How that “change” sounded strange.
We looked at the TV, and saw him thereat.
WE LOOKED, and we saw him A NEW DEMOCRAT!

He said to us “Why are you frowning like that?”
“I know you are poor, and the outlook’s not sunny,
But we can have fun with OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!
“I know some good games we could play” said the cat
I know some good tricks” said this new Democrat
“We can bail out the banks.” I’ll find the money with ease.
We can borrow it all from our friends the Chinese”

Then Franklin and I did not know what to say.
The voters don’t want to be governed this way.
Then Glenn Beck said “NO, NO!” Make that fool go away!
Tell that Democrat cat that your grandkids will pay
his profligate of spending..
His lust for power and pelf..
He’s not helping you .
He cares for himself!”
“Now! Now! Have no fear” said the agent of ‘hope’
“My plans are not bad, now stop saying “NOPE”
We can stimulate everyone, If only you let.
with a game that I call
UP with the DEBT!

Yes this is ACTUAL TEXT from the book. You can read more here.

187 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:19:30pm

re: #184 Interesting Times

Secret Service can haz reason to pay great state of Tennessee a visit?

[Embedded content]

Man, I remember the day when conspiracies took longer than a 10 second google search to debunk.

188 Daniel Ballard  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:20:26pm

re: #183 b_sharp

re: #182 Varek Raith


It's okay to be spoiled, it's not so good to act spoiled ;-)

189 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:21:00pm

re: #186 dragonfire1981

Nice that it's on a tea party reading level.

190 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:22:44pm

re: #176 jaunte

Texas Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz appears to be winning over David Dewhurst.
The Texas Tribune has a shot of some of the reading material at Cruz' watch party:
Image: tumblr_m81xeqwxq41rapak3o1_1280.jpg

By Dr. Truth?
What incredible imagination.

191 Decatur Deb  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:23:42pm

re: #184 Interesting Times

Secret Service can haz reason to pay great state of Tennessee a visit?

[Embedded content]

There have always been nutjobs like this on the fringe of the parties, but the sane GOP and Dem bosses kept them in their garretts. The locks are broken, at least in the TPGOP manse.

192 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:24:50pm

re: #184 Interesting Times

Secret Service can haz reason to pay great state of Tennessee a visit?

[Embedded content]

What are these people smoking?

193 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:24:51pm

And while we're on a creationist roll here... this little bit from across the pond should demonstrate well how trying for 100% pluralism is not going to work:

BBC Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman has been criticised over "offensive" comments he made on air about religious people last year.

Viewers complained to the BBC over an edition of the BBC Two programme aired on September 13, 2011, which featured an interview with author and well known atheist Professor Richard Dawkins, on his new book The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True.

The complainants claimed that the presentation of Dawkins's book was biased and offensive, particularly in regard to Paxman's failure to challenge the anti-creationism subject matter due to his own beliefs.

In the interview segment, Paxman referred to religious beliefs as "hogwash", branded those who believe in the Genesis account of creation as "stupid people", [...]

The BBC responded to the complaints by saying that it did not believe the item had an anti-Christian bias. It also claimed that the discussion was about Dawkins's new book, and "not about the merits of religion or science as a whole".


However, the complainants were not satisfied with that response and the matter was escalated to the BBC Trust.

In a ruling today (July 31), the Trust's Editorial Standards Committee said that Paxman's comments had been offensive, but judged that the interview as a whole had not shown bias towards an anti-Christian position.

The Trust said that the Newsnight item had approached the controversial subject "with due impartiality in a way that was adequate and appropriate to the output given the subject and nature of the content".

However, the body added that Paxman's use of language in the interview would have been offensive to some viewers.

Whilst the use of the word "myth" was acceptable as it referred to Dawkins's book and its aim to teach children to replace myth with science, the Trust said that it was not justified for Paxman to refer to "hogwash" and "stupid people" in the context of religion.


"The Committee therefore concluded that the item breached the Editorial Guidelines on Harm and Offence. It added that it regretted the offence caused to some viewers by the use of the terms 'religious hogwash' and 'stupid people' on this occasion."


As very stupid as I find much of Fox News (and similar outlets') content to be, I'm glad that free speech is protected here, compared to the UK " Editorial Guidelines on Harm and Offence".

Frankly, in this day an age creationism is "hogwash", and a news presenter ought to be able to use that term.

194 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:25:06pm

re: #184 Interesting Times

One of Keisling's big contributors in 2010 was Bens Highway 111 Fireworks.

195 MittDoesNotCompute  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:25:24pm

re: #66 wrenchwench

While you're at it, there's a typo.


We need some back bacon and Tim Horton's...

196 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:30:52pm

re: #195 TedStriker

We need some back bacon and Tim Horton's...

With several boxes of assorted Timbits.

197 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:32:28pm

re: #193 freetoken

Frankly, in this day an age creationism is "hogwash", and a news presenter ought to be able to use that term.

It would be the essence of free speech.

198 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:33:15pm

Went and visited Manny Moe & Jack. What have I missed tonight so far?

199 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:33:37pm

Bristol Palin Defended By Derek Hough Over DWTS Comeback, Controversy

She's been criticized for re-joining the cast of Dancing With the Stars, among many other things (Tripp's f-bomb) lately, but Derek Hough's got her back.

The three-time pro champion supports Bristol Palin - who said her return to the show is God's plan - for competing on DWTS even if it means bad press.

"Unfortunately with the Palin drama and crazy entertainment it's brought to the United States, I suppose it comes with the territory," Hough told E!

"But I think," he continued, "Good for her. Good for her to put herself out there because it's really easy to kind of hibernate and just to disappear."

"She's saying, 'I'm going to do my thing and if you don't like it, then fine!'"


No, Derek, it is not easy for any Palin to "kind of hibernate and just to disappear", because mama bear is a media whore who lives for the spotlight.

200 freetoken  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:35:06pm

Hough's punishment is that he ought to be required to be paired with Bristol on the show.

201 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:35:44pm

re: #198 Stanley Sea

202 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:35:49pm

Republicans rejected several of the Democrats' proposed amendments to the bill, including Rep. Mike Quigley's (D-Ill.) amendment to allow pregnant women with cancer to undergo life-saving treatment that could be incompatible with the pregnancy and Rep. Jerry Nadler's (D-N.Y.) amendment to add an exception for when the health of the mother is at risk.

203 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:36:48pm

re: #201 Dancing along the light of day

[Embedded content]



204 Interesting Times  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:37:16pm

re: #198 Stanley Sea

Went and visited Manny Moe & Jack. What have I missed tonight so far?

The Tennessee TP/GOP thinks Obama is going to stage a fake assassination attempt. Mitt Romney responds that those aren't the words he would have used.

205 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:38:35pm

re: #204 Interesting Times

The Tennessee TP/GOP thinks Obama is going to stage a fake assassination attempt. Mitt Romney responds that those aren't the words he would have used.

They preemptively cover all their bases. What freaks. It is not a game.

206 prairiefire  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:42:43pm

re: #205 Stanley Sea

They preemptively cover all their bases. What freaks. It is not a game.

Hey! How's your new place working out?

207 Varek Raith  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:43:43pm

Ted Cruz has won.

208 engineer cat  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:44:09pm

Pizza button

Project: Hamburger Cannon
Aim: Project hamburger into window of automobile going at sixty (60) miles an hour on the 880

Modern Life is moving faster and faster, and, frankly, "fast food" is no longer fast enough. These days it's possible to drive to work, talk on the phone, eat lunch, and get divorced all at the same time - often without even noticing it! Who has time to find the nearest fast food outlet on your intelligent cellular communication device, drive to the exit, get in line at Jack in the Box, and get back on the freeway???

Hamburger Cannon aims to streamline modern eating by integrating commuting, intelligent telephony, and post modern digestion seamlessly and efficiently. Here's how it works:

Our Post Modern Commuter has the Hamburger Cannon app installed on his Self Conscious Artificially Intelligent GPS Enabled Consumer Tracking Device. He, she, or it merely uses our BlueTooth Click Extension to click once on the Hamburger Cannon app. Back at the Hamburger Cannon main server, located on the moon for shorter cell transmission logistics, Our Post Modern Commuter's GPS is read, the speed and trajectory of the car is calculated, the hamburger order is placed, and the instructions are uploaded to the Hamburger Cannon Ballistic Delivery Device at the appropriate location. And it's Bingo!!! - the hamburger is soon flying along aimed directly into Our Communter's Automobile Window!

(notice: Hamburger Cannon hamburgers are pre-tested for minimization of cranial trauma)

209 Interesting Times  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:44:13pm

Or, what you get when critical thinking is banished from sight.

210 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:45:16pm

Texas Tribune:

8:30 p.m. by Hollie O'Connor
We have called SBOE District 12 for Geraldine "Tincy" Miller over Gail Spurlock, giving her a shot at reclaiming a seat on the board.

Gail Spurlock is the "Pilgrims were Commies" SBOE board member.

211 Decatur Deb  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:48:15pm

re: #207 Varek Raith

Ted Cruz has won.

Wasn't Sam Rayburn from Texas? What the hell got into the water there?

212 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:48:21pm

Looks like Judge John "I can beat somebody with a Mexican name" Devine is going to win against incumbent Texas Supreme Court Justice David Medina.

213 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:53:28pm

re: #209 Interesting Times

[Embedded content]

Or, what you get when critical thinking is banished from sight.

Very few voting blocs in the US are as far right as GOP primary voters in TX. Overwhelmingly white and evangelical, disproportionately male and older. Still, when an endorsement from Perry isn't enough to prove far right bona fides, something scary is happening.

214 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:55:39pm

re: #211 Decatur Deb

Wasn't Sam Rayburn from Texas? What the hell got into the water there?

Yeah, just read more about him in the Robert Caro series on LBJ They got special brand of crazy inside those borders.

215 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:55:49pm

re: #206 prairiefire

Hey! How's your new place working out?

Thanks for asking Prairie. It is SO GREAT. I'm in a totally different happy zone. Dying to come home every night and just enjoy it. Last box was gone this weekend, total relief to get rid of all the stuff I didn't need. :)

216 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:56:33pm

re: #211 Decatur Deb

Wasn't Sam Rayburn from Texas? What the hell got into the water there?

during the time LBJ was head of the Senate, Rayburn was Speaker of the House. Texas controlled both branches of Congress . . .

217 Decatur Deb  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:57:21pm

re: #213 palomino

Very few voting blocs in the US are as far right as GOP primary voters in TX. Overwhelmingly white and evangelical, disproportionately male and older. Still, when an endorsement from Perry isn't enough to prove far right bona fides, something scary is happening.

Just read Cruz' wiki bio. There's nothing in his background or career to make him a nutter, until you hit the list of his supporters.


218 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:59:10pm

re: #207 Varek Raith

Ted Cruz has won.

Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!
Image: 20120727_cruzpalin_jjh001.jpg

219 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 6:59:49pm

re: #217 Decatur Deb

Just read Cruz' wiki bio. There's nothing in his background or career to make him a nutter, until you hit the list of his supporters.


Kinda like Romney used to be.

220 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:00:26pm

re: #215 Stanley Sea

Sent you a mail!

221 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:00:52pm

re: #218 Stanley Sea

She has ugly knees.

222 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:02:06pm

Cruz would like to privatize Social Security. What fun.

223 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:02:50pm

re: #221 Dancing along the light of day

She has ugly knees.

She's been on them too many times.

224 Decatur Deb  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:03:08pm

re: #222 jaunte

Cruz would like to privatize Social Security. What fun.

Does he have any kind of effective opposition?

225 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:04:05pm

re: #218 Stanley Sea

Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!
Image: 20120727_cruzpalin_jjh001.jpg

I don't get the whole Nashville wannbe look --from an Alaskan . . .

226 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:06:21pm

re: #224 Decatur Deb

I'm afraid it's going to be Cruz vs. who?
Texas Dems pick ex-state Rep. Sadler for US Senate

Texas hasn't elected a Democrat to the U.S. Senate since Lloyd Bentsen in 1988.
Sadler supports the White House-backed health care reform, Planned Parenthood clinics and allowing tax cuts for the nation's wealthiest residents to expire.

227 Interesting Times  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:06:58pm

Yay theocratic bigot vote!

228 Decatur Deb  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:08:00pm

re: #226 jaunte

I'm afraid it's going to be Cruz vs. who?
Texas Dems pick ex-state Rep. Sadler for US Senate

Great. Sen Paul will have someone to use the Senate teeter-totter with.

229 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:08:44pm

re: #227 Interesting Times


230 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:10:14pm

re: #223 b_sharp

She's been on them too many times.

Now, now.

231 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:11:28pm

re: #220 Dancing along the light of day

Sent you a mail!

:) replied!! I'm putting together my baby bbq patio grill right now! LOL. Some engineer really gave the Chinese excellent instructions. There's a plastic parts pack with #'s on the back - as you go through the instructions you pop that # part out of the back & use it.


232 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:12:50pm

re: #225 ggt

I don't get the whole Nashville wannbe look --from an Alaskan . . .

The Texans hate it too. Unless all you can think about is Sarah and the Tea Party, then no matter what, you love em.

233 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:16:33pm
234 Gus  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:18:52pm

re: #211 Decatur Deb

Wasn't Sam Rayburn from Texas? What the hell got into the water there?

Lack of water. It's probably not that. It's the Texas CULTURE instead.


235 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:19:48pm

re: #234 Gus

Football and church school.

236 Gus  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:20:22pm

re: #235 jaunte

Football and church school.

Too many hits to the noggin.


237 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:20:28pm

re: #222 jaunte

Cruz would like to privatize Social Security. What fun.

Why don't we just privatize everything? It seems like what the TP right essentially move in the opposite direction from the rest of the developed world.

What could go wrong if we turned Social Security over to the banks? What downside could there be to having the US military be run completely by Blackwater and other private contractors? While we're at it, let's privatize inspection of food, pharmaceuticals, air and water. No reason to think that would be a problem.

238 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:21:41pm

re: #237 palomino

Sure, but first we have to get rid of all the onerous any financial regulations.

239 jaunte  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:22:56pm

re: #236 Gus

Right on cue:

240 palomino  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:25:10pm

re: #225 ggt

I don't get the whole Nashville wannbe look --from an Alaskan . . .

Tacky and cheap, she looks like shit. But, as the GOP's reigning spokesmodel, she's obliged to dress like a Dixie Sex and the City girl. And she's not gonna wow anyone, save the most mentally challenged of Republicans, with her words. So she reverts to Plan B--"sexy" clothing.

241 b_sharp  Tue, Jul 31, 2012 7:28:17pm

re: #230 Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire

Now, now.

Watch her church vids, the people speak in tongues and roll on the floor.

242 Bulworth  Wed, Aug 1, 2012 7:45:56am
How is Fox claiming there were lynching and tortures when they have no evidence for or against?

Hadn't realized Fox and Republicans were against torture. /

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