Phil Robertson Fantasizes About Atheist Family Being Raped and Murdered

Wingnuts • Views: 37,470


Here’s the guy who was invited to give a speech at CPAC this year, and was awarded the “Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment” prize.

I hesitated about even posting this, because it’s unbelievably deranged. This is what the right wing has devolved into.

“I’ll make a bet with you,” Robertson said. “Two guys break into an atheist’s home. He has a little atheist wife and two little atheist daughters. Two guys break into his home and tie him up in a chair and gag him. And then they take his two daughters in front of him and rape both of them and then shoot them and they take his wife and then decapitate her head off in front of him. And then they can look at him and say, ‘Isn’t it great that I don’t have to worry about being judged? Isn’t it great that there’s nothing wrong with this? There’s no right or wrong, now is it dude?’”

Robertson kept going: “Then you take a sharp knife and take his manhood and hold it in front of him and say, ‘Wouldn’t it be something if this [sic] was something wrong with this? But you’re the one who says there is no God, there’s no right, there’s no wrong, so we’re just having fun. We’re sick in the head, have a nice day.’”

“If it happened to them,” Robertson continued, “they probably would say, ‘something about this just ain’t right.”

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1 jaunte  Mar 24, 2015 8:20:37pm
2 Shiplord Kirel  Mar 24, 2015 8:23:13pm


Probably just as well he didn’t go to Vietnam.

3 teleskiguy  Mar 24, 2015 8:25:50pm

Deranged filth. Something a psychopath thinks about to get off.

I need a shower.

4 Lidane  Mar 24, 2015 8:26:26pm

More pious love and charity from Mullah Quack.

Cripes this guy is insane.

5 RadicalModerate  Mar 24, 2015 8:30:42pm

Hearing stuff like this just convinces me that guys like Robertson fantasize about being the next Eric Rudolph or Anders Breivik, and of course what constitutes as the leadership of the mainstream religious movement in the US not only tolerates this, but actively encourages it.

6 goddamnedfrank  Mar 24, 2015 8:30:54pm

This William Baldwin / Cindy Crawford Fair Game movie is the worst.

7 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 24, 2015 8:34:42pm

re: #6 goddamnedfrank

Any William Baldwin movie is guaranteed to be grade B or below. What were you thinking?

8 teleskiguy  Mar 24, 2015 8:34:47pm

Anybody have a hundred mil laying around?

9 Jenner7  Mar 24, 2015 8:36:35pm

Atheists don’t know right from wrong?? That’s news to me. What a self-righteous dick.

10 Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 24, 2015 8:38:33pm

re: #8 teleskiguy

Why the fuck does anyone need a $100 million lodge? As a monstrously expensive dick replacement?

11 Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 24, 2015 8:39:16pm

re: #9 Jenner7

Atheists don’t know right from wrong?? That’s news to me. What a self-righteous dick.

Seriously. I was raised by an atheist father who did an EXCELLENT job of teaching me all about right and wrong.

He apparently has Atheists mixed up with Anarchists.

12 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing  Mar 24, 2015 8:39:26pm

FSM, these people are sick in the head. Like no other culture on earth has morals against murder, torture, etc.

Fuck these assholes.

13 CuriousLurker  Mar 24, 2015 8:39:27pm

They haven’t done anything violent like ISIS has, but they sure seem to wish they could. I’m gonna guess if there wasn’t a government to stop them, their sick fantasies would quickly become reality. Gawd, what a miscreant.

I’m gonna go read a book and see if it’ll help dilute the stink of his depravity.

14 The Ghost of Tonalite Gneiss  Mar 24, 2015 8:40:03pm

Phil Robertson made me wake up. Devoid of an external and divine source of guidance, I’d merely been fooling myself with my deeply considered reflections upon empathy, compassion, and self-awareness. I ama nihilistic void, incapable of moral capacity…and apparently short some basic perceptual and reasoning skills too boot. Phil was so right about that. Be grateful for spellchecking and autocorrect, because otherwise my basic inability to give a shit about things would have made this unintelligible. Up is down. Nipple salads is sideways ballet.

This morning I fixed a cup of tea and paused to think about whether the world was full of people with whom I share simple but profound commonalities, or simply a mass of flesh to be violated at my whim and pleasure. Maybe it was the caffeine, but I decided the latter, and began then converting old bottles of extra virgin olive oil into crude incendiary devices. It was going to be an extra long commute because of road work, after all.

As it turns out, bank tellers are utterly accustomed to dealing with empty-eyed sociopaths with faulty cognitive skills, so depositing the rent checks was a straightforward process only slightly disrupted by my heavy breathing, leather mask, and attempts to communicate solely through groping and suggestive hand signals. They barely reacted when I appropriated several of the janitorial staff for training to act as human chariot-horses for the inevitable day when we live in a gasoline-less hellscape and my 4-cylinder truck will have to run on alternative power sources like guys named Jeff.

Then I stopped by the grocery store for eggs and flour: I’d been wanting to try tres leches cake from scratch, and what better time for a decadent dessert that right after the realization that all life exists solely for my momentary gratification, my indulgence of my sweet tooth was as meaningless as the forklift operator I’d set on fire. Lacking the moral guidance of a supreme being capable of delivering me to eternal torture, I may have left a gore-stained abattoir in the aisle with the sweetened condensed milk. I’m much more confident that my total moral relativism, such that I could not condemn and rape a murder that occurred before my very eyes, led directly to me nailing the cashier into a storage crate and mailing her to Iraq.

Lunch proved similarly complicated. A French dip sandwich and forcing the waitstaff into concubinage aren’t really that different, as demands go. I’m still not entirely sure how I’m going to handle the practical aspects of thrall accumulation in the long term, but in the short term I know some charred road worker corpses that were cooked in healthier, unsaturated fats.

The afternoon was comparatively uneventful. My usual routine of listening to the news and puttering about doing chores was stymied by my nascent slave-state, the accompanying wailing and gnashing of teeth, and my inability to relate to the thoughts an feelings of other human beings. Mere voices on radio barely scratched the surface of my depraved indifference. Is ISIS killing people? That might be bad. But on the other hand, what happens in the Belgian Congo stays in the Belgian Congo, as Kurtz would say. It’s not like this cream is going to whip itself into soft peaks. And speaking of things not whipping themselves—all of these weeping children!

As I prepare for bed after my first day of utter depravity, I question what tomorrow will bring. No, really, what will tomorrow bring? Over the course of the day, the utter subjectivity of human action has deprived me all of all meaningful context. History, culture, psychology, literature…all meaningless. People doing things to other people, but who I am to judge, other than the guy with the chainsaw warclub and the Laz-E-Boy recliner to which are affixed the silent, fear-frozen widows of my victims? I suspect I will not rest easy this night, and not just because I am unaccustomed to sleeping on a pyramid of desecrated corpses.

If only I believed in a bigger, more terrifying being who demanded I comply with his whims rather than my own. Like a prison yard boss. A really big one.

Then I’d be a good guy like Phil Robertson. Right?

15 Kragar  Mar 24, 2015 8:42:34pm

My take away is this:

Phil Robertson has fantasized, in graphic detail, about murdering innocent men, women, and children who have done nothing more than disagree with him on religion and the only thing stopping him from doing it is his imaginary friend would be angry with him if he did.

If the only thing stopping your from killing people is fear, then you have the moral strength of a puppy scared of a rolled up newspaper.

16 Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 24, 2015 8:42:40pm

Also, ever notice that some of these Family Values types come up with the most deranged and detailed fantasies?

17 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Mar 24, 2015 8:43:36pm

re: #9 Jenner7

Atheists don’t know right from wrong?? That’s news to me. What a self-righteous dick.

There’s actually quite a long history of this. You’ll find basically the same opinion offered up in the writings of Theodore Parker, who was a Unitarian minister and prominent abolitionist in the middle of the 19th century. Parker argued that there were no true atheists, because anyone who truly didn’t believe in God would be a moral monster, and he didn’t believe anyone so depraved actually existed.

18 RadicalModerate  Mar 24, 2015 8:44:30pm

re: #7 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Any William Baldwin movie is guaranteed to be grade B or below. What were you thinking?

Pretty much every role for him after being in Backdraft has been a downward spiral.

19 Charles Johnson  Mar 24, 2015 8:47:00pm

Someone just popped up on Twitter and told me Robertson’s story was “crude, but raised valid issues of morality.”


20 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 24, 2015 8:49:48pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Someone just popped up on Twitter and told me Robertson’s story was “crude, but raised valid issues of morality.”


No inner sense of ethical behavior or thought. Only an external sense of dire consequences if caught, and then expiation if they confess to God.

21 Belafon  Mar 24, 2015 8:50:23pm

If you need God to keep you from doing wrong, you might need to ask God to help you grow up.

22 Kragar  Mar 24, 2015 8:50:55pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Someone just popped up on Twitter and told me Robertson’s story was “crude, but raised valid issues of morality.”


The valid issue being that hardcore Evangelicals are fucking psychopaths held in check by folklore?

23 Sionainn  Mar 24, 2015 8:51:54pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Someone just popped up on Twitter and told me Robertson’s story was “crude, but raised valid issues of morality.”


I’m an atheist. I’ve never ever fantasized about doing anything remotely like Robertson blathered on about. I go out of my way not to hurt others, let alone kill them! These fundies are some scary ass people.

24 The Ghost of Tonalite Gneiss  Mar 24, 2015 8:52:20pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Someone just popped up on Twitter and told me Robertson’s story was “crude, but raised valid issues of morality.”


1. Put googly eyes on your left fist.
2. Tell rapt audience what your left fist is thinking.
3. Explain to rapt audience that your left fist represents everything that has gone wrong in the history of this nation.
4. Tell rapt audiences that people they don’t like all think exactly the same as Googly Fist…who, as everyone knows, is the_worst.
5. Bask in applause and money.

25 RadicalModerate  Mar 24, 2015 8:53:01pm

It scares the absolute crap out of me thinking that there are people out there who think that the only thing keeping them from a life of murder and mayhem is their religious beliefs.

26 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 24, 2015 8:53:25pm

re: #22 Kragar

The valid issue being that hardcore Evangelicals are fucking psychopaths held in check by folklore?

This is this case for quite a few of them, I believe. When one goes “astray,” I cease to be amazed.

27 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 9:02:08pm

Not here to proselytize, but Robertson is the reason that early Christians chose to believe that Jesus Christ preached a Word that is a law of love, not Commandments. That the Beatitudes should provide the moral compass instead of the Ten Commandments. Heck, some Christians still believe that today. It’s a lot easier to observe the Ten Commandments than live up to the Beatitudes, but if you want to call yourself a Christian, that’s most likely what you gotta do.

28 Zamb  Mar 24, 2015 9:02:17pm

It’s not their fear of a wrathful god that keeps them from acting like this, it’s fear of the law, secular law, that prevents them. The entire concept of a god that is wrathful and willing to punish the wicked comes from this god punishing those that go against him, particularly those that believe in false gods or fail to worship him properly. If the government recognized their particular faith as the legitimate one, they’d have no problem discriminating against non-believers, and killing any who displeased their god. But we don’t recognize their faith as the truth, so saying “he sinned against god” is not a legitimate defense.

29 Pip's Squeak  Mar 24, 2015 9:03:23pm

re: #8 teleskiguy

Utterly tasteless. You’d think the Kochs could afford to hire designer other than a denizen of Lower Slobovia.

30 Charles Johnson  Mar 24, 2015 9:07:14pm
31 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 9:08:57pm

Rachel Maddow: I don’t read it [Playboy] for the articles. LOL! I get such a kick out of her.

32 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 9:09:28pm

re: #30 Charles Johnson

Any questions?

33 Lidane  Mar 24, 2015 9:09:56pm

re: #21 Belafon

If you need God to keep you from doing wrong, you might need to ask God to help you grow up.

And if the only reason you believe at all is because you want an eternal life of leisure after you die, you’re doing it wrong.

34 Charles Johnson  Mar 24, 2015 9:11:54pm

35 CuriousLurker  Mar 24, 2015 9:14:38pm

I’ll repeat: It is the presence of a functioning, secular government that keeps them in check, not their religious or folkloric beliefs.

As with ISIS, anyone who disagrees with their worldview, with what they believe their religion tells them, is fair game for being raped, castrated, beheaded, burnt alive, whatever. They simply can’t act out here because they’d go to jail.

As I’ve said before, I’ve lived with religious extremism up close & personal. They believe with all of their twisted, dark little hearts that they are 100% correct and righteous because they alone possess The Truth.™ That is why I can’t stand them and get so pissed when people lump all believers together with people like that.

It’s like, “Fuck off. Go live with some fundies 24/7 for a few years, then come back and talk shit to me about how awful the average believer is.”

Okay, now I’m thoroughly annoyed over the crappy memories this is dredging up, so I’m gonna walk away from this discussion now.

36 CuriousLurker  Mar 24, 2015 9:15:28pm

re: #28 Zamb

It’s not their fear of a wrathful god that keeps them from acting like this, it’s fear of the law, secular law, that prevents them. The entire concept of a god that is wrathful and willing to punish the wicked comes from this god punishing those that go against him, particularly those that believe in false gods or fail to worship him properly. If the government recognized their particular faith as the legitimate one, they’d have no problem discriminating against non-believers, and killing any who displeased their god. But we don’t recognize their faith as the truth, so saying “he sinned against god” is not a legitimate defense.


37 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 24, 2015 9:17:01pm

re: #27 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Not here to proselytize, but Robertson is the reason that early Christians chose to believe that Jesus Christ preached a Word that is a law of love, not Commandments. That the Beatitudes should provide the moral compass instead of the Ten Commandments. Heck, some Christians still believe that today. It’s a lot easier to observe the Ten Commandments than live up to the Beatitudes, but if you want to call yourself a Christian, that’s most likely what you gotta do.

It’s the difference between “don’t do these bad things” vs. “do these good things.”

Likewise, some Christians believe that humans are inherently evil (or sinful, as the case may be), while other Christians believe that humans are inherently good. The Beatitudes are advice to good people to be better. The Commandments are warnings to sinful people to stay out of trouble.

38 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 9:18:41pm

re: #34 Charles Johnson

As far as I’m concerned, Helter Skelter is THE definitive head banging song.

39 GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 24, 2015 9:21:51pm

Conversely. If there was a god, why does “he” let so much bad shit happen all the time? “He” doesn’t sound very nice to me!

40 Viscous Obama  Mar 24, 2015 9:24:33pm

Ted Cruz going on Obamacare

you know that weird feeling that you had in 2012?

well, it’s back

41 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 24, 2015 9:24:58pm

re: #39 GlutenFreeJesus

Conversely. If there was a god, why does “he” let so much bad shit happen all the time? “He” doesn’t sound very nice to me!

Job had the same questions, and God’s answer was, “Shut up! Can you make thunder and lightning? No? So don’t bother me with pointless questions!”

It’s not a very satisfying answer.

42 teleskiguy  Mar 24, 2015 9:26:38pm

re: #34 Charles Johnson

This is kind of fun.

43 Pawn of the Oppressor  Mar 24, 2015 9:29:09pm

re: #27 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Don’t get me started. This family is “Church of Christ” who believe in their sad, weird little minds that they are sekrit troo krischuns and everybody ELSE has it wrong… I dated one for a while and she’s a fan of this addle-brained freakshow. Their church traces back to a revival preacher in the 1890s if I remember right, but they honestly believe they practice some magical “true” brand of Paul-derived Christianity that other people have strayed from. In the real world of history and facts, they are so far up the creek without a paddle, it’s hard to even completely fathom as a whole - they are utterly dedicated to an intricate and very weird mulligan’s stew of beliefs that defy casual analysis.

They’re already Taliban-level screwy. Add in modern reactionary politics, and you end up with a mess like Phil.

44 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 9:30:00pm

re: #39 GlutenFreeJesus

Conversely. If there was a god, why does “he” let so much bad shit happen all the time? “He” doesn’t sound very nice to me!

That’s been vexing philosophers for thousands of years. My personal stab at that concept is to suggest that 1 Good shit far outweighs the bad shit, 2 maybe God couldn’t create a Universe devoid of bad shit (or He did and it sucked, and this is Symverse 2.0), and 3 that’s about the best we can do to figure it out.

45 BigPapa  Mar 24, 2015 9:34:18pm

Raped daughters, beheaded wives, chopped pee pees.


46 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Mar 24, 2015 9:37:52pm

From driftglass:


47 William Barnett-Lewis  Mar 24, 2015 9:42:57pm

re: #35 CuriousLurker

In the pirkei avot there is a passage saying to pray for the welfare of the government - for without fear of the government, men would swallow each other whole.

48 Charles Johnson  Mar 24, 2015 9:43:11pm
49 freetoken  Mar 24, 2015 9:43:18pm

re: #8 teleskiguy


50 Charles Johnson  Mar 24, 2015 9:51:09pm
51 cckids  Mar 24, 2015 9:57:09pm

Not sure he realizes that in his little scenario, the “bad guys” are the family getting raped, decapitated & mutilated.

The “Christians” are the ones committing the crimes.

Not sure he thought this through.

52 lostlakehiker  Mar 24, 2015 10:09:44pm

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

Why the fuck does anyone need a $100 million lodge? As a monstrously expensive dick replacement?

Does anybody even need a $9 million home?

Where is the line between extravagant and obscene?

53 teleskiguy  Mar 24, 2015 10:14:55pm

I’mma drop this off here.

54 Shiplord Kirel  Mar 24, 2015 10:15:00pm

re: #47 William Barnett-Lewis

In the pirkei avot there is a passage saying to pray for the welfare of the government - for without fear of the government, men would swallow each other whole.

There are libertarians who advocate the legalization of cannibalism, so long as the meat comes from bodies whose original owners gave consent. Indeed, given their basic philosophy, it is hard to see how other libertarians could argue with the pro-cannibal position.

55 BigPapa  Mar 24, 2015 10:17:04pm

re: #52 lostlakehiker

Does anybody even need a $9 million home?

Where is the line between extravagant and obscene?

the line is 91 million wide

56 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 10:18:47pm

I listened to the piece, and I do have to take issue with the tone of this post. I don’t think the asshole wished any of this upon atheists, any more than a film maker or author wishes rape and murder when they write. He was trying to make a feeble point, the point being that the only reference for right and wrong can come from the almighty, or maybe another way, people wouldn’t know the difference between right and wrong without God telling them the difference. Also, what was the bet? When he said “I’ll make a bet with you…”, did he continue (past the clip) with the point to say he would bet that an atheist would really insist that rape and murder were morally fine, because even in the excerpt he would shoot down his own premise.*

* To grammar geeks, how do you punctuate a sentence like that, with a period or a question mark?

57 teleskiguy  Mar 24, 2015 10:22:11pm

re: #8 teleskiguy

Bill Koch is a weird dude with too much money.

KEBLER PASS —There’s a new town in Colorado. It has about 50 buildings, including a saloon, a church, a jail, a firehouse, a livery and a train station. Soon, it will have a mansion on a hill so the town’s founder can look down on his creation.

But don’t expect to move here — or even to visit.

This town is billionaire Bill Koch’s fascination with the Old West rendered in bricks and mortar. It sits on a 420-acre meadow on his Bear Ranch below the Raggeds Wilderness Area in Gunnison County. It’s an unpopulated, faux Western town that might boggle the mind of anyone who ever had a playhouse. Its full-size buildings come with polished brass and carved-mahogany details and are fronted with board sidewalks and underpinned by a water-treatment system. A locked gate with guards screens who comes and goes.

Koch’s project manager has told county officials that the enclave in the middle of the 6,400-acre Bear Ranch won’t ever be open to the public. It is simply for Koch’s amusement and for that of his family and friends — and historians. It is the ultimate repository for his huge collection of Western memorabilia.

“It’s the kind of stuff I guess you would expect a billionaire to construct. It’s like something out of a ‘Gunsmoke’ movie set,” said Ramon Reed, chairman of the Gunnison County Planning Commission.

The commission recently OK’d a 22,000-square-foot residence for Koch above the town that already has two buildings in excess of 11,000 square feet.

Billionaire Bill Koch’s new Colorado town is a private Old West marvel

58 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 10:23:06pm

Maybe it was Phil trying to tell The Aristocrats joke!

59 Pip's Squeak  Mar 24, 2015 10:25:15pm

re: #56 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I listened to the piece, and I do have to take issue with the tone of this post. I don’t think the asshole wished any of this upon atheists, any more than a film maker or author wishes rape and murder when they write. He was trying to make a feeble point, the point being that the only reference for right and wrong can come from the almighty, or maybe another way, people wouldn’t know the difference between right and wrong without God telling them the difference. Also, what was the bet? When he said “I’ll make a bet with you…”, did he continue (past the clip) with the point to say he would bet that an atheist would really insist that rape and murder were morally fine, because even in the excerpt he would shoot down his own premise.*

* To grammar geeks, how do you punctuate a sentence like that, with a period or a question mark?

Technically I think it ought to be a question mark. But then I’d insert the because clause elsewhere.

60 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 10:26:46pm

re: #59 Pip’s Squeak

Technically I think it ought to be a question mark. But then I’d insert the because clause elsewhere.

Just don’t write it that way in the first place I guess. It’s one thing to say it (no punctuation in speech) but if you’re going to take the time to write it down I guess just write it differently.

61 goddamnedfrank  Mar 24, 2015 10:28:32pm

The degree of specificity and detail in Robertson’s little fantasy scenario indicates he’s spent a frightening amount of time thinking about this.

“If it happened to them,” Robertson continued, “they probably would say, ‘something about this just ain’t right.”

Atheists would say that if it happened to anybody, not just them. Seriously, he’s projecting his own appalling callousness towards “the other” onto atheists. I’ve seriously never seen an atheist game out hypothetical fantasy rape / murder / decapitation / castration scenarios, or harm of any kind towards religious folk in order to castigate their beliefs.

62 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 10:58:50pm

re: #61 goddamnedfrank

I think that the scenario Robertson posited above is being shoehorned into a pre-ordained narrative because of his other fanatical statements. The degree of specificity and detail, not to mention the extent of the harm wrought upon the atheists pales in comparison to the comedians who tell the Aristocrats joke, and they are doing it to be funny. Are you willing to put Drew Carey, Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, et al., in the same moral boat as Phil Robertson?

63 Single-handed sailor  Mar 24, 2015 11:04:04pm

re: #62 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

64 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:13:04pm

re: #63 Single-handed sailor

What’s so difficult to understand about my 62? Robertson never says that’s would should happen to atheists (at least not in that clip). He sure has said ignorant shit in the past, which is why I think there is a rush to take these statements and say he’s fantasizing that this should happen. He isn’t the first guy to make up a horrible scenario to make a rhetorical point. For example, either Walter Mondale or Michael Dukakis once faced a Presidential debate question positing the rape and murder of his wife and daughter, and what he would have to say about the death penalty under such circumstances. Nobody would suggest that the questioner was fantasizing that such a thing should happen.
Further, goddamedfrank suggested it was wrong to do it in order to advance a religious agenda, but what about the comedians who “fantasized” about these things to make people laugh?

65 Kragar  Mar 24, 2015 11:14:24pm

re: #64 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Given Robertson’s history of batshit fucking insane statements, I see no reason to give him the slightest benefit of the doubt on any occasion.

66 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:16:28pm

re: #65 Kragar

Given Robertson’s history of batshit fucking insane statements, I see no reason to give him the slightest benefit of the doubt on any occasion.

You’re certainly free to choose, but you’re choosing to misinterpret what he said.

67 goddamnedfrank  Mar 24, 2015 11:18:20pm

re: #64 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Further, goddamedfrank suggested it was wrong to do it in order to advance a religious agenda, but what about the comedians who “fantasized” about these things to make people laugh?

WUT? I said it was a fucking retarded projection to suggest that an atheist’s response would be any different to such a thing happening to someone else vs. it happening to them. I’ve never seen anybody, let alone a comedian, proudly fantasizing about such a graphic violent gang rape and mass murder, publicly or otherwise. That’s in no small part what make’s Robertson’s fantasy so alarming, the fact that he put a lot of time and effort into imagining ever detail of this down to the castration.

68 Kragar  Mar 24, 2015 11:18:35pm

re: #66 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

You’re certainly free to choose, but you’re choosing to misinterpret what he said.

Thanks so very much for explaining to me how I misinterpreted how to take a zealot’s psychotic screed.

69 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:23:52pm

re: #67 goddamnedfrank

I said above (in #56) that he shoots down his own premise when the atheist said the crime was wrong.
“I’ve never seen anybody, let alone a comedian, proudly fantasizing about such a graphic violent gang rape and mass murder, publicly or otherwise”, well then what about the countless Youtube clips of the Aristocrats joke where comedians quite proudly regale you with such fantasies?
It really doesn’t take a whole lot of time and effort to come up with such a scenario. Phil Robertson is a Grade A asshole, but if you’re going to use his statements to hold him up to ridicule, there are far better ones to use than this.

70 goddamnedfrank  Mar 24, 2015 11:25:22pm

re: #62 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I think that the scenario Robertson posited above is being shoehorned into a pre-ordained narrative because of his other fanatical statements. The degree of specificity and detail, not to mention the extent of the harm wrought upon the atheists pales in comparison to the comedians who tell the Aristocrats joke, and they are doing it to be funny. Are you willing to put Drew Carey, Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, et al., in the same moral boat as Phil Robertson?

Dumb. Just dumb. Sorry, but the point of Aristocrats, as I understand it, is to create a stream of obscene consciousness, a brainstorm of shocking content as both a creative exercise and as a no holds barred off the cuff improvisational bit that is almost only ever performed in front of other comedians. While intended to shock, and even disgust, the Aristocrats is neither an ernest expression nor is it intended to belittle and degrade others.

Robertson was saying that atheists only care about right and wrong when it involves horrible things happening to themselves.

71 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:30:02pm

re: #70 goddamnedfrank

Like it or not, you don’t have enough from the clip to draw that conclusion. When Robertson claims that the atheist doesn’t think he would have to be judged, he ignores the fact that people get judged all the time here on Earth.

72 goddamnedfrank  Mar 24, 2015 11:33:57pm

re: #71 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Like it or not, you don’t have enough from the clip to draw that conclusion. When Robertson claims that the atheist doesn’t think he would have to be judged, he ignores the fact that people get judged all the time here on Earth.

Robertson ignores all kinds of shit, deliberately. His entire point however was clear, that atheists are self interested but not moral. That morality depends on a belief in God. He posits that atheists would whine and cry about morality when having their family raped and slaughtered in front of them, but that in reality they would be on the same relative amoral level as the rapists and murderers who victimized them.

73 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:34:19pm

goddamnedfrank, you did make it part of your argument that the time and effort to concoct this scenario made it significant, but you discount the time and effort the comedians put into it. You mention the intent to shock, but couldn’t you also say that was Robertson’s intent? I’m not here to defend Robertson. I’m just saying that this recording doesn’t plunge to the depth of the other shit he spews.

74 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:41:28pm

re: #72 goddamnedfrank

It’s hard to figure out the philosophy of a blithering idiot. In this case, he chose to have the harm visited upon the atheist family rather than have the atheist commit the harm in his scenario. If he were saying that atheists were immoral, that’s the route he easily could have chosen.
It’s ironic in a way that Robertson would be championed by right wingers who would espouse the same total self interest (unfettered capitalism) that Robertson suggests is the problem with atheists.

75 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:45:13pm

It’s a shame the recording cuts off where it did, because I think he wasn’t finished. He very easily could have said enough to draw a more definitive conclusion.

76 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 24, 2015 11:51:32pm

Robertson looks like a cross between a Biblical patriarch, a Confederate colonel and a member of ZZ Top. That makes him popular with a lot of people regardless of what he spouts.

77 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 24, 2015 11:51:44pm

I’m going to wrap up by saying that fundamentally it’s nobody’s business what you believe. It is only somebody’s business what you do (outside you own closed doors).

78 freetoken  Mar 25, 2015 12:00:51am

I notice the recording of Robertson is a Soundcloud audio.

However, when I try to post a Soundcloud audio here the player is not embedded, but just an html link is posted.


79 freetoken  Mar 25, 2015 12:07:28am
80 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 12:18:56am

So the same thing happens to a Christian. He certainly sees that something is wrong, but he does nothing to stop his assailants as Christ has told him to turn the other cheek…

81 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Mar 25, 2015 12:24:21am

re: #80 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

So the same thing happens to a Christian. He certainly sees that something is wrong, but he does nothing to stop his assailants as Christ has told him to turn the other cheek…

I think that the idea of turning the other cheek was to avoid the endless cycle of action - reaction like you have in the Balkans where one side attacks the other and claims it is revenge for the what the other side did, and for which the other side said that was a reaction to an older attack by the first side. Scholars don’t think it is an injunction against self-defense.

82 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 12:30:26am

re: #81 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I think that the idea of turning the other cheek was to avoid the endless cycle of action - reaction like you have in the Balkans where one side attacks the other and claims it is revenge for the what the other side did, and for which the other side said that was a reaction to an older attack by the first side. Scholars don’t think it is an injunction against self-defense.

I am aware of that, it is just that even Holy Scripture is a matter of interpretation and not absolute. Just like an interpretation of what constitutes “Biblical marriage”…

83 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 2:50:33am

Apart from the depravity of this vile idiot’s sick scenario, it’s also interesting that Robertson describes a penis as “manhood”. That would be the same as a woman thinking her entire existence is in her own genitals. I’ll bet he visits a lot of porn sites and harbors a lot of guilt over his own past, yet he keeps treating people the same as he always has because he hasn’t even come to peace with himself and how he’s always treated people. There’s a hole in him as wide as the Pacific ocean. He’s got this “christian” cover now and is fooling a lot of the rubes out there and making a shit ton of money doing it.

Robertson pretends (or not) that he has no idea of what a real human being is, how complex, and not just the one dimensional product of his own fevered fantasies.

84 Varek Raith  Mar 25, 2015 3:09:35am

This man needs an intervention.

85 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 3:15:51am

re: #82 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

I am aware of that, it is just that even Holy Scripture is a matter of interpretation and not absolute. Just like an interpretation of what constitutes “Biblical marriage”…

Which makes me wonder if Robertson has any concubines. : )

86 Amory Blaine  Mar 25, 2015 3:21:22am

Report: Wisconsin worst in nation on shrinking middle class

I’m hoping I can Escape From here before my property value inevitably plummets. I noticed frank and other lizards discussing the Puget Sound area yesterday. While I have never been that far north in Washington, I have been entertaining the idea of Bellingham Washington due to its relative “low” cost of housing and proximity to Vancouver Canada. Any lizards have experience up there ?

The idea of me moving there is because I feel if I have to uproot, I think being close to a society (Canada) that isn’t so unstable, might spill over enough opportunities to those who can service it.

87 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 3:25:26am

Actually, the only thing that changed in this couple’s relationship was the money, not Jesus. He married a 15 yr old who didn’t stand up for herself over the years and put up with his shit. This is actually a custom (albeit a damned old-fashioned one) which some men pursue: Marry a young teen and “raise her” the way you want her to be for you, dictate her entire being and if she doesn’t constantly bow down to you, get rid of her.

88 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 3:29:01am

re: #86 Amory Blaine

We need more forward thinking people in NC. We can change this state around because we’re really “purple”, not red. And the real estate is a lot cheaper. : )

If the country ever collapses from the vile deeds of people like Walker, you have easy access to the Caribbean or Bermuda from the NC shore. : )

89 Amory Blaine  Mar 25, 2015 3:32:01am

re: #88 Justanotherhuman

My sister lives in Huntersville NC. She may not express brutality like Phil Robertson, but she shares his type of ideology. I (and probably her) prefer the buffer zone we currently share.

90 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 3:40:47am

re: #89 Amory Blaine

I live about 15 or 20 minutes from Huntersville. It’s very much built up as a BR community of Charlotte and an escape for whites. When I was a 6 yr old, my dad moved us to Huntersville, which was nothing more than a rail stop and rural, from Charlotte into a frame house w/a well in the front yard and an outhouse in the back, although he got the landlord to put a spigot on the front porch. We had to ride a Greyhound bus to get to H’ville. That was Huntersville almost 70 yrs ago. My mother was pregnant with my second sister and died about a year later. I remember her giving us baths in a large tin tub in the front yard. When my sister was born, we moved back to Charlotte, iirc (you have to remember it was a traumatic time for us).

It’s only taken around 25 yrs to really change Huntersville into a town I hardly ever visit.

91 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 3:45:34am

re: #57 teleskiguy

Needs an android Yul Brynner to make it complete.

92 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 4:00:00am

Germanwings crash. This plane pretty much just disintegrated.

‘The biggest piece of debris is the size of nearly half a car,’ says head of air rescue Xavier Roy - @hamishNews
end of alert

93 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 4:03:19am

Holy crap.

Heinz to combine with Kraft in deal backed by Buffett, Brazilian firm, creating food giant - @AP
end of alert

And to think that Brazil won’t even be able to clean up its polluted waterways (w/raw sewage) in time for the Olympics. Olympians will have to deal with it in water sports. Christonacrutch, what a mess, but it’s what happens when people must use open sewers in Brazil because they’re kept poor.

94 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 4:10:43am

re: #93 Justanotherhuman

Holy crap.

Heinz to combine with Kraft in deal backed by Buffett, Brazilian firm, creating food giant - @AP
end of alert

And to think that Brazil won’t even be able to clean up its polluted waterways (w/raw sewage) in time for the Olympics. Olympians will have to deal with it in water sports. Christonacrutch, what a mess, but it’s what happens when people must use open sewers in Brazil because they’re kept poor.

Dilma Rousseff, who just barely won the presidency last year, is facing a pile of problems. She’s implicated in a corruption scandal related to Petrobras funneling money to her re-election campaign, and several members of the Brazilian congress — including the ethics committee — are under investigation. The people are fed up with her, as taxes are not providing the regular folks any sort of decent services.

Add to that the mess facing the Olympics preparations, and the lack of infrastructure to even support the construction of the venues. It’s a big disaster.

Meanwhile, the Brazilian corporations are ready and able to buy up US companies. It’s a libertarian’s wet dream.

95 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 4:12:05am

re: #86 Amory Blaine

BTW, my ex-husband lives in the Puget Sound area, Poulsbo, moved from Bremerton after he retired from Fed service as a nuclear sub inspector. This is the guy who never contacted his kids, never supported them very well, from the time they were toddlers. He simply married his young teen paramour and had more kids.

96 The Mother Of All Pies  Mar 25, 2015 4:48:15am

Good morning! I am sick and feel like crap.

Just a little reminder of what an utter train wreck Ted Cruz’s daddy really is:

97 kirkspencer  Mar 25, 2015 4:57:56am

Hate to write and run, but relative to the original post…

According to pretty much every version of Christianity, the most heinous individual who accepts Christ as his Lord and Savior, even though it be his final breath, shall be saved.

It’s part of what I consider a flaw with most practicing Christians: party Saturday, pardon Sunday, heaven’s just a tear and a prayer away - and too many just lather rinse and repeat.

So if the family attacked in Robertson’s little wish fantasy were Christians instead, there /still/ would not be assurance of eventual punishment.

98 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 5:03:33am
99 lawhawk  Mar 25, 2015 5:04:32am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. So, Robertson once again reveals his vile inner voice for all to hear. Not surprising nor shocked.

Nor am I shocked or surprised that he was lauded at CPAC and other right wing outlets. They are cultivating an entire crop of folks who have like minded beliefs.

But I have to wonder, where was this atheist family’s guns? Surely they would have shot the intruders and killed them quite dead. Or are the guns only reserved for the good Christian soldiers?

Or, is atheist a stand-in for liberal who wants to take all your guns, and therefore isn’t a gun owner themselves?

Either way, it’s still a despicable statement.

100 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 5:09:47am

Good morning Lizards from clear and relatively cold (28F) Philadelphia.

It is supposed to start warming up today and there is a predicted high of 70F tomorrow - along with some rain.

Things sort of quiet around here. Plenty to do here at work, getting taxes done, Feline Overlords are not behaving outrageously, and still eating leftovers from the past weekend’s cooking. (Chicken in Thai peanut sauce and lentil soup - I bought some naan to go with it.)

Pursuant to Mr Robertson’s screed. Just the thing I want to hear at a prayer breakfast. And I notice no reports of negative feedback from his audience, just the initial partial recording via Right Wing Watch.

And thus the ebb and flow of derp through society continues


101 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Mar 25, 2015 5:12:50am

re: #20 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

I wonder how Phil Robertson explains the fact that “Atheist” Scandinavian countries have much lower rates of violent crime than Jesus-Fearing’ USA?

102 Dr. Matt  Mar 25, 2015 5:23:11am

re: #62 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I think that the scenario Robertson posited above is being shoehorned into a pre-ordained narrative because of his other fanatical statements. The degree of specificity and detail, not to mention the extent of the harm wrought upon the atheists pales in comparison to the comedians who tell the Aristocrats joke, and they are doing it to be funny. Are you willing to put Drew Carey, Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, et al., in the same moral boat as Phil Robertson?


Comedians who were purposely making a vile joke versus a Christian Conservative who believes that atheists do not have morals….. Really? Are you being contradictory for the sake of it?

103 Jay in Oregon  Mar 25, 2015 5:24:30am

re: #25 RadicalModerate

It scares the absolute crap out of me thinking that there are people out there who think that the only thing keeping them from a life of murder and mayhem is their religious beliefs.

It’s a good thing that no one has ever used their belief in God to justify torture and murder then—oh, wait…

104 Dr. Matt  Mar 25, 2015 5:26:16am

Ouch. If Fox is calling you on the carpet, all hope is lost….

Cruz’s record indicates that, out of 225 bills he has introduced, 53 have passed the Senate. However, only 5 passed in both the Senate and the House, while only 3 have been signed into law.

Later, Cruz said he had proven in Texas that he could reassemble what he called “the Reagan coalition.”

“We brought together conservatives and libertarians and evangelicals and women and young people and Hispanics and Reagan Democrats,” he said.

All those people are now being told that you’re ‘scary,’ 𠆍angerous,’ and ‘slimy,’” Kelly replied. “This is what you’re up against.”

105 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 25, 2015 5:29:17am

re: #96 The Mother Of All Pies

It wasn’t that long ago that the RW was apoplectic about some of the things that Jeremiah Wright said in his sermons. IIRC, Obama found it necessary to publicly speak out against some of Wright’s remarks and then he subsequently resigned from Wright’s church.

Not sure that even Cruz’ adoring followers would be comfy with the idea of an anointed king.

106 Dr. Matt  Mar 25, 2015 5:32:53am

re: #96 The Mother Of All Pies

How does Ted Cruz not put his father on a leash? Good Dawg, he’s a raving a lunatic. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

107 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:33:11am
108 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 5:35:11am

re: #99 lawhawk

I’m surprised, well not quite considering he doesn’t actually think, that Robertson described, in the above depraved scenario, that the couple were actually married and their kids weren’t “bastards”. I mean, weren’t they supposed to be people without “morals”? Wouldn’t, according to Robertson, those people just “shack up”?

109 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing  Mar 25, 2015 5:36:35am

re: #71 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Like it or not, you don’t have enough from the clip to draw that conclusion. When Robertson claims that the atheist doesn’t think he would have to be judged, he ignores the fact that people get judged all the time here on Earth.

There’s a whole movie about The Aristocrats, and his take is spot on.

110 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 5:38:26am

Damn, you can’t even go to the grocery store without confronting guns.

1 dead, 1 critically injured in shooting at Whitehaven Kroger

111 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:41:36am

Secretive ‘bill mill’ gets local foothold

An offshoot of the American Legislative Exchange Council that aims to influence local government is making inroads in Indiana.

The American City County Exchange, which launched about a year ago, has 22 members from eight Indiana counties, including Marion and Hamilton, making Indiana one of its “stronger” states, Director Jon Russell said.

112 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 5:41:47am

re: #101 Rocky-in-Connecticut

I wonder how Phil Robertson explains the fact that “Atheist” Scandinavian countries have much lower rates of violent crime than Jesus-Fearing’ USA?

He would avoid the issue, as facts obscure the narrative.

113 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:43:00am
114 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 5:43:03am

I must’ve missed the point where the Aristocrats joke became a legit thought experiment. Will Robertson now be doing a comedy circuit supporting Gilbert Gottfreid? Coz Conservatives tend to have problems doing comedy. Too often the outrageous ‘punchline’ is singularly devoid of irony.

That’s the clue, usually.

115 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:45:19am

8. Our century’s version of “Let Them Eat Cake.” Those infamous words were attributed to France’s queen in the late 1700s, when commenting about impoverished countrymen. Today, in America, the food stamp program (SNAP) tries to ensure that nobody goes hungry, and is supported by 70 percent of the public. The White House wants to continue it and make applying easier for seniors, NPP reports. The House GOP, in contrast, would make “deep cuts to SNAP” and turn it into a grant to states, where legislators might not even use the funds for food aid. The Senate GOP merely says food stamps should be on the list of programs that will yield $4.3 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade.

116 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 5:46:24am

re: #113 FemNaziBitch

The ‘Hyde Amendment’.

Kinda says it all.

117 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:46:57am

OMG! I slept and slept yesterday and I feel like I haven’t.


It’s raining today, washing away the snow from earlier in the week, but there seems more to come.


118 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:47:10am

re: #116 Alyosha

The ‘Hyde Amendment’.

Kinda says it all.


119 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 25, 2015 5:48:47am

re: #106 Dr. Matt

How does Ted Cruz not put his father on a leash? Good Dawg, he’s a raving a lunatic. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Cruz may see his father’s extreme religion as an advantage. He couldn’t, as a good family man and christian, repudiate his own father, right? The fundies will assume that Cruz is one of their own. I believe that he’s smart enough to know that he can’t be elected president, but that he can corral enough of the TP and the fundies to get the VP slot.

120 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 5:48:48am

re: #116 Alyosha

The ‘Hyde Amendment’.

Kinda says it all.

Pretty sure the opening scene of Stevenson’s famous story involves the antagonist tromping down violently on a young girl.

121 7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)  Mar 25, 2015 5:49:12am

re: #108 Justanotherhuman

I’m surprised, well not quite considering he doesn’t actually think, that Robertson described, in the above depraved scenario, that the couple were actually married and their kids weren’t “bastards”. I mean, weren’t they supposed to be people without “morals”? Wouldn’t, according to Robertson, those people just “shack up”?

Let’s assume, then, that they are gay married, as he does not mention the gender of either parent :)

122 Varek Raith  Mar 25, 2015 5:51:39am

re: #96 The Mother Of All Pies

Good morning! I am sick and feel like crap.

Just a little reminder of what an utter train wreck Ted Cruz’s daddy really is:

[Embedded content]

WTF does that even mean???

123 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 5:53:41am

re: #119 Higgs Boson’s Mate

He is, in my view, this election cycle’s True Believer candidate. One who can only be failed. It’ll be interesting to see how or if he evolves over the course of the campaign. As others here are aware his strength in the primaries will be his eventual undoing.

124 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 5:54:20am

re: #115 FemNaziBitch

Most states are unable (or unwilling) to raise funds to cover social welfare programs, so cutting federal SNAP funding will just create an enormous public health and social justice problem, with potentially disruptive consequences down the road.

If these yokels knew American history at all, they’d know that the number of starving, out of work people during the Great Depression was a big concern to all politicians. They feared socialism and communism, of course, but they also feared violent political unrest. Hoover did not really fathom the looming problem, but Roosevelt did.

125 Belafon  Mar 25, 2015 5:54:22am

re: #96 The Mother Of All Pies

Good morning! I am sick and feel like crap.

Just a little reminder of what an utter train wreck Ted Cruz’s daddy really is:

[Embedded content]

So, Dominionism is the belief that God will take the chosen to Galt’s Gulch?

126 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:54:58am

re: #106 Dr. Matt

How does Ted Cruz not put his father on a leash? Good Dawg, he’s a raving a lunatic. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Some men cannot get past worship of their earthly father. The idea of going against their believe system or in any way dishonoring them is anathema.

It’s a little boy seeking approval.

127 Frenchy  Mar 25, 2015 5:55:46am

re: #114 Alyosha

Hey now, you seem to be forgetting about that “joke” letter they sent to the Iranians. I know that I got a good chuckle out of that one.

128 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 5:56:15am

re: #125 Belafon

So, Dominionism is the belief that God will take the chosen to Galt’s Gulch?

If you can afford the ticket…

129 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 5:57:43am

re: #127 Frenchy

Hey now, you seem to be forgetting about that “joke” letter they sent to the Iranians. I know that I got a good chuckle out of that one.

Hah! We all did, just not in the way the signatories anticipated.

130 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 5:59:31am
131 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 6:00:43am

We got the most adorable photos yet of the Munchkin, in cap and gown, posing for his pre-K graduation (proofs). He’s certainly very photogenic and I don’t have one bad photo of him. I’ll try to download a photo later when we get those. : )

I regret to say, though, that he appears to be something of a late bloomer and not esp curious or interested in academics at this point. Hopefully, that will change. But he has his dad’s dry wit and an innate knowledge of some things that surprises me. The flash cards help at home, but sometimes he refuses to participate because he already doesn’t believe in “homework”. Already, for crying out loud. : /

132 Amory Blaine  Mar 25, 2015 6:03:19am

re: #117 FemNaziBitch

Just got off work for the “weekend”, so right now is my Friday afternoon.

133 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 6:03:23am


134 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 6:04:14am
135 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 6:07:13am

re: #130 FemNaziBitch

Surprise! Another Christian Terrorist

Now that can’t be true, I’ve been assured time and time again that Christians don’t engage in terrorism. It just doesn’t happen. And pay no attention to the genocide going on in Africa in the name of Christ!


136 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 6:08:07am

re: #130 FemNaziBitch

Goes to show that religion is not a very good indicator of behavior. I thought JWs weren’t activists really of any sort outside of missionary work.

137 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 6:09:18am

re: #124 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Most states are unable (or unwilling) to raise funds to cover social welfare programs, so cutting federal SNAP funding will just create an enormous public health and social justice problem, with potentially disruptive consequences down the road.

If these yokels knew American history at all, they’d know that the number of starving, out of work people during the Great Depression was a big concern to all politicians. They feared socialism and communism, of course, but they also feared violent political unrest. Hoover did not really fathom the looming problem, but Roosevelt did.

I suspect that part of the hope here is just that - and that the people will then flock back to the churches in order to get succor. Which, in turn, leads to conversions and greater influence for the glory of their God.

Without paying attention to the effects of unrest and a large class with no ability to purchase even base necessities. Both of which are bad for business and trade.

138 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 6:09:42am

re: #62 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I think that the scenario Robertson posited above is being shoehorned into a pre-ordained narrative because of his other fanatical statements. The degree of specificity and detail, not to mention the extent of the harm wrought upon the atheists pales in comparison to the comedians who tell the Aristocrats joke, and they are doing it to be funny. Are you willing to put Drew Carey, Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, et al., in the same moral boat as Phil Robertson?

Wouldn’t have any of them to dinner, even if they brought the duck.

139 Amory Blaine  Mar 25, 2015 6:09:43am

Going to trial this amp simulating software that’s supposed to be pretty good.

140 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 6:09:53am
141 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 6:10:59am
142 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 6:11:15am

re: #140 FemNaziBitch

[Embedded content]

I’ll take the hint ;)

143 Dr. Matt  Mar 25, 2015 6:12:46am

NOT The Onion

144 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 6:15:24am

re: #142 Alyosha

I’ll take the hint ;)

Do you know who else proposed that without a God, all manner of evil behavior would flourish? Do you, ALYOSHA?

145 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 6:17:11am

re: #137 Feline Fearless Leader

IIRC, the French revolutionaries raided the churches as well as the aristocrats’ chateaux. If the TPGOP/Libertarian faction wants people to come to church for succor, they might get more than they bargained for.

146 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 6:17:14am
147 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 6:17:25am

re: #144 Decatur Deb

Do you know who else proposed that without a God, all manner of evil behavior would flourish? Do you, ALYOSHA?

Ivan, my more genuine alter ego.

148 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 6:18:01am

re: #143 Dr. Matt

NOT The Onion

Was there a nice recursive photo at the time showing Bill while he was making his statement about fading standards?

149 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 6:18:25am

re: #142 Alyosha

I’ll take the hint ;)

Oh no, not you.

Not anyone really, just thought it was humorous.

150 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 6:20:56am

re: #143 Dr. Matt

NOT The Onion

[Embedded content]

First he attacks Brian Williams and criticizes the abuse of trust, leading to a deluge of evidence that he’s a lying fuck. Then he responds by first attacking the factcheckers, and now bemoans the decline of American journalism.

This man truly is a piece of work.

151 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 6:21:03am

re: #96 The Mother Of All Pies

Good morning! I am sick and feel like crap.

Just a little reminder of what an utter train wreck Ted Cruz’s daddy really is:

So the End Times are good? Bad?

Wish these people would pick a story and stick to it.


152 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 6:23:17am

re: #149 FemNaziBitch

I know haha! It was an uncharacteristic duplicate post and it coincided with one of my rare pop-ins :D

153 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 6:25:51am

re: #152 Alyosha

I should say rare signed-in moments. Always assume I’m lurking in the shadows.

154 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 6:26:37am

Let’s put it this way: If Brian Williams had lied as brazenly as O’Reilly has, and then responded not by admitting he’d lied but instead doubling down on the lies while attacking his critics, he wouldn’t simply be on suspension. He’d have been fired and dickheads and O’Reilly would have been there, declaring it evidence that the “liberal media” simply can’t be trusted.

155 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 6:30:02am

re: #151 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

So the End Times are good? Bad?

Wish these people would pick a story and stick to it.


The nuns taught no hunger for end times: “You don’t want to be there.”

156 FemNaziBitch  Mar 25, 2015 6:31:33am


157 Great White Snark  Mar 25, 2015 6:36:13am

Good morning from LA. Quite a windstorm here last night. Power outages, billboards taking a lean over the street. One poor guy was in his car driving when a pine tree fell on it. They had to cut the roof off the car to rescue him. I bet he is a Mercedes fan for life, those are very strong safe cars. In a shooting incident that looks as legit as some do awful, a fleeing murder suspect shot at Deputies with a shotgun and paid with his life.

158 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 6:37:20am

re: #151 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

So the End Times are good? Bad?

Wish these people would pick a story and stick to it.


They want to see Jesus return in their lifetimes, come hell or high water (literally)

159 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 6:40:46am

re: #158 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

They want to see Jesus return in their lifetimes, come hell or high water (literally)

But the rainbow was God’s covenant not to destroy the world by flood again.

Oh, that was Ashur? Never mind.

160 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 6:41:40am

re: #159 Alyosha

But the rainbow was God’s covenant not to destroy the world by flood again.

That does not rule out a few tsunamis to wash away the filth of fleshpots like San Francisco and Amsterdam…

161 Alyosha  Mar 25, 2015 6:42:52am

Welp, like the mayfly my short time here is done. I’ll see you early birds and outlanders some other time soon.

162 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 6:43:20am

re: #143 Dr. Matt

NOT The Onion

[Embedded content]

Says the man whose book on the Lincoln assassination was so poorly researched that Fords Theatre won’t sell it. The James Swanson book, Manhunt written a few years earlier by the way is much better.

163 Romantic Heretic  Mar 25, 2015 6:43:31am

re: #11 Eclectic Cyborg

These days the anarchists call themselves libertarians and hang out in the GOP with Robertson.

This is yet another example to me that there is a lot of self loathing in many of those who call themselves ‘conservative’.

164 Mattand  Mar 25, 2015 6:44:18am

re: #104 Dr. Matt

Ouch. If Fox is calling you on the carpet, all hope is lost….

“All those people are now being told that you’re ‘scary,’ dangerous,’ and ‘slimy,’” Kelly replied. “This is what you’re up against.”

I can also read that as Ailes, through Kelly, dropping a hint that if Cruz mellows just a little, he can more palatable to the GOP at large.

165 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 6:45:05am

re: #163 Romantic Heretic

These days the anarchists call themselves libertarians and hang out in the GOP with Robertson.

This is yet another example to me that there is a lot of self loathing in many of those who call themselves ‘conservative’.

There is a lot of self-loathing among believers in a religion that tells us we are all wretched sinners whose only hope of escaping hellfire and damnation is Jesus’ grace.

166 Great White Snark  Mar 25, 2015 6:46:57am

“This is your captain speaking… oops sorry my bad”.

Pilot’s DSLR Jammed Airliner Joystick and Caused it to Plummet, Investigation Finds

The Daily Mail reports that Military Aviation Authority has just released a report on the February 9th, 2014, incident that involved a RAF Airbus A330 transport jet carrying 198 people.

After examining the evidence, the investigators concluded that on the way to Afghanistan, the captain had shot a total of 77 photos of the flight deck from his seat. Just three minutes after taking a picture, he moved his seat forward, causing the Nikon camera to fall into the space between his armrest and joystick and become wedged.

167 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 6:46:59am

re: #104 Dr. Matt

Ouch. If Fox is calling you on the carpet, all hope is lost….

Wow, so the only requirement to be president is to “reassemble the Reagan Coalition”? In Texas?


168 Romantic Heretic  Mar 25, 2015 6:47:11am

re: #14 The Ghost of Tonalite Gneiss

There is a place on this planet where this is happening, and it’s not Somalia. They planned for it to happen.

169 Mattand  Mar 25, 2015 6:48:08am

re: #163 Romantic Heretic

These days the anarchists call themselves libertarians and hang out in the GOP with Robertson.

This is yet another example to me that there is a lot of self loathing in many of those who call themselves ‘conservative’.

Yeah, that’s a corollary of my observation of all the once-unapologetic conservatives I know now calling themselves independents.

Who just happen to maintain their unbroken string of blindly voting Republican, regardless of how fucked up the party is.

As far as the self loathing: if they ever run out, I’ve got plenty of loathe I can send their way.

170 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 6:49:34am

re: #169 Mattand

They’re “Independent” only in the sense that the GOP is actually far too mild for their tastes, but since they’re the only game in town for the super crazies….

171 Romantic Heretic  Mar 25, 2015 6:49:53am

re: #20 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

No inner sense of ethical behavior or thought. Only an external sense of dire consequences if caught, and then expiation if they confess to God.

As Emo Phillips noted, “I used to pray for a bicycle. Then I realized I was doing it wrong so I stole a bicycle and prayed for forgiveness instead.”

172 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 6:51:02am

re: #169 Mattand

Yeah, that’s a corollary of my observation of all the once-unapologetic conservatives I know now calling themselves independents.

Who just happen to maintain their unbroken string of blindly voting Republican, regardless of how fucked up the party is.

As far as the self loathing: if they ever run out, I’ve got plenty of loathe I can send their way.

They vote Republican because they claim to be fiscal conservatives even though Democrats have on both the federal and state level (at least here, I don’t know about your state so I can’t legitimately comment) but in both arenas, the Democrats have proven to be the much more fiscally responsible party. Lower taxes at all costs does not equal fiscally conservative. It’s annoying how many people fall for that. I am no fiscal conservative but neither are these Republicans.

173 Varek Raith  Mar 25, 2015 6:51:07am

re: #166 Great White Snark

“This is your captain speaking… oops sorry my bad”.

Pilot’s DSLR Jammed Airliner Joystick and Caused it to Plummet, Investigation Finds


174 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 6:52:46am

My paralegal studies professor pointed out the other day that the federal government saw its biggest growth rate under drum roll please, Reagan. The idea that American conservatives are anti-big government is absurd. They’re fine with it just as long as they can benefit from it.

175 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 6:53:15am


The amendment, as read into the Congressional record, dictates that “Federal agencies do not discriminate against an individual, business, or organization with sincerely held religious beliefs against abortion [or] that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

This seems to be an attempt to undermine the executive order President Obama signed last year requiring all federal contractors to adhere to LGBT nondiscrimination protections. An organization could employ gay workers and even provide benefits to their same-sex spouses but openly condemn their marriages, creating the kind of chilly work environment that could constitute de facto discrimination, and the federal government would be required to continue funding that organization with taxpayer money.

176 Romantic Heretic  Mar 25, 2015 6:53:58am

re: #44 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

That’s been vexing philosophers for thousands of years. My personal stab at that concept is to suggest that 1 Good shit far outweighs the bad shit, 2 maybe God couldn’t create a Universe devoid of bad shit (or He did and it sucked, and this is Symverse 2.0), and 3 that’s about the best we can do to figure it out.

Or as George Burns noted in Oh God, “I don’t allow bad things to happen. You do.”

177 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 6:54:10am

re: #175 Lidane


[Embedded content]

So they want special privileges. Funny because that’s exactly what they accuse gay people who just want equality of wanting. No dice Senator Snowball.

178 Romantic Heretic  Mar 25, 2015 6:55:06am

re: #53 teleskiguy

I’mma drop this off here.

[Embedded content]

Good for you. /high five

179 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 6:57:30am

re: #176 Romantic Heretic

Or as George Burns noted in Oh God, “I don’t allow bad things to happen. You do.”

We do not allow children to be born with terminal congenital diseases…

180 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:03:39am

re: #175 Lidane


Privilege. How the f0ck does it work?

181 Mattand  Mar 25, 2015 7:04:13am

Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Guess which supposedly moderate GOP governor is now openly professing all of our rights spring from God.

As he responded to the question on gun rights, Christie said that “all our rights are given to us by God,” not by the government.

I’m sure that televangelist-pretending-to-be-a-Senator Ted Cruz’s just announced POTUS run has nothing to do with it.

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life. Voting for this jackass twice because thinking yelling at teachers is adult leadership isn’t one of them.

182 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 7:05:58am

re: #175 Lidane


[Embedded content]

So they want bigots to be a protected class?

183 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 7:07:04am

re: #181 Mattand

Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Guess which supposedly moderate GOP governor is now openly professing all of our rights spring from God.

Okay, then back to the question that Europe fought over for most of the 15th and 16th centuries: whose translation/exegesis of the Bible is the valid one?

184 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:07:56am

re: #181 Mattand

Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Guess which supposedly moderate GOP governor is now openly professing all of our rights spring from God.

I’m sure that televangelist-pretending-to-be-a-Senator Ted Cruz’s just announced POTUS run has nothing to do with it.

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life. Voting for this jackass twice because thinking yelling at teachers is adult leadership isn’t one of them.

God gave us the right to…guns?

185 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 7:10:39am

It’s official:

186 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:10:57am

re: #181 Mattand

Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Guess which supposedly moderate GOP governor is now openly professing all of our rights spring from God.

I’m sure that televangelist-pretending-to-be-a-Senator Ted Cruz’s just announced POTUS runs have nothing to do with it.

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life. Voting for this jackass twice because thinking yelling at teachers is adult leadership isn’t one of them.

Then he can explain why democracy is such a new concept. If rights really come from God and not man, why did we need the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Civil Rights, Declaration of Independence, or Constitution? Why is representative democracy the minority of government type in history and not the norm? Man he sure knows how to pander.

187 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:11:21am

re: #184 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

God gave us the right to…guns?

But not to be gay.

188 Mattand  Mar 25, 2015 7:14:11am

re: #184 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

God gave us the right to…guns?

I can’t even.

I know pretty much 99.9% of the readership here could see this coming a light year away. It’s still fucking irritating.

While I don’t have a high opinion of the NJ electorate lately, Christie has got to know this isn’t gonna fly here. Another example of him less interested in what NJ thinks of him, and what IA, TX, and KS do.

There’s no way that he did not have a meeting with his POTUS crew that did not end with the understanding Christie has to ramp up his God bothering.

189 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 7:14:39am

re: #185 Backwoods_Sleuth

190 lostlakehiker  Mar 25, 2015 7:14:56am

re: #104 Dr. Matt

Ouch. If Fox is calling you on the carpet, all hope is lost….

[Embedded content]

Republicans remember the shelling they took when they nominated Goldwater. And Goldwater was far to the left of Cruz, and far more acceptable to the general public. There is, after all, a Republican “establishment”. It likes to have a chance of winning presidential elections, and it likes to have some voice in the positions a presidential candidate of its own party takes. Cruz won’t have the support of this establishment, because he’s too far out there to win the presidency and because he’s too much his own parade, too little willing to play ball.

This doesn’t prove that he can’t possibly win the nomination, but it means that the odds of that happening are long.

191 Drive By Commenter  Mar 25, 2015 7:17:28am

Phil Robertson is no more a “Christian” than I am a mushroom. That aside, his metroplex that he carries in his head has spooky hate filled movies on 24/7. I guess he didn’t know that “Christian” part about “love thy neighbor.” He just likes the parts where he and his fellow pretenders get to think about rape and dismemberment along with pain and suffering of others. In minute detail. What a fucking creep.

192 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:18:27am

re: #188 Mattand

I can’t even.

I know pretty much 99.9% of the readership here could see this coming a light year away. It’s still fucking irritating.

While I don’t have a high opinion of the NJ electorate lately, Christie has got to know this isn’t gonna fly here. Another example of him less interested in what NJ thinks of him, and what IA, TX, and KS do.

There’s no way that he did not have a meeting with his POTUS crew that did not end with the understanding Christie has to ramp up his God bothering.

Does Christie not realize he’s not getting the GOP nomination?

193 Nyet  Mar 25, 2015 7:18:33am

re: #56 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I listened to the piece, and I do have to take issue with the tone of this post. I don’t think the asshole wished any of this upon atheists, any more than a film maker or author wishes rape and murder when they write. He was trying to make a feeble point, the point being that the only reference for right and wrong can come from the almighty, or maybe another way, people wouldn’t know the difference between right and wrong without God telling them the difference. Also, what was the bet? When he said “I’ll make a bet with you…”, did he continue (past the clip) with the point to say he would bet that an atheist would really insist that rape and murder were morally fine, because even in the excerpt he would shoot down his own premise.*

* To grammar geeks, how do you punctuate a sentence like that, with a period or a question mark?

Dude. We are not idiots. We know that he was trying to make that point. You don’t need to chew it up for us.

194 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 7:19:26am

re: #190 lostlakehiker

Republicans remember the shelling they took when they nominated Goldwater. And Goldwater was far to the left of Cruz, and far more acceptable to the general public. There is, after all, a Republican “establishment”. It likes to have a chance of winning presidential elections, and it likes to have some voice in the positions a presidential candidate of its own party takes. Cruz won’t have the support of this establishment, because he’s too far out there to win the presidency and because he’s too much his own parade, too little willing to play ball.

This doesn’t prove that he can’t possibly win the nomination, but it means that the odds of that happening are long.

What it means is that even Fox realizes that you have to be somewhat likable to win the presidency, and Cruz’s entire appeal to the party base is that he’s an utter asshole who gets off on pissing off as many people as he can in order to maintain his “true conservative” street cred. Even Nixon had to acknowledge that winning the Big Chair meant playing nice in public. Ted can’t do that and it’s going to be why he won’t get within sniffing distance of the nomination. But take heart, wingnuts, his candidacy will help further drag the entire field further over the cliff.

195 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 7:20:24am

re: #182 Targetpractice

So they want bigots to be a protected class?

You betcha!

Why do you hate freedom?

196 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 7:21:28am

re: #181 Mattand

Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Guess which supposedly moderate GOP governor is now openly professing all of our rights spring from God.

I’m sure that televangelist-pretending-to-be-a-Senator Ted Cruz’s just announced POTUS run has nothing to do with it.

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life. Voting for this jackass twice because thinking yelling at teachers is adult leadership isn’t one of them.

I will be curious how this affects a few friends view of Mr Christie since they are not Christians. My expectation is that they will not be aware of it since they do not follow politics that closely.

197 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 7:21:59am

re: #182 Targetpractice

So they want bigots to be a protected class?

No. Just protecting their particular version of bigotry.

198 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 7:22:31am

re: #181 Mattand

Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Guess which supposedly moderate GOP governor is now openly professing all of our rights spring from God.

I’m sure that televangelist-pretending-to-be-a-Senator Ted Cruz’s just announced POTUS run has nothing to do with it.

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life. Voting for this jackass twice because thinking yelling at teachers is adult leadership isn’t one of them.

It’s an overly simplistic version of the opening to the Declaration of Independence — the “unalienable rights” part. Notably, the Founding Fathers did not leave it there. With the Constitution, they ensured those rights could not be abrogated by the government, without once saying God provided those rights. Their God was not the “personal God” of today’s Evangelicals, watching our every move, but a more abstract, distant Deity who basically left us alone to fuck things up (as we do so well) and accept the consequences.

The Enlightenment and the Revolution also notably rejected the “divine rights of kings,” with which royalty justified being autocrats, in favor of universal rights. (Of course, originally those rights only went to white male property holders, but eventually everyone got them — on paper anyway.)

Claiming that we derive our rights from God leaves open the possibility that some religious nutjob government of the future will declare it represents God’s True Word and you other people STFU.

My ideal presidential campaign would require not one candidate even using the word God or Jesus in a campaign speech. The frequency with which I hear and read religious references in American politics worries me deeply.

199 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 7:22:52am

Looks like Rupert Murdoch isn’t a Ted Cruz fan:

200 Nyet  Mar 25, 2015 7:23:40am

re: #191 Drive By Commenter

Phil Robertson is no more a “Christian” than I am a mushroom.

Then you’re a mushroom, because Phil Robertson is sure a Christian.

201 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:23:57am

re: #199 Lidane

Looks like Rupert Murdoch isn’t a Ted Cruz fan:

[Embedded content]

When you’re seen as a dick in an ideology that has pretty much encouraged full metal dickheadery the past six years, you’ve got problems.

202 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 7:27:11am

re: #201 HappyWarrior

When you’re seen as a dick in an ideology that has pretty much encouraged full metal dickheadery the past six years, you’ve got problems.

Ted went on CNBC and called out “crony capitalism,” mentioning Goldman Sachs as a recipient of same. He failed to mention that his wife just took an unpaid leave of absence from Goldman Sachs.

He’s pandering to the TP/Libertarian base, but such heresy will not be acceptable to Big Business GOP types.

203 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 7:27:31am

re: #199 Lidane

Looks like Rupert Murdoch isn’t a Ted Cruz fan:

[Embedded content]

When you get down to it, Cruz has an even less impressive resume than the President did when he ran in ‘08. He had no history to elected office before riding the 2010 Wingnut Wave to the US Senate, has no major legislation to bear his name, and he hasn’t even served out that first term. So yeah, I can see why Faux is having a hard time figuring out what they can champion him on besides a lot of hot air.

204 darthstar  Mar 25, 2015 7:29:14am

re: #203 Targetpractice

When you get down to it, Cruz has an even less impressive resume than the President did when he ran in ‘08. He had no history to elected office before riding the 2010 Wingnut Wave to the US Senate, has no major legislation to bear his name, and he hasn’t even served out that first term. So yeah, I can see why Faux is having a hard time figuring out what they can champion him on besides a lot of hot air.

Well, he did shut down the government once for attention…

205 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:30:09am

re: #203 Targetpractice

Wasn’t he a Texas official? Solicitor, AG, or something? I’m assuming those are elected offices in Texas but maybe not.

206 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 7:30:13am

re: #203 Targetpractice

When you get down to it, Cruz has an even less impressive resume than the President did when he ran in ‘08. He had no history to elected office before riding the 2010 Wingnut Wave to the US Senate, has no major legislation to bear his name, and he hasn’t even served out that first term. So yeah, I can see why Faux is having a hard time figuring out what they can champion him on besides a lot of hot air.

Plus, he is Hispanic in name only, and has virtually no appeal to that demographic, AFAIK. He’s a non-starter in a lot of ways.

207 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:31:08am

re: #203 Targetpractice

When you get down to it, Cruz has an even less impressive resume than the President did when he ran in ‘08. He had no history to elected office before riding the 2010 Wingnut Wave to the US Senate, has no major legislation to bear his name, and he hasn’t even served out that first term. So yeah, I can see why Faux is having a hard time figuring out what they can champion him on besides a lot of hot air.

What did he do before 2008? You’re right. He’s got no legislation to his name. He could probably skirt some of his problems if he could even give the pretense of being likable. I mean I don’t like Rand Paul or any of the other candidates at all but Rand Paul has to his credit at least worked across party lines.

208 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:31:31am

re: #203 Targetpractice

Oh, wait, sorry. I see you mentioned his running in ‘08 for something, so I’m assuming that was when he gained state-wide office.

209 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 7:31:37am

re: #205 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Wasn’t he a Texas official? Solicitor, AG, or something? I’m assuming those are elected offices in Texas but maybe not.

Solicitor General. He was appointed.

210 Timothy Watson  Mar 25, 2015 7:33:17am

This just might be the most epic slap down of a troll ever:

211 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:33:27am

re: #209 Backwoods_Sleuth

Solicitor General. He was appointed.

Ahhh SG that’s right. I knew it was something involving the law. I didn’t think it was AG though. Obama had a few terms in the Illinois state senate before he ran for the Senate and had ran for Congress. and lost in the primary before running. Frankly though, it’s not his experience. It’s his maturity.

212 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 7:33:58am

The first (and only) elected position Ted Cruz ever ran for was US Senate in 2012.

213 withak  Mar 25, 2015 7:34:22am

If I had a dollar for every time a fundamentalist confused atheism for nihilism, I’d have enough money to buy Phil Robertson a clue.

214 Nyet  Mar 25, 2015 7:35:18am

re: #213 withak

If I had a dollar for every time a fundamentalist confused atheism for nihilism, I’d have enough money to buy Phil Robertson a clue.

Even that money wouldn’t be enough to buy a clue that huge.

215 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:35:33am

re: #213 withak

If I had a dollar for every time a fundamentalist confused atheism for nihilism, I’d have enough money to buy Phil Robertson a clue.

A lot of atheists and agnostics show a more hopeful view of humanity than many especially Robertson’s brand of Christianity do.

216 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Mar 25, 2015 7:35:34am

re: #212 Backwoods_Sleuth

The first (and only) elected position Ted Cruz ever ran for was US Senate in 2012.

And his one claim to fame is shutting down the government for a few days. Just the kind of guy we need as President!

He makes Carly Fiorina look successful.

217 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:36:39am

re: #212 Backwoods_Sleuth

The first (and only) elected position Ted Cruz ever ran for was US Senate in 2012.

Well at least he’s not Ben Carson running for president without even an election I’d bet to student government to his name. In fact, I think this is the first time that Dr. Cuckoo has run for any office. Don’t know who’s advising him but that’s a really mean joke to pull on a poor old fool.

218 Nyet  Mar 25, 2015 7:36:56am

re: #213 withak

Also I’m sure that he doesn’t understand the difference between relativism (there are no objective right and wrong, though there may be subjective right and wrong; the most rational position) and nihilism (there are no right and wrong whatsoever, subjective or objective; that’s sociopathy).

219 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 7:37:16am

re: #212 Backwoods_Sleuth

The first (and only) elected position Ted Cruz ever ran for was US Senate in 2012.

And he won primarily because David Dewhurst, who was Lt. Governor here in Texas at the time, is a shit campaigner and couldn’t close the deal despite having the money and backing of the GOP establishment.

220 darthstar  Mar 25, 2015 7:38:00am
221 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:39:00am

re: #211 HappyWarrior

Ahhh SG that’s right. I knew it was something involving the law. I didn’t think it was AG though. Obama had a few terms in the Illinois state senate before he ran for the Senate and had ran for Congress. and lost in the primary before running. Frankly though, it’s not his experience. It’s his maturity.

Yeah Obama wasn’t the most experienced or accomplished candidate either. And I’ll admit my preference is that a presidential candidate will have completed at least a full term in the governor’s office or Senate before running for prez. Candidates from the House or military are a bit different. But in general it’s preferable for a candidate to have been in the public eye for some time.

222 Frenchy  Mar 25, 2015 7:40:26am

re: #219 Lidane

Do even people in Texas like Cruz at this point? Would he win reelection if he ran for it? I find that hard to imagine, since he has shown himself to be such a shithead. (Of course, this IS Texas we’re talking about…)

223 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:40:41am

re: #217 HappyWarrior

Well at least he’s not Ben Carson running for president without even an election I’d bet to student government to his name. In fact, I think this is the first time that Dr. Cuckoo has run for any office. Don’t know who’s advising him but that’s a really mean joke to pull on a poor old fool.

Yeah, truly some supreme arrogance here with Carson. Run for county council, the state legislature or congress first.

Dr. Cuckoo. I’m so stealing that all over the place.

224 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 7:41:53am

re: #222 Frenchy

This is the shitheads in TX we’re talking about.


225 Timothy Watson  Mar 25, 2015 7:42:32am

re: #223 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Yeah, truly some supreme arrogance here with Carson. Run for county council, the state legislature or congress first.

Dr. Cuckoo. I’m so stealing that all over the place.

But, but, but God told him to run!

Maybe it was to teach him a lesson in humility…

226 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 7:43:13am

Watch Live: Obama Delivers Remarks on 5th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act

227 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:43:50am

re: #221 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Yeah Obama wasn’t the most experienced or accomplished candidate either. And I’ll admit my preference is that a presidential candidate will have completed at least a full term in the governor’s office or Senate before running for prez. Candidates from the House or military are a bit different. But in general it’s preferable for a candidate to have been in the public eye for some time.

I prefer a bit of experience too hence why Obama wasn’t my first choice. I actually really liked Richardson and Biden because I thought both brought a lot of experience to the table. However, ultimately I do look at how a candidate surrounds himself with and his own demeanor. That’s something Obama passed on and something Cruz fails on. Obama could have and I’m glad he didn’t because he would have been accused of comparing himself ot Lincoln but Lincoln had one term in the House before being elected president. The most absurd though was when either Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman tried to claim Palin being governor of Alaska for at that time a year and a half made her more experienced than either McCain, Obama, or Biden which was laughable given that McCain and Biden were first elected to office before Palin could even vote. But thinking about Biden, I think one of the things that made Biden such a wise pick for Obama is it was Obama showing that he wanted to pick a VP that would be good for him in the WH. McCain saw Palin as a ticket to victory but nothing else.

228 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 7:45:11am

Rafael files presidential campaign paperwork…

229 Timothy Watson  Mar 25, 2015 7:45:27am

Remember how Breitbart claimed those evil pro-choicers tried to fire bomb the sweet, innocent pro-lifers? Yeah, about that…

Ruth Allwein with the Texas Alliance for Life told officers that she stomped out the bottle and pulled out the wick. The liquid in the bottle turned out to be Gumout gas treatment, which is flammable. It reportedly burned an area of grass about the size of small pizza before it was put out.

Although the vehicle’s license plate had been obscured with cardboard, activists provided police with enough information to arrest 52-year-old Melanie Marie Toney.

At first, Toney denied that she had thrown the bottle. But she later admitted that she threw it and that it “might” have been smoldering.

Surely, the “Texas Alliance for Life” must be a pro-choice group.


230 CBGB  Mar 25, 2015 7:45:36am

re: #210 Timothy Watson

Watching that happen in real time was a true thing of beauty. One of my favorite internet moments ever.

231 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:45:53am

re: #223 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Yeah, truly some supreme arrogance here with Carson. Run for county council, the state legislature or congress first.

Dr. Cuckoo. I’m so stealing that all over the place.

You can use it all you like but just send a royalty check in the mail! But seriously, who is this guy with no elected experience to his name to think he can just run for the highest office in the land? I mean it’s not like generals like Ike and Grant who ran in the past because they have shown through that they could run administrative positions- granted military leadership is different from civilian governing but it at least gave them some understanding.
123 Fake Street

232 darthstar  Mar 25, 2015 7:47:12am
233 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 7:48:25am

re: #222 Frenchy

Do even people in Texas like Cruz at this point? Would he win reelection if he ran for it? I find that hard to imagine, since he has shown himself to be such a shithead. (Of course, this IS Texas we’re talking about…)

I’m sure there are some people in this state, especially out in East Texas, who still like him because HE STICKS IT TO THAT UPPITY NI-CLANG IN TEH WHITE HOUSE but a lot of Republican types here in Austin roll their eyes at him and at his voter bloc.

234 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:49:34am

re: #233 Lidane

I’m sure there are some people in this state, especially out in East Texas, who still like him because HE STICKS IT TO THAT UPPITY NI-CLANG IN TEH WHITE HOUSE but a lot of Republican types here in Austin roll their eyes at him and at his voter bloc.

Is he based out of East Texas? I know that’s Gohmert territory too.

235 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 7:50:46am

re: #234 HappyWarrior

Is he based out of East Texas? I know that’s Gohmert territory too.

He’s based in Houston, IIRC.

236 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 7:51:07am
237 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 7:53:58am

re: #236 Lidane

JK Rowling’s perfect response to fan who asked why Dumbledore is gay

Yeah, Ms Smartybloomers, now explain the Teletubbies.

238 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 7:56:06am

District Court decision vacated and remanded:

The decision was 5-4 with Scalia dissenting, joined by Roberts, Thomas and Alito; Thomas filed his own dissenting opinion.

Decision (PDF) here.

239 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:56:25am

re: #235 Lidane

He’s based in Houston, IIRC.


240 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:57:22am

re: #227 HappyWarrior

I prefer a bit of experience too hence why Obama wasn’t my first choice. I actually really liked Richardson and Biden because I thought both brought a lot of experience to the table. However, ultimately I do look at how a candidate surrounds himself with and his own demeanor. That’s something Obama passed on and something Cruz fails on. Obama could have and I’m glad he didn’t because he would have been accused of comparing himself ot Lincoln but Lincoln had one term in the House before being elected president. The most absurd though was when either Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman tried to claim Palin being governor of Alaska for at that time a year and a half made her more experienced than either McCain, Obama, or Biden which was laughable given that McCain and Biden were first elected to office before Palin could even vote. But thinking about Biden, I think one of the things that made Biden such a wise pick for Obama is it was Obama showing that he wanted to pick a VP that would be good for him in the WH. McCain saw Palin as a ticket to victory but nothing else.

Yes there are a lot of things to consider, and despite my concerns about his experience I was for Obama early and often in 08. His position on the Iraq war (even though he didn’t hold federal office in 2003) was part of that, as many of the other Dem candidates had voted in favor of the war. And Obama’s freshness was greatly appealing, too, which sort of contradicts the experience factor. But he wasn’t a totally unknown factor by 08.

241 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 7:57:30am

re: #238 Backwoods_Sleuth

District Court decision vacated and remanded:

[Embedded content]

The decision was 5-4 with Scalia dissenting, joined by Roberts, Thomas and Alito; Thomas filed his own dissenting opinion.

Decision (PDF) here.

The Fucked up four are pretty bad but I think Thomas is the worst.

242 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 7:58:57am

re: #226 Justanotherhuman

Watch Live: Obama Delivers Remarks on 5th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act

Healthcare premiums are SKYROCKETING!!!!11

Are Choyces are less and lesser!!!!!1

Trainwreck!!!! Total Repeal!!!11

243 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 8:02:39am

Thing to keep in mind, as GOPlifer points out, is that this is the first time in awhile that the GOP field is wide open. There’s no runners up from last go around in the field, nor is there an establishment candidate who’s starting with a huge built-in advantage. The base is going to have a huge say, if not the say, in who wins the nomination. And with Havana Ted being so far to the right that one-upping him would mean supporting armed insurrection, there’s just no way the rest of the pack can challenge his “true conservative” creds.

244 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 8:02:47am

Watch Live: Afghan President Ghani Addresses Congress

245 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 8:03:11am

re: #241 HappyWarrior

The Fucked up four are pretty bad but I think Thomas is the worst.

Thomas is a waste of space on the bench. We’d be better served by Mr. Krabs as a SCOTUS justice. :-P

246 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 8:04:40am

re: #245 Lidane

Thomas is a waste of space on the bench. We’d be better served by Mr. Krabs as a SCOTUS justice. :-P

At least we’d get Krabby Patties.

247 Mattand  Mar 25, 2015 8:05:06am

re: #241 HappyWarrior

The Fucked up four are pretty bad but I think Thomas is the worst.

I’m absolutely dreading the ACA ruling this summer. Talk about activist judges; if I’m interpreting what I’ve read correctly, this SCOTUS has been going out of its way to rule on the ACA. Basically shopping for cases that they hope they can use to torch it.

Given how stacked they are with conservatives, it really looks like they want to destroy this thing to prove who they’re really loyal to. Hint: it has an elephant in its seal, and not a bald eagle.

248 lawhawk  Mar 25, 2015 8:05:10am

re: #242 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Premiums haven’t skyrocketed; they’ve increased, but at a rate comparable or lower than the rate of increase pre-ACA. IOW, ACA didn’t cause premiums to increase.

Insureds now have more choices, not fewer. If you don’t get insurance through your employer, you now have more options - and more affordable options (courtesy of subsidies for those that meet qualifications). This is a marketplace that didn’t exist at all pre-ACA.

Policies that were eliminated as non-conforming for ACA offered few benefits to those that paid for them. In many instances, they weren’t worth the paper they were written on.

People who claim they were kicked out of their prior insurance will often note that the ACA was responsible for this and then ignore that the replacement insurance offered is substantially better than the policy it replaced. Covers more preventative care, doesn’t have lifetime caps, or prohibit insureds from getting coverages because of preexisting conditions.

249 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:05:23am

re: #245 Lidane

Thomas is a waste of space on the bench. We’d be better served by Mr. Krabs as a SCOTUS justice. :-P

He’s just awful. I mean I can’t stand Scalia’s worldview but he at least seems to have a method from getting from A to B, A to C, etc. Thomas was just a lazy pick by H.W Bush. And I haven’t even started on Thomas’s conflicts of interest given his wife’s involvement in right wing politics.

250 Nyet  Mar 25, 2015 8:05:41am
251 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:06:23am

re: #247 Mattand

I’m absolutely dreading the ACA ruling this summer. Talk about activist judges; if I’m interpreting what I’ve read correctly, this SCOTUS has been going out of its way to rule on the ACA. Basically shopping for cases that they hope they can use to torch it.

Given how stacked they are with conservatives, it really looks like they want to destroy this thing to prove who they’re really loyal to. Hint: it has an elephant in its seal, and not a bald eagle.

Yeah the court’s right wing bloc IMO are the real activist judges. That’s not new though.

252 darthstar  Mar 25, 2015 8:06:26am

re: #245 Lidane

Thomas is a waste of space on the bench. We’d be better served by Mr. Krabs as a SCOTUS justice. :-P

253 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:07:14am

Man if Phil Hartman hadn’t died, I’d love to see a Simpsons clip of Lionel Hutz arguing before the Supreme Court. That would be priceless.

254 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:08:04am

255 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 8:08:49am

re: #248 lawhawk

Premiums haven’t skyrocketed; they’ve increased, but at a rate comparable or lower than the rate of increase pre-ACA. IOW, ACA didn’t cause premiums to increase.

Insureds now have more choices, not fewer. If you don’t get insurance through your employer, you now have more options - and more affordable options (courtesy of subsidies for those that meet qualifications). This is a marketplace that didn’t exist at all pre-ACA.

Policies that were eliminated as non-conforming for ACA offered few benefits to those that paid for them. In many instances, they weren’t worth the paper they were written on.

People who claim they were kicked out of their prior insurance will often note that the ACA was responsible for this and then ignore that the replacement insurance offered is substantially better than the policy it replaced. Covers more preventative care, doesn’t have lifetime caps, or prohibit insureds from getting coverages because of preexisting conditions.

The last group will also complain that the far more comprehensive insurance is too expensive for them, only for further investigation to determine that they actually qualify for subsidies or could find a cheaper plan that covers what they say they need.

256 Mattand  Mar 25, 2015 8:09:45am

Still amazed at how many parents I know hate SpongeBob. As in, “My kids will never watch it because it’s a corrupting influence on them.” Like, Hayes Code-era moral panic about it.

These are also the same people who grew up watching un-censored Warner Bros. cartoons.

257 Mattand  Mar 25, 2015 8:11:36am

re: #254 HappyWarrior

258 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:12:08am

re: #256 Mattand

Still amazed at how many parents I know hate SpongeBob. As in, “My kids will never watch it because it’s a corrupting influence on them.” Like, Hayes Code-era moral panic about it.

These are also the same people who grew up watching un-censored Warner Bros. cartoons.

It’s actually a really funny show. My favorite one is the timeshare parody.

259 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 8:13:19am

re: #256 Mattand

Still amazed at how many parents I know hate SpongeBob. As in, “My kids will never watch it because it’s a corrupting influence on them.” Like, Hayes Code-era moral panic about it.

These are also the same people who grew up watching un-censored Warner Bros. cartoons.

We love SB! My grandson’s girl friend gave the Munchkin a really nice blanket she made featuring SB, very cozy and warm. He has a few other items featuring The Sponge, backpack, clothing, etc.

260 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 8:15:19am

re: #248 lawhawk

Neil Cavuto (Team Cavuto!!!!1) tweeted out something like the “premiums skyrocketing and we ain’t got no more choices” thing on the ACA anniversary.

It’s almost as if they just can’t admit they were wrong or recognize any good that’s come from it.

261 rhuarc  Mar 25, 2015 8:16:15am

re: #210 Timothy Watson

That was awesome! I was a bit confused at first, but then realized there was some back story that the guy was referencing to smack down the troll. All in all, very, very entertaining.

262 ObserverArt  Mar 25, 2015 8:17:20am

Hey all, just wanted to pop in and see what was going on.

After reading the middle section of this thread I am now really asking what the hell is going on? Really? Comedians and Phil Robertson being the same thing? Steve…give your head a shake.

Regarding the candidacy of SuperCruz and everyone saying why is he running with such little experience. Duh!

Because in DaddyCruz and Ted’s mind he is the “Chosen One” and you can not stand in God’s way when it comes to decisions like this.

Sure, many think that is crazy, but I bet the Cruz’s do not see it as crazy, especially DaddyCruz. They don’t need any other reason than this. Remember Jesus was only 33! Ted may be a bit behind…

And I also got to thinking about that crap Teddy spewed yesterday about 9/11 causing him to shift from classic rock to country. I was going to post it as soon as I heard that crap, but forgot.

I think it again shows Ted will say anything to get a rise out of a certain segment of our population. Classic rock is just that classic rock. That means much of what is played on a classic rock station is from the late 60s, early to mid 70s and maybe some hair band classics form the 80 into the early 90s.

Notice anything about those dates associated with ‘classical’ rock? Not a lot of classic rock would have been written around 9/11 and the years after it now would there?

I wish we had a media smart and quick enough to raise a simple question like this so that we could see the real Ted. That would be the one that would have to actually explain his crap instead of being able to go off on the next not-factual-round of BS.

263 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 8:17:42am

Pres Ghani is a very gracious. He thanked the US taxpayers, NGOs, along with those making decisions, for bringing democracy to Afghanistan.

Finally, I’d like to thank Pres Obama…his clear and disciplined approach.


Afghan President Ghani tells US Congress Islamic State poses ‘terrible threat’ to western, central Asia - @Reuters
end of alert

264 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 8:17:44am

re: #247 Mattand

I’m absolutely dreading the ACA ruling this summer. Talk about activist judges; if I’m interpreting what I’ve read correctly, this SCOTUS has been going out of its way to rule on the ACA. Basically shopping for cases that they hope they can use to torch it.

Given how stacked they are with conservatives, it really looks like they want to destroy this thing to prove who they’re really loyal to. Hint: it has an elephant in its seal, and not a bald eagle.

If they kill it 15 months before an election, they hasten the day of a real civilized health provision system.

265 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:18:31am

re: #260 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Neil Cavuto (Team Cavuto!!!!1) tweeted out something like the “premiums skyrocketing and we ain’t got no more choices” thing on the ACA anniversary.

It’s almost as if they just can’t admit they were wrong or recognize any good that’s come from it.

That’s part of what being a conservative means in the age of Obama. Damn the torpedoes and I’ll never admit being wrong because a liberal can never be right. Eventually, they’ll start taking credit for ACA once they realize they can’t use it as a lightning rod with the base anymore.

266 The Mother Of All Pies  Mar 25, 2015 8:19:16am

re: #229 Timothy Watson

Remember how Breitbart claimed those evil pro-choicers tried to fire bomb the sweet, innocent pro-lifers? Yeah, about that…

Surely, the “Texas Alliance for Life” must be a pro-choice group.


The article does not say whether Melanie Toney (the bottle thrower) is “pro-life” or “pro-choice”

267 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 8:20:53am

re: #256 Mattand

Still amazed at how many parents I know hate SpongeBob. As in, “My kids will never watch it because it’s a corrupting influence on them.” Like, Hayes Code-era moral panic about it.

These are also the same people who grew up watching un-censored Warner Bros. cartoons.

I know many who reject him as a bad “role model”. Which I don’t understand: he has a job and his own place and does not “sponge” off anyone.

268 Frenchy  Mar 25, 2015 8:21:00am

re: #260 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Neil Cavuto (Team Cavuto!!!!1) tweeted out something like the “premiums skyrocketing and we ain’t got no more choices” thing on the ACA anniversary.

It’s almost as if they just can’t admit they were wrong or recognize any good that’s come from it.


269 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 8:21:47am

re: #262 ObserverArt

Hey all, just wanted to pop in and see what was going on.

After reading the middle section of this thread I am now really asking what the hell is going on? Really? Comedians and Phil Robertson being the same thing? Steve…give your head a shake.

Regarding the candidacy of SuperCruz and everyone saying why is he running with such little experience. Duh!

Because in DaddyCruz and Ted’s mind he is the “Chosen One” and you can not stand in God’s way when it comes to decisions like this.

Sure, many think that is crazy, but I bet the Cruz’s do not see it as crazy, especially DaddyCruz. They don’t need any other reason than this. Remember Jesus was only 33! Ted may be a bit behind…

Daddy Cruz doesn’t believe in anything but the gullibility of the rubes. He learned his game from sideshow master Benny Hinn.

270 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:22:03am

re: #267 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

I know many who reject him as a bad “role model”. Which I don’t understand: he has a job and his own place and does not “sponge” off anyone.

If anything conservatives should love him, he accepts a poor wage with no complaints at all. But you’re right, the character lives on his own, is employed, etc. It could be because he’s happy and not miserable.

271 Agnostick  Mar 25, 2015 8:23:01am

I’ll make a bet with you. This family, the men of the family make these duck calls. They get this big-time show on some cable network. They pitch in their subservient wives, spout a lot of scripture and self-righteous gobbledygook. They begin to believe in their own infallibility. “‘Isn’t it great that I don’t have to worry about what I say? Isn’t it great that I can pretty much say whatever the hell I want, and people will still tune into our show? Isn’t it great that, sometimes, the more outrageous and offensive I become, the higher the ratings seem to go? Isn’t it great that there’s nothing wrong with this? There’s no right or wrong with this cable stuff, now is it dude?” Then, just like ol’ Lonesome Rhodes, one of ‘em goes off the deep end one day. He apologizes, backpedals, but not everyone buys it.

And then there he is… making one last, desperate, outrageous attempt at saving his failing show.

272 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mar 25, 2015 8:24:06am

good morning Lizards. I see teh crazy is still going strong. I’m proud to report that after a week of diet and exercise I’ve already lost 3 pounds. Well on my way to losing 30.

273 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing  Mar 25, 2015 8:24:47am

Well, Jeremy Clarkson has been fired from the BBC. But this gif applies equally to how I feel about that piece of shit Phil Robertson.

274 GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 25, 2015 8:25:44am

Jeremy will just replace The Stig, and nobody will know!

275 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 8:26:10am

re: #256 Mattand

Still amazed at how many parents I know hate SpongeBob. As in, “My kids will never watch it because it’s a corrupting influence on them.” Like, Hayes Code-era moral panic about it.

These are also the same people who grew up watching un-censored Warner Bros. cartoons.

I was introduced to SpongeBob by friends of mine who didn’t have kids. They just acted like kids. Heh.

I like it. Some of the more recent episodes are hit or miss, but there are some hilarious ones. I think one of my favorites, aside from the one where Sandy misses Texas, is when Squidward finally has enough and moves into a gated community with other squids. That one is great.

276 ObserverArt  Mar 25, 2015 8:27:19am

re: #265 HappyWarrior

That’s part of what being a conservative means in the age of Obama. Damn the torpedoes and I’ll never admit being wrong because a liberal can never be right. Eventually, they’ll start taking credit for ACA once they realize they can’t use it as a lightning rod with the base anymore.

They’ll take credit for it as soon as they can rename it, repackage it and say it is now 100% fresh-never-frozen GOP lawmaking.

It wouldn’t surprise me if good old Heritage Foundation got back in the game and gave it all their blessing and claiming it was all their thinking and those Obamabots just flat out stole it and made it evil personified.

It will go from being that nasty ol’ Obamacare to Conservative God-given AmeriCare™ and it will be the bestest Obamacare AmeriCare eva!

You betcha!

277 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 8:30:07am

re: #24 The Ghost of Tonalite Gneiss

1. Put googly eyes on your left fist.
2. Tell rapt audience what your left fist is thinking.
3. Explain to rapt audience that your left fist represents everything that has gone wrong in the history of this nation.
4. Tell rapt audiences that people they don’t like all think exactly the same as Googly Fist…who, as everyone knows, is the_worst.
5. Bask in applause and money.

Don’t forget the guns, and the beard. Phil Robertson’s Daesh (ISIS) impression wouldn’t be as good without the beard.

278 ObserverArt  Mar 25, 2015 8:30:18am

re: #269 Decatur Deb

Daddy Cruz doesn’t believe in anything but the gullibility of the rubes. He learned his game from sideshow master Benny Hinn.

Agreed. But that is still THE reason…fact or fallacy. Daddy knows it is a good reason numbers-wise and Daddy knows how to sell it.

And I bet Daddy runs that family with an iron fist. Just like Castro ruled Cuba. And Ted probably never goes against Daddy’s wishes.

279 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:32:14am

re: #278 ObserverArt

Agreed. But that is still THE reason…fact or fallacy. Daddy knows it is a good reason numbers-wise and Daddy knows how to sell it.

And I bet Daddy runs that family with an iron fist. Just like Castro ruled Cuba. And Ted probably never goes against Daddy’s wishes.

Ya know, we never hear about Ted’s mom. Someone here mentioned the other day that Raffy’s had many marriages. I assume Raffy and Ted’s mother divorced years ago.

280 lostlakehiker  Mar 25, 2015 8:33:58am

re: #104 Dr. Matt

Ouch. If Fox is calling you on the carpet, all hope is lost….

[Embedded content]

Republicans remember the shelling they took when they nominated Goldwater. And Goldwater was far to the left of Cruz, and far more acceptable to the general public. There is, after all, a Republican “establishment”. It likes to have a chance of winning presidential elections, and it likes to have some voice in the positions a presidential candidate of its own party takes. Cruz won’t have the support of this establishment, because he’s too far out there to win the presidency and because he’s too much his own parade, too little willing to play ball.

This doesn’t prove that he can’t possibly win the nomination, but it means that the odds of that happening are long. re: #195 Lidane

You betcha!

Why do you hate freedom?

Well, I want the protections of the constitution that apply to one and all to apply to bigots as well. Freedom of speech includes the right to say things that others find ridiculous, offensive, or abhorrent.

It includes the right to “symbolic speech”, such as burning the US flag. It is, to some extent, exactly because that flag stands for liberty, including the right to burn it to show that you hate it, that it merits being loved rather than hated.

Whipping up a crowd with calls to action such as “burn it down”, or “lynch him” falls outside the limits of free speech. Advocating the necessity and desirability of the forcible overthrow of the government, again, outside the bounds. But that’s about where the boundary is: things like that.

One has a right to say just about anything else. Calls for the repeal of the amendment banning slavery are abhorrent, but they’re not prohibited speech, for example.

The speaker will not be met with much approbation. He won’t attract a following, except in a negative sense. But he shouldn’t go to jail for having said it. Nor should his business of selling T-Shirts advocating the repeal of that amendment be outlawed. Let the public vote against him with their dollars.

281 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 8:34:45am

re: #278 ObserverArt

Agreed. But that is still THE reason…fact or fallacy. Daddy knows it is a good reason numbers-wise and Daddy knows how to sell it.

And I bet Daddy runs that family with an iron fist. Just like Castro ruled Cuba. And Ted probably never goes against Daddy’s wishes.

Fidel’s brother still rules with an iron fist, to make your point further.

282 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 8:37:05am

re: #276 ObserverArt

They’ll take credit for it as soon as they can rename it, repackage it and say it is now 100% fresh-never-frozen GOP lawmaking.

It wouldn’t surprise me if good old Heritage Foundation got back in the game and gave it all their blessing and claiming it was all their thinking and those Obamabots just flat out stole it and made it evil personified.

It will go from being that nasty ol’ Obamacare to Conservative God-given AmeriCareTM and it will be the bestest Obamacare AmeriCare eva!

You betcha!

I think what we should keep an eye out for in the coming months is one or more candidates trying to take the “reasonable” tack compared to Havana Ted of suggesting that total repeal is not the goal, just “reform” to something more “patient-oriented.” A little snip there, a little tuck there, and boom, the ACA suddenly becomes GOP-approved.

283 Lancelot Link  Mar 25, 2015 8:37:33am

re: #271 Agnostick

You forgot “Isn’t it great that Louisiana gives us a 300,000 dollars in taxpayer money per episode?”

284 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 8:38:26am

re: #280 lostlakehiker

Republicans remember the shelling they took when they nominated Goldwater. And Goldwater was far to the left of Cruz, and far more acceptable to the general public. There is, after all, a Republican “establishment”. It likes to have a chance of winning presidential elections, and it likes to have some voice in the positions a presidential candidate of its own party takes. Cruz won’t have the support of this establishment, because he’s too far out there to win the presidency and because he’s too much his own parade, too little willing to play ball.

This doesn’t prove that he can’t possibly win the nomination, but it means that the odds of that happening are long.

Well, I want the protections of the constitution that apply to one and all to apply to bigots as well. Freedom of speech includes the right to say things that others find ridiculous, offensive, or abhorrent.

It includes the right to “symbolic speech”, such as burning the US flag. It is, to some extent, exactly because that flag stands for liberty, including the right to burn it to show that you hate it, that it merits being loved rather than hated.

Whipping up a crowd with calls to action such as “burn it down”, or “lynch him” falls outside the limits of free speech. Advocating the necessity and desirability of the forcible overthrow of the government, again, outside the bounds. But that’s about where the boundary is: things like that.

One has a right to say just about anything else. Calls for the repeal of the amendment banning slavery are abhorrent, but they’re not prohibited speech, for example.

The speaker will not be met with much approbation. He won’t attract a following, except in a negative sense. But he shouldn’t go to jail for having said it. Nor should his business of selling T-Shirts advocating the repeal of that amendment be outlawed. Let the public vote against him with their dollars.

A simple left-right scale doesn’t really work for comparing Barry Goldwater and Ted Cruz. Goldwater’s conservatism was secular in nature, whereas Cruz has a heavy dose of evangelical Christianity injected into his ‘conservatism’.

285 Eventual Carrion  Mar 25, 2015 8:39:14am

re: #275 Lidane

I was introduced to SpongeBob by friends of mine who didn’t have kids. They just acted like kids. Heh.

I like it. Some of the more recent episodes are hit or miss, but there are some hilarious ones. I think one of my favorites, aside from the one where Sandy misses Texas, is when Squidward finally has enough and moves into a gated community with other squids. That one is great.

My youngest and I would watch SpongeBob all the time. We both loved it. Now he is 14 and I have to watch cartoons alone again because they are “too young” for him. Bah, never too old for cartoons.

286 ObserverArt  Mar 25, 2015 8:40:22am

re: #282 Targetpractice

I think what we should keep an eye out for in the coming months is one or more candidates trying to take the “reasonable” tack compared to Havana Ted of suggesting that total repeal is not the goal, just “reform” to something more “patient-oriented.” A little snip there, a little tuck there, and boom, the ACA suddenly becomes GOP-approved.

Ahhh…the Obamacare face lift.

And it might be needed just like a face lift and probably end up looking like a fallen lift a few years later.

Yoooouuuu Looook Marv-o-less!

And with that…time to get some work done. Back later!

287 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 8:42:29am

Afghan President Ghani: ‘On Sept. 10, 2001, there were no girls enrolled in school in Afghanistan. Today there are 3 million … Their parents thank you’ - @LeoShane
see original on

288 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 8:43:32am

re: #260 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Neil Cavuto (Team Cavuto!!!!1) tweeted out something like the “premiums skyrocketing and we ain’t got no more choices” thing on the ACA anniversary.

It’s almost as if they just can’t admit they were wrong or recognize any good that’s come from it.

No good can come from ACA until they successfully convince everyone that it’s GOPcare and not ObamaCare.

289 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 8:43:40am

Let’s face it, even Cruz knew in 2013 that as soon as the ACA started rolling and started helping people, it was here to stay. The same is true of Social Security and Medicare, you grab that third rail at your own risk. So the GOP will never truly get rid of it, as even June comes and the Nine Wise Souls kill the subsidies, the GOP will be left trying to explain how things were much better when insurance companies could dump our ass at the first sign of trouble and then refuse to insure you ever again.

290 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 8:45:51am

re: #104 Dr. Matt

Ouch. If Fox is calling you on the carpet, all hope is lost….

[Embedded content]

re: #280 lostlakehiker

I’d also add that it was Megyn Kelly who pushed at Ted Cruz. Ever since she gave Karl Rove the verbal backhand on election night 2012 Fox News has allowed Ms. Kelly to develop a reputation for being willing to ask tough questions and demand responses. Thus she has prerogatives in what she can ask that are a good deal wider than the typical Fox Blonde.

So don’t assume that Megyn Kelly’s making a push at ted Cruz signals Fox News doesn’t like him. More likely, it signals Fox News trying to look respectable and develop its on-air talent by letting Kelly throw a hardball.

291 Justanotherhuman  Mar 25, 2015 8:46:16am


292 BeachDem  Mar 25, 2015 8:47:07am

Speaking of hell—on the road. Laptop fucked up. Last night had 46 updates. This morning turned it on and the Phil Robertson rant autoloader on about seven tabs and I couldn’t close them. Kept going even when I tried to shut it down. Then it finally shut him up and then there were 56 updates to download and now it says the updates failed to configure and grrr. I’m down to my tablet and a dumb phone.

293 Whack-A-Mole  Mar 25, 2015 8:47:36am

re: #284 Dark_Falcon

A simple left-right scale doesn’t really work for comparing Barry Goldwater and Ted Cruz. Goldwater’s conservatism was secular in nature, whereas Cruz has a heavy dose of evangelical Christianity injected into his ‘conservatism’.

No. He has the appearance of conservatism injected into his fanatical Christianity.

294 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 8:48:42am

re: #293 Whack-A-Mole

No. He has the appearance of conservatism injected into his fanatical Christianity.

“You got your conservatism in my evangelicalism!”
“You got your evangelicalism in my conservatism!”

295 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:48:51am

I think Cruz is a poser when push comes to shove. I don’t see him as a true believer at all. I see him as someone who can read the political calcium and act accordingly.

296 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:49:26am

re: #294 Targetpractice

“You got your conservatism in my evangelicalism!”
“You got your evangelicalism in my conservatism!”

I don’t like shit in my food so I avoid both to be safe.

297 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 8:49:57am

Here’s the other SCOTUS decision this morning. In Young v UPS the decision of the Fourth Circuit is vacated and remanded. Pregnant women can be protected from workplace discrimination (but it’s a confusing and messy decision):

6-3, with Alito, Kennedy and Thomas dissenting.

Decision (PDF) here.

298 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 8:50:00am

I don’t buy Cruz’s Evangelical act at all.

299 makeitstop  Mar 25, 2015 8:54:37am

re: #119 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Cruz may see his father’s extreme religion as an advantage. He couldn’t, as a good family man and christian, repudiate his own father, right? The fundies will assume that Cruz is one of their own. I believe that he’s smart enough to know that he can’t be elected president, but that he can corral enough of the TP and the fundies to get the VP slot.

I want to know how he’ll answer a question about his father’s adherence to Dominionism.

He was raised in that world, told for his entire life by his father that he is an ‘anointed King.’ Anything short of a complete disavowal will be insufficient.

300 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mar 25, 2015 8:57:09am

re: #119 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Cruz may see his father’s extreme religion as an advantage. He couldn’t, as a good family man and christian, repudiate his own father, right? The fundies will assume that Cruz is one of their own. I believe that he’s smart enough to know that he can’t be elected president, but that he can corral enough of the TP and the fundies to get the VP slot.

well given the penchant dominionists have for selling snake oil you can see where Cruz gets his “silver tongue”. He sounds just like a televangelist begging for money every sunday on the TV.

301 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:01:57am

Part of me wonders if subconsciously part of why some Republican primary voters don’t like Cruz is because he has a similar biography to Obama but I could be thinking too much there and not giving them some credit for seeing a charlatan asshole when they see one.

302 Charles Johnson  Mar 25, 2015 9:04:25am
303 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 9:09:51am
304 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:12:11am

re: #303 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


305 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 9:17:03am

re: #302 Charles Johnson

306 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:22:28am

When in doubt bring up an otherwise obscure lefty activist from the 60’s that right wingers seem to know more about than then left wingers. Alisnky actually to me seems like he was an admirable figure but I’m probably more influnced by Saul Berenson than Saul Alinksy being a Homeland viewer just like the Steel Curtain has influenced me more than Stalin (Man of Steel). And John Lennon has definitely influenced me more than Lenin.

307 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 9:27:05am
308 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 9:28:56am

re: #298 HappyWarrior

I don’t buy Cruz’s Evangelical act at all.

I’m deeply suspicious of it, but that doesn’t matter. He means to exercise dominion as though he were a true believer.

OTOH, the left should not waste a dollar or dyne on him. The GOP has no intention of letting him past the primaries.

309 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 9:30:22am

re: #307 Backwoods_Sleuth

Ted Cruz wants you to believe he’s legally required to sign up for Obamacare.

He’s not.

I assume he has the tactics of this worked out: he will claim he was forced and then claim that his health care costs went up and the quality of coverage declined because of Eebil Obamakare

310 withak  Mar 25, 2015 9:31:09am

re: #308 Decatur Deb

I’m deeply suspicious of it, but that doesn’t matter. He means to exercise dominion as though he were a true believer.

OTOH, the left should not waste a dollar or dyne on him. The GOP has no intention of letting him past the primaries.

His candidacy exists only to make Jeb and Walker look palatable. Side benefit for him is exposure, I suppose.

311 Ian G.  Mar 25, 2015 9:31:20am

Yeah, the vile shit said by the right usually doesn’t affect me, but this one has really struck a nerve. I think it’s because I feel like he’s talking directly to me. That he fantasizes about torturing and murdering me and my family BECAUSE I’m an atheist. I imagine this is what it feels like to be Jewish and watch a neo-Nazi rally.

And we know the fear of God has nothing to do with what keeps Robertson from torturing and murdering “infidels”. We know this because people just like Robertson torture and murder people all the time in Iraq and Pakistan and elsewhere. They can get away with their deranged religious bloodlust in failed states. Here, there’s the rule of law, and the protection of individual liberties. It’s the police and the DA and a jury of non-psychopaths who would undoubtedly give Robertson multiple life sentences for his sick fantasies. THAT is what Robertson is afraid of.

Good lord, I need to think about something else. Hey, it’s almost baseball season. And the temp should hit 60 here in NYC tomorrow.

312 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:32:49am

re: #308 Decatur Deb

I’m deeply suspicious of it, but that doesn’t matter. He means to exercise dominion as though he were a true believer.

OTOH, the left should not waste a dollar or dyne on him. The GOP has no intention of letting him past the primaries.

That makes him more creepy to me. I agree though that he should be the least of the left’s worries.

313 BeachDem  Mar 25, 2015 9:32:52am

re: #307 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

And why is it BREAKING NEWS? Sigh

314 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:33:37am

re: #307 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

His contempt for the electorate knows no bounds.

315 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 9:33:57am

re: #308 Decatur Deb

I’m deeply suspicious of it, but that doesn’t matter. He means to exercise dominion as though he were a true believer.

OTOH, the left should not waste a dollar or dyne on him. The GOP has no intention of letting him past the primaries.

The left will spend time on Ted Cruz, if only because publicly worrying about ‘Caveman Cruz’ is useful for fundraising and firing up liberal activists.

Note: I didn’t say there was something wrong with that. Firing up your base with scary stuff about the other party is not evil as long as you don’t go too far with it.

316 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:34:19am

re: #313 BeachDem

And why is it BREAKING NEWS? Sigh

BREAKING POLITICIAN HYPOCRITE. I mean if we had this every time a politician showed themselves to be a hypocrite, no other news would ever get reported.

317 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 9:34:29am

re: #309 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

I assume he has the tactics of this worked out: he will claim he was forced and then claim that his health care costs went up and the quality of coverage declined because of Eebil Obamakare

He can afford to buy his own health insurance outside of the ACA exchanges.
He’s probably just mad that he has to pay for health insurance now instead of getting it from Goldman Sachs via his wife’s employment benefits.

318 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 9:34:44am

re: #312 HappyWarrior

That makes him more creepy to me. I agree though that he should be the least of the left’s worries.

They want Jeb, they’ll settle for Walker.

319 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:35:24am

re: #318 Decatur Deb

They want Jeb, they’ll settle for Walker.

Walker is someone who I think can’t be underestimated.

320 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 9:37:26am

re: #319 HappyWarrior

Walker is someone who I think can’t be underestimated.

He’s as bad as it gets without abandoning plausibility.

321 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 9:39:14am

re: #320 Decatur Deb

He’s as bad as it gets without abandoning plausibility.

Yep. Hope national opps research does their homework better than the Wisconsin people. He’s my pick right now to the win their nomination. I think he leapfrogs Bush by the summer.

322 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 9:41:29am

re: #321 HappyWarrior

Yep. Hope national opps research does their homework better than the Wisconsin people. He’s my pick right now to the win their nomination. I think he leapfrogs Bush by the summer.

He can buy a lot of brains and a lot of teflon.

323 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 9:42:33am

re: #318 Decatur Deb

They want Jeb, they’ll settle for Walker.

That’s how Walker is positioning himself: He may not be many Republicans’ first choice. but he can be the second choice for around 70-80% of the party. Then when the first choice candidates either fail to catch fire or are weeded out for gaffes or scandals, Scott Walker swoops in and gets the votes that would have gone to them.

It’s not a strategy to win by sweeping the 4 early primaries, its a strategy for winning big on Super Tuesday.

324 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 9:44:37am
325 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 9:44:47am

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

That’s how Walker is positioning himself: He may not be many Republicans’ first choice. but he can be the second choice for around 70-80% of the party. Then when the first choice candidates either fail to catch fire or are weeded out for gaffes or scandals, Scott Walker swoops in and gets the votes that would have gone to them.

It’s not a strategy to win by sweeping the 4 early primaries, its a strategy for winning big on Super Tuesday.

Should you be telling us this? OpSec, man.

326 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 9:47:41am

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

That’s how Walker is positioning himself: He may not be many Republicans’ first choice. but he can be the second choice for around 70-80% of the party. Then when the first choice candidates either fail to catch fire or are weeded out for gaffes or scandals, Scott Walker swoops in and gets the votes that would have gone to them.

It’s not a strategy to win by sweeping the 4 early primaries, its a strategy for winning big on Super Tuesday.

That is one terrifyingly concise analysis.

327 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 9:49:43am

If you want a fun visual, imagine Phil Robertson running into these things while duck hunting:

“It’s basically a salamander that’s the size of a car,” said Dr Steve Brusatte, a palaeontologist at the University of Edinburgh who led the research.

“It’s one of those creatures from the distant past that looks like an alien - but it actually has quite a lot of relevance. These kind of big amphibians were the ancestral stock that modern frogs, salamanders and newts came from.”

But unlike the mostly small and cute amphibians we know today, Metoposaurus algarvensis sat, rather heavily, at the top of the food chain.

“[It] had hundreds of sharp teeth in its big flat head, which kind of looks like a toilet seat when the jaws snap shut,” Dr Brusatte said.

In the late Triassic period, when dinosaurs and mammals were still small and marginal, it was monsters like this which were “the big dogs”, he told BBC News.

The article gets a bonus because it includes details on how things evolved, which enables it to send creationists into paroxysms of denial.

I also found it interesting because I wasn’t aware that any amphibians that large existed after the Permian mass extinction.

328 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 9:51:16am


329 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 9:51:39am

re: #327 Dark_Falcon

If you want a fun visual, imagine Phil Robertson running into these things while duck hunting:

The article gets a bonus because it includes details on how things evolved, which enables it to send creationists into paroxysms of denial.

I also found it interesting because I wasn’t aware that any amphibians that large existed after the Permian mass extinction.

There are still three-foot salamanders living in parts of Asia.

330 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 25, 2015 9:51:58am

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

That’s how Walker is positioning himself: He may not be many Republicans’ first choice. but he can be the second choice for around 70-80% of the party. Then when the first choice candidates either fail to catch fire or are weeded out for gaffes or scandals, Scott Walker swoops in and gets the votes that would have gone to them.

It’s not a strategy to win by sweeping the 4 early primaries, its a strategy for winning big on Super Tuesday.

the powers that be in the gop have clearly settled on jeb, and jeb is what you are gonna get, primaries or no primaries

as for walker, my bet is he will be on the veep end of the ticket. he is just perfect as a typical gop attack dog a la nixon

331 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 9:52:08am

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

That’s how Walker is positioning himself: He may not be many Republicans’ first choice. but he can be the second choice for around 70-80% of the party. Then when the first choice candidates either fail to catch fire or are weeded out for gaffes or scandals, Scott Walker swoops in and gets the votes that would have gone to them.

It’s not a strategy to win by sweeping the 4 early primaries, its a strategy for winning big on Super Tuesday.

In other words, he’s pulling the same strategy that every other “moderate” Republican before him has done, position himself such that he can coast to the nomination on 2nd and 3rd place finishes. I’m not sure that will work this time around, at least not as well as it has in the past.

332 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 25, 2015 9:53:42am

There’s no right or wrong, now is it dude?’

i hope mr robertson and his friends have hours of happy fun time playing with their imaginary “liberals”

333 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 9:54:55am

re: #326 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

That is one terrifyingly concise analysis.

Why terrifying? Being “everyone’s second choice” has been a presidential nomination tactic for a long time. Abraham Lincoln used it successfully and its always been a tactic used more by Republicans than by Democrats. Of course until the 1960’s this tactic wasn’t as viable for Democratic presidential hopefuls because of how regionally divided the Democrats were back then.

334 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 9:55:15am

re: #328 Dark_Falcon

I saw what you did there. I would stop it by adding 25% to the effort I plan to make to help HRC.

335 andres  Mar 25, 2015 9:55:56am

re: #315 Dark_Falcon

Note: I didn’t say there was something wrong with that. Firing up your base with scary stuff about the other party is not evil as long as you don’t go too far with it.

For me, too far is when the truth is stretched so far it is essentially senseless. For example, death panels is too far. Looking to erode women’s reproductive rights is not.

336 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 9:58:20am

re: #333 Dark_Falcon

Why terrifying? Being “everyone’s second choice” has been a presidential nomination tactic for a long time. Abraham Lincoln used it successfully and its always been a tactic used more by Republicans than by Democrats. Of course until the 1960’s this tactic wasn’t as viable for Democratic presidential hopefuls because of how regionally divided the Democrats were back then.

Terrifying because I realize that Walker has a reasonable shot at the nomination. Of course, in 2012, I was convinced that Rick Perry was going to walk away with it…

337 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 9:59:42am

re: #330 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

the powers that be in the gop have clearly settled on jeb, and jeb is what you are gonna get, primaries or no primaries

as for walker, my bet is he will be on the veep end of the ticket. he is just perfect as a typical gop attack dog a la nixon

The Republican party leadership doesn’t have the power it once did and Jeb Bush is not the frontrunner that Mitt Romney was in 2012. Moreover, while the Bush name still stands high among many GOP insiders, because of the events of 2005-2006 the name ‘Bush’ is still synonymous with ‘mud’ for many Americans. In my opinion, the confluence of these factors will prevent Jeb Bush from being nominated.

338 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 25, 2015 10:00:29am

re: #335 andres

For me, too far is when the truth is stretched so far it is essentially senseless. For example, death panels is too far. Looking to erode women’s reproductive rights is not.

it’s unfortunate that the gop needs rely on lying in order to make itself look good

339 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:01:13am

re: #336 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Terrifying because I realize that Walker has a reasonable shot at the nomination. Of course, in 2012, I was convinced that Rick Perry was going to walk away with it…

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.

340 Kragar  Mar 25, 2015 10:01:59am
341 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 10:02:07am

re: #337 Dark_Falcon

The Republican party leadership doesn’t have the power it once did and Jeb Bush is not the frontrunner that Mitt Romney was in 2012. Moreover, while the Bush name still stands high among many GOP insiders, because of the events of 2005-2006 the name ‘Bush’ is still synonymous with ‘mud’ for many Americans. In my opinion, the confluence of these factors will prevent Jeb Bush from being nominated.

You’re probably right, if you define the Koch-heads as JBS rather than GOP leadership.

342 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 10:02:12am

re: #339 Dark_Falcon

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.

I hope you are being facetious.

343 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 25, 2015 10:03:05am

re: #337 Dark_Falcon

The Republican party leadership doesn’t have the power it once did and Jeb Bush is not the frontrunner that Mitt Romney was in 2012. Moreover, while the Bush name still stands high among many GOP insiders, because of the events of 2005-2006 the name ‘Bush’ is still synonymous with ‘mud’ for many Americans. In my opinion, the confluence of these factors will prevent Jeb Bush from being nominated.

i’ll take that as a bet :-)

my position is that wall st gop will make jeb happen

and the teabaggers will rationalize their powerlessness away and vote for him

344 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 10:03:28am

re: #339 Dark_Falcon

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.

345 Decatur Deb  Mar 25, 2015 10:04:07am

re: #339 Dark_Falcon

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.

If he is nominated I will spend most of 2016 pounding on doors in Florida.

346 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:06:34am

re: #340 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Ronald Reagan? Wonder what he’s going to have to do with the plot.

347 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:07:11am

re: #340 Kragar

[Embedded content]

From Sam Axe to The Gipper.

348 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:07:55am

re: #339 Dark_Falcon

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.

Is Walker’s appeal to you that he’s a GOP winner in a blue state or is it the union busting while likening union members to ISIL? He’s a dick. I’m sorry. He just is. And he’s just as homophobic as the rest of them.

349 Kragar  Mar 25, 2015 10:08:08am

re: #339 Dark_Falcon

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.


Wisconsin ‘dead last’ in the Midwest in creating jobs

Wisconsin to Skip Debt Payments to Make Up for Walker’s Tax Cuts

Scott Walker faces backlash for comparing union protesters to ISIS

So the real question is this:

What fucking fantasy world do you live in where you think this shit head would make a decent President?

350 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:08:34am

re: #344 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

I know. I am glad I had my coffee already because otherwise I’d be asking for a new monitor.

351 Kragar  Mar 25, 2015 10:09:11am

re: #346 HappyWarrior

Ronald Reagan? Wonder what he’s going to have to do with the plot.

Could be they have him on TV clips or something like that.

352 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:09:53am

re: #349 Kragar


Wisconsin ‘dead last’ in the Midwest in creating jobs

Wisconsin to Skip Debt Payments to Make Up for Walker’s Tax Cuts

Scott Walker faces backlash for comparing union protesters to ISIS

So the real question is this:

What fucking fantasy world do you live in where you think this shit head would make a decent President?

Yeah not only is he a dick, he’s not a good governor. His appeal I can only think is that he’s winning in a Democratic state. That doesn’t make him a leader by any means though. Just someone who knows how to run a campaign and someone who probably has benefited from weak Democratic opponents and poor strategy.

353 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:09:55am

re: #346 HappyWarrior

Ronald Reagan? Wonder what he’s going to have to do with the plot.

There will be a 1970’s character who we’ll see was a Closet Commie. He’ll mess with the Real Americans of Fargo until he makes the mistake of shaking Reagan’s hand. The holy touch of Ronaldus Magnus will cause the Commie to burst into flames.

//If the Reagan guest spot was written by a wingnut.

354 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:11:23am

re: #351 Kragar

Could be they have him on TV clips or something like that.

Maybe but wouldn’t it be easier just to use archive footage? Perhaps Reagan is campaigning for president in the show though. I know it’s taking place in the late 70’s. I can’t wait for it though. I loved Season 1. Malvo was a great antagonist.

355 Dave In Austin  Mar 25, 2015 10:11:37am

Is it just me or did DF just troll the shit out of this site?? If so, I think he just won…..

356 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:12:41am

re: #353 Dark_Falcon

There will be a 1970’s character who we’ll see was a Closet Commie. He’ll mess with the Real Americans of Fargo until he makes the mistake of shaking Reagan’s hand. The holy touch of Ronaldus Magnus will cause the Commie to burst into flames.

//If the Reagan guest spot was written by a wingnut.

Which is why you don’t want wingnuts writing Coen brothers inspired stuff. I am seriously interested though to see how he falls into the plot. The original movie is my favorite Coen Brothers film and the Coens after Scorsese are my favorite directors and I loved the first season so you can tell I’m genuinely interested to see how Reagan falls into the plot.

357 lawhawk  Mar 25, 2015 10:15:06am
358 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 10:15:09am

re: #355 Dave In Austin

Is it just me or did DF just troll the shit out of this site?? If so, I think he just won…..

Nope. He really thinks Walker is wonderful.

359 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:17:07am

re: #357 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Union workers, people upset at the lack of justice in Ferguson, everyone is like ISIL to these assholes. The outright hatred people like Carson and Walker have for their fellow Americans who don’t share their views is obvious.

360 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 10:17:46am

re: #357 lawhawk

Ben Carson compares “troublemakers in Ferguson to Islamist fighters in Syria

That assertion takes his words about out of context, but even having read the context, it is still really asinine.

361 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:17:57am

While I hold Scott Walker in good regard, I’d actually prefer Marco Rubio as the GOP nominee in 2016. I think he’d be better at expanding the party, he’s got a decent grasp of foreign policy, and he’d deliver Florida, which would greatly increase the chance for presidential victory.,

362 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Mar 25, 2015 10:18:08am

re: #357 lawhawk

Why is Ben Carson calling the cops in Ferguson Islamic terrorists?


363 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 10:18:53am

re: #361 Dark_Falcon

While I hold Scott Walker in good regard, I’d actually prefer Marco Rubio as the GOP nominee in 2016. I think he’d be better at expanding the party, he’s got a decent grasp of foreign policy, and he’d deliver Florida, which would greatly increase the chance for presidential victory.,

Deliver Florida? I have serious doubts he’ll even manage to win reelection.

364 Kragar  Mar 25, 2015 10:21:25am

re: #361 Dark_Falcon

While I hold Scott Walker in good regard, I’d actually prefer Marco Rubio as the GOP nominee in 2016. I think he’d be better at expanding the party, he’s got a decent grasp of foreign policy, and he’d deliver Florida, which would greatly increase the chance for presidential victory.,

You have a vibrant personal inner fantasy world, I’ll give you that.

365 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:21:39am

Ideology wise, I don’t see how Rubio is different from the rest except he’s self aware enough not to be a total dick about immigration.

366 Kragar  Mar 25, 2015 10:22:05am
367 Kragar  Mar 25, 2015 10:22:53am
368 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:23:26am

Changing topics a bit, here’s a story that you’ll understand my reasons for posting here:

Gen Con Threatens to Leave Indiana Over Controversial “Religious Freedom” Bill

Gen Con, the longest-running gaming convention in the world, has called Indianapolis home for over a decade. Now, they are reconsidering continuing their relationship with the State of Indiana in light of the recent passage of State Bill 101, which allows Indiana business owners to deny same-sex couples service in the name of “religious freedom.”

Gen Con’s CEO and owner, Adrian Swartout, sent a letter to Indiana Governor Mike Pence, the full text of which can be read here. But here’s a choice excerpt:

Last year, Gen Con hosted more than 56,000 attendees from more than 40 different countries and all 50 states. Gen Con proudly welcomes a diverse attendee base, made up of different ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds. We are happy to provide an environment that welcomes all, and the wide-ranging diversity of our attendees has become a key element to the success and growth of our convention.

Legislation that could allow for refusal of service or discrimination against our attendees will have a direct negative impact on the state’s economy, and will factor into our decision-making on hosting the convention in the State of Indiana in future years.

369 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 25, 2015 10:23:33am

re: #361 Dark_Falcon

While I hold Scott Walker in good regard, I’d actually prefer Marco Rubio as the GOP nominee in 2016. I think he’d be better at expanding the party, he’s got a decent grasp of foreign policy, and he’d deliver Florida, which would greatly increase the chance for presidential victory.,

Why? Why would you be enamored of someone who is working to disempower everyone else to benefit the wealthy? And don’t pretend he isn’t.

370 The Mother Of All Pies  Mar 25, 2015 10:23:45am

WTF some “UniteBlue” sent me a ROTHSCHILDS RULES TEH WORLD!!!! meme thinking I would retweet it for them.


371 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 10:25:03am

re: #369 Blind Frog Belly White

Why? Why would you be enamored of someone who is working to disempower everyone else to benefit the wealthy? And don’t pretend he isn’t.

DF seems to still believe that there is a Republican out there worth voting for. I am loath to support Hillary, but I cannot imagine the GOP nominating anyone I could ever consider.

372 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 10:25:39am

re: #368 Dark_Falcon

Randall has that paged.

373 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:26:37am

re: #372 Backwoods_Sleuth

Randall has that paged.

I think it’s another illustration of how Republicans like Pence aren’t as good for business as they like to claim. Creating an environment that encourages discrimination against a sub-section of the population isn’t good for business.

374 gwangung  Mar 25, 2015 10:27:55am

re: #339 Dark_Falcon

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.

Not by the economics indicators for Wisconsin.
Not by the autocratic treatment of the middle class.
Not by the treatment of higher education.
Not by the sports complexes for private entities that he’s using public tax money for.

The only thing going for him is the R after his name.

375 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:28:58am

re: #374 gwangung

Not by the economics indicators for Wisconsin.
Not by the autocratic treatment of the middle class.
Not by the treatment of higher education.
Not by the sports complexes for private entities that he’s using public tax money for.

The only thing going for him is the R after his name.

Well that and he’s won. But being a winner doesn’t mean you’re a good leader.

376 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 25, 2015 10:29:44am

re: #371 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

DF seems to still believe that there is a Republican out there worth voting for. I am loath to support Hillary, but I cannot imagine the GOP nominating anyone I could ever consider.

“There’s so much horseshit, there must be a pony SOMEwhere!”

I’d dearly love to see a Conservative actually try to defend Conservative economics using actual data. I suspect this wouldn’t last long before he/she resorted to namecalling and appeals to ‘common sense’. Every time I’ve tried to engage a Conservative in an economic discussion, it invariably ends up that way.

So, beyond enriching the rich, what is the objectively supportable reasoning behind disempowering workers?

377 Lidane  Mar 25, 2015 10:32:13am
378 The War TARDIS  Mar 25, 2015 10:32:19am

In regards to Clarkson, I do want everyone to remember he assaulted his boss.

If any of us did that, we would be fired, and escorted out of the building, if not arrested.

And he had been warned about his behavior for a while.

379 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:34:18am

re: #372 Backwoods_Sleuth

re: #373 HappyWarrior


380 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:35:32am

re: #377 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Embedded Image

re: #377 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Embedded Image

More proof that most conservative activists have the intelligence and logical reasoning of five year olds. With apologies to five year olds. Really brainwashed into supporting communism and than he brings up Frank Davis who he calls an alcoholic and pot smoker. Say Cliff, I don’t want to be that guy but we had a pot smoker and alcoholic in the WH six years ago, remember him? Or was that okay because he found Jesus. Not ragging on Bush for being an alcoholic by the way but I sure as hell am raging on Kincaid for Davis one and ignoring that we actually had a Republican president who was one.

381 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 10:37:06am

re: #378 The War TARDIS

In regards to Clarkson, I do want everyone to remember he assaulted his boss.

If any of us did that, we would be fired, and escorted out of the building, if not arrested.

And he had been warned about his behavior for a while.

Not his boss, but he did assault someone, and that’s inexcusable.

That said, I lament that this means the end of the show, at least for me. And if the comments I’ve seen online are any indication, a great deal of the show’s fanbase has also declared this the end. Sad to see it go, but it was fun while it lasted.

382 The Mother Of All Pies  Mar 25, 2015 10:38:17am
383 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Mar 25, 2015 10:38:46am

re: #369 Blind Frog Belly White

Why? Why would you be enamored of someone who is working to disempower everyone else to benefit the wealthy? And don’t pretend he isn’t.

It’s more or less the same reason that a lot of Cowboys fans are going to be rooting for Greg Hardy next year. He wears the right uniform and can help the team win.

384 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:39:05am

re: #379 Dark_Falcon


Not a problem. I am not a business guy in the slightest but these policies are just stupid. They encourage discrimination and that shit just isn’t right. If you want to be an individual dick ot gay people in your personal beliefs, that’s fine but if you’re going to operate a business in the public arena, you need to put that aside. For instance, I may not like wingnuts but it would be dickheadish and illegal of me to refuse to sell to a customer if I saw them pull up in a car with a Nobama bumper sticker. I’ve been half tempted to try an experiment where a straight man goes into one of these businesses holding hands with another guy and a gay man goes into the same business with a woman and have the two act if they were a couple. I think it would show that these people are motivated not by “religious beliefs” but by bigotry. Most people and I know you know aren’t this gay or straight caricature.

385 The Mother Of All Pies  Mar 25, 2015 10:39:10am

Ben “Stupid Fucking Tool” Shapiro is retweeting Tony’s Climate Scam shit.

386 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:39:23am

re: #378 The War TARDIS

In regards to Clarkson, I do want everyone to remember he assaulted his boss.

If any of us did that, we would be fired, and escorted out of the building, if not arrested.

And he had been warned about his behavior for a while.

Indeed. I’ve got a couple things I’ve saved for you:

Libya Dawn aircraft crashes during raid on Zintan

And then there’s these two posts of members of the pro-Russia Serbian Hussar Battalion in Ukraine. Link to a photo of the unit patch below:

Image: tumblr_nlflf5XSI11s5kgq3o3_1280.jpg

387 Kragar  Mar 25, 2015 10:40:13am
388 jaunte  Mar 25, 2015 10:40:34am

re: #376 Blind Frog Belly White

So, beyond enriching the rich, what is the objectively supportable reasoning behind disempowering workers?

We’re all going to be rich one day, so we just have to keep giving the rich a break

389 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 10:41:57am

re: #387 Kragar

[Embedded content]

“An update”?

390 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:46:38am

re: #387 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Since the update will not feature footage of Bergdahl being shot for treason it will trigger an immediate outpouring of angry wingnuts claiming “Barack Hussein Obama is a traitor cover for another traitor.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying I think Bergdahl should be shot, because I don’t think he should be. I’m saying that his death is what some wingnuts want.

391 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 10:48:55am

re: #359 HappyWarrior

Union workers, people upset at the lack of justice in Ferguson, everyone is like ISIL to these assholes. The outright hatred people like Carson and Walker have for their fellow Americans who don’t share their views is obvious.

They’re just feeding the FEAR Machine.

392 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 25, 2015 10:48:58am
393 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:49:03am

re: #387 Kragar

[Embedded content]

No matter what happens, it will still the right thing to rescue him. It’d be nice if he ends up being vindicated the right wing douchebags who smeared him and his family apologized but I’d also like to go on a date with Emmy Rossum.

394 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:51:45am

re: #392 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

How much did your corporate masters pay you to say that, Andrea? And looking at Ms. Tandros, she looks like she knows how to eat healthy so what the fuck is wrong with schools through their meals encouraging kids to do the same. Seriously, the conservative backlash against good nutrition is probably one of and by god there’s been a lot absurd crap in the Obama years but this takes the cake because it’s just common sense. I’ll even put this in language that wingnut fuckwits like Tandros understand. A healthier society means you’re not going to have to pay the medical bills of someone who has heart problems by age 30 by eating fatty foods all the time.

395 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 10:51:51am

re: #368 Dark_Falcon

How far east (or west) would GenCon need to move to find a state that is not (or nearly not) acting in this backward a manner?

I saw a few remarks on Facebook suggesting relocating it to Plattsburg, NY.

396 Targetpractice  Mar 25, 2015 10:51:55am

Considering how much shit he went through, even if I believed he walked away with the intent not to return, he’s served his time. Give him his discharge, kick his ass out the door, and be done with it.

397 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 25, 2015 10:52:05am

re: #369 Blind Frog Belly White

Why? Why would you be enamored of someone who is working to disempower everyone else to benefit the wealthy? And don’t pretend he isn’t.

I just paged an article on Wisconsin’s shrinking middle class. Under his leadership, Wisconsin leads the nation in middle class decline.

398 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:52:20am

Only Obama derangement could cause conservatives to think good eating habits is a bad thing.

399 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 10:54:25am

re: #397 Higgs Boson’s Mate

I just paged an article on Wisconsin’s shrinking middle class. Under his leadership, Wisconsin leads the nation in middle class decline.

So not only is he a douche but he’s also not a good leader. By the way, I think I’ve seen it pointed out that Christie has had similiar failings as governor of New Jersey and these are both two things I totally expect their Congressional primary opponents like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, to point out though it’s not like their plans are any different or better.

400 Dark_Falcon  Mar 25, 2015 10:56:12am

re: #396 Targetpractice

Considering how much shit he went through, even if I believed he walked away with the intent not to return, he’s served his time. Give him his discharge, kick his ass out the door, and be done with it.

Honestly, I’d have to say different. I’d say keep him in uniform on base where he’ll be safe till President Obama leaves office. I don’t like him, but I don’t want him getting shot by some enraged “patriot” who wants to kill “traitors”.

401 Feline Fearless Leader  Mar 25, 2015 10:57:46am

re: #399 HappyWarrior

So not only is he a douche but he’s also not a good leader. By the way, I think I’ve seen it pointed out that Christie has had similiar failings as governor of New Jersey and these are both two things I totally expect their Congressional primary opponents like Cruz, Paul, Rubio, to point out though it’s not like their plans are any different or better.

Was Wisconsin as screwed up going into Walker’s first term as New Jersey was going into Christie’s?

I am not a fan of Christie but he did get handed a state with a lot of inherent issues that need to be addressed at both a local and state level. And I concur that his approach was probably not the correct solution.

402 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Mar 25, 2015 10:58:32am

re: #382 The Mother Of All Pies

NASA: Curiosity rover has found new evidence of life-supporting ingredient on Mars:


403 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 25, 2015 11:00:06am

re: #393 HappyWarrior

No matter what happens, it will still the right thing to rescue him. It’d be nice if he ends up being vindicated the right wing douchebags who smeared him and his family apologized but I’d also like to go on a date with Emmy Rossum.

What those howling for Bergdahl’s scalp don’t get, because they never served, is that you do whatever it takes to try to get your people back - no matter what. If that becomes circumstantial then you can kiss your all volunteer military goodbye.

404 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 11:01:08am

re: #401 Feline Fearless Leader

Was Wisconsin as screwed up going into Walker’s first term as New Jersey was going into Christie’s?

I am not a fan of Christie but he did get handed a state with a lot of inherent issues that need to be addressed at both a local and state level. And I concur that his approach was probably not the correct solution.

I am honestly not sure regarding Wisconsin’s situation.

405 HappyWarrior  Mar 25, 2015 11:01:36am

re: #403 Higgs Boson’s Mate

What those howling for Bergdahl’s scalp don’t get, because they never served, is that you do whatever it takes to try to get your people back - no matter what. If that becomes circumstantial then you can kiss your all volunteer military goodbye.

Something that the president thankfully gets.

406 Nyet  Mar 25, 2015 11:31:37am

re: #370 The Mother Of All Pies

WTF some “UniteBlue” sent me a ROTHSCHILDS RULES TEH WORLD!!!! meme thinking I would retweet it for them.


Pfeh, what nonsense. Everybody knows the Rothschilds only rule the Earth. The Rockefellers rule the rest of the Universe!

407 Swift2991  Mar 25, 2015 11:45:45am

When I was newly pubescent Catholic boy, I had fantasies about being a prisoner of war being “tortured” by a Red Chinese nurse having her way with me. (I believe I would convert her to freedom at the end.) I think you can read the obvious dream language there. Sex was evil, but not in the cause of freedom.)

The dream language in Phil’s fantasy is obvious, but also sinister, unlike my 13-year sexual awakening. This is a murder and torture fantasy, just to teach those atheists that there is no morality but the Master’s. (I won’t say Jesus, because I don’t think that’s who Phil is worshipping at all.)

408 lostlakehiker  Mar 25, 2015 12:06:10pm

re: #222 Frenchy

Do even people in Texas like Cruz at this point? Would he win reelection if he ran for it? I find that hard to imagine, since he has shown himself to be such a shithead. (Of course, this IS Texas we’re talking about…)

It’s Texas. But by the time it’s time for him to run again, he will have beclowned himself on the national stage, which might hurt him. It would depend on whether the Democrats could find a strong opponent for him.

Speaking of Texas and beclowning, here’s Pete Sessions on Obamacare:

If you just do simple multiplication, 12 million into $108 billion, we’re talking literally every single recipient would be costing this government more than $5 million per person for their insurance…”

Now Obamacare has its defects, but costing $5 million apiece isn’t one of them. Not even close. It’s more like $9000, if one assumes that Sessions’ raw numbers are correct. And the government doesn’t pay it for everybody. The idea is that some people pay more, some pay less, and the program is supposed to break even.

It would be nice if doctors didn’t have to spend so much time filling out forms for the electronic medical records rules. It would be better than it is now if the web pages and their back offices could be got in order. The system is a kludge and it’ll have to be reworked almost from scratch by another Congress with another president, even assuming it holds up in court. Which I think it will, but I’m not sure.

409 lostlakehiker  Mar 25, 2015 12:07:50pm

re: #400 Dark_Falcon

Honestly, I’d have to say different. I’d say keep him in uniform on base where he’ll be safe till President Obama leaves office. I don’t like him, but I don’t want him getting shot by some enraged “patriot” who wants to kill “traitors”.

Even if Bergdahl deserted, that’s still not treason.

410 wrenchwench  Mar 25, 2015 12:17:04pm

re: #400 Dark_Falcon

Honestly, I’d have to say different. I’d say keep him in uniform on base where he’ll be safe till President Obama leaves office. I don’t like him, but I don’t want him getting shot by some enraged “patriot” who wants to kill “traitors”.

That kind of shit will stop when Obama leaves office?

411 William Barnett-Lewis  Mar 25, 2015 12:37:07pm

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

That’s how Walker is positioning himself: He may not be many Republicans’ first choice. but he can be the second choice for around 70-80% of the party. Then when the first choice candidates either fail to catch fire or are weeded out for gaffes or scandals, Scott Walker swoops in and gets the votes that would have gone to them.

It’s not a strategy to win by sweeping the 4 early primaries, its a strategy for winning big on Super Tuesday.

Unlike Cruz, he’s a far more dangerous fanatic because he actually believes the garbage he spews as supposed Christianity. A Walker presidency would be the beginning of the end of this nation.

412 William Barnett-Lewis  Mar 25, 2015 12:42:57pm

re: #339 Dark_Falcon

Don’t be terrified of Scott Walker. He’d make a decent president, actually.

I personally know Scott Walker, DF. He’s the most evil, banal but evil, man I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.

I will emigrate if he is elected. I think Germany would be a better place in that case.

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