Sunday Night Rhythms: PRD Mais, “Cabuleto/Batalhão/Bossanta”

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PRD Mais - Cabuleto/Batalhão/Bossanta
From the PRD Mais record “Rittenhouse,” out now on GroundUP Music.

***Please set to HD (or at least 480p).

“Rittenhouse” is available now:
Vimeo Film:

Cabuleto written by Bóka Reis and Gabriel Policarpo
Batalhão written by Gabriel Policarpo
Bossanta written by Guilherme Oliveira and Gustavo Oliveira

Gabriel Policarpo (repique and musical direction)
Bóka Reis (timbal)
Guilherme Oliveira (tamborim and frigideira)
Gustavo Oliveira (surdos)
Bernardo Aguiar (caixa and musical direction)

Concept by: Bernardo Aguiar and Gabriel Policarpo (Pandeiro Repique Duo)
Produced by: Pandeiro Repique Duo and Brian Potts
Executive Producer: Bernardo Aguiar
Directed and Filmed by: Daniel Lobo
Cinematographer: Micael Hocherman
Technical Director: Jim Hamilton
Cameraman: Matthew Hamilton and Josh Magnitzky

Filmed at Rittenhouse Soundworks, Philadelphia PA

Audio Engineer: Peter Tramo
Mixed by: Marcos Suzano
Mastered by: Alexandre Rabaço

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freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:23:31pm

So I decided to watch the whole of The Triumph of the Will, having only watched outtakes before. On Youtube, of course.

Came across this part:

Hmmm… I wonder what the WHCA would have to say if you asked them about that assertion.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:26:11pm

I wonder how long the standing ovation for Hucky Boo Boo by the DC Press Corpse will last tomorrow.

Should we take a wager on how many of them will grovel before Hucky and beg her forgiveness as well?

mmmirele  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:28:47pm

We were talking how the Hulu version of the Handmaid’s Tale pretty much ignores the plight of various minorities, which were at least mentioned in passing in Atwood’s book. I read when the first season came out that the producers made the deliberate choice to ignore the racial undertones from the book because there was so much to explore with the oppression of women. I thought it was a mistake then, and I REALLY think it’s a mistake now.

I remember from the book how Offred was allowed to watch TV before the Ceremony and the announcer on the state news said that the settlement of the Children of Ham in Detroit was proceeding apace. Children of Ham, of course, is a racist trope from way back used against black people, because Noah supposedly cursed Ham and his descendants because Ham saw him naked. As for Jewish people, as Vicious Babushka noted, they were allowed to leave if they pretended to be Hasidim. However, if memory serves, the epilogue to the book indicates a lot of these Jews were simply thrown overboard and drowned.

I remember thinking back when Trump became president that our dystopia is going to be different than The Handmaid’s Tale or It Can’t Happen Here or anything else out there. In fact, we’re writing our dystopia right now, with our own actions, and whether we get out or not depends on what we do. Which is why I am enormously pissed off at the White House correspondents who are having the vapors over Sarah Sanders.

Brian J.  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:32:20pm

re: #1 freetoken

So I decided to watch the whole of The Triumph of the Will, having only watched outtakes before. On Youtube, of course.

Came across this part:

[Embedded content]

Hmmm… I wonder what the WHCA would have to say if you asked them about that assertion.

The WHCA at least recognizes that they are combatants in the war against America. That is, they know that they live or die for their Fuhrer Cheeto Jesus, and just as they created him, his unmaking would be theirs. Expect a lot of journalists to be forced out in the next few weeks as this diktat passes down the ranks.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:33:14pm

re: #3 mmmirele

Remember how in 2012 it was If This Goes on and we thought Nehemiah Scudder was going to get nominated? Good times!

Could we have a break from the dystopias for a while, please?

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:36:42pm

re: #4 Brian J.

I suspect, strongly, that the general entertainment complex, especially comedians, are going to go full throttle at any of the White House press corp who try and cover up for SHS’s daily whitewashing of the ugliness of Trump.

That’s the thing about commercial journalism - it’s all very very competitive. The reason the WHCA live or die on access is because without it they are of no use to their corporate masters.

But that also means the underling-journalists, who don’t have the prime gig at the White House, have no reason to not try and unseat their seniors at the trough.

Brian J.  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:37:19pm

re: #3 mmmirele

I remember from the book how Offred was allowed to watch TV before the Ceremony and the announcer on the state news said that the settlement of the Children of Ham in Detroit was proceeding apace. Children of Ham, of course, is a racist trope from way back used against black people, because Noah supposedly cursed Ham and his descendants because Ham saw him naked. As for Jewish people, as Vicious Babushka noted, they were allowed to leave if they pretended to be Hasidim. However, if memory serves, the epilogue to the book indicates a lot of these Jews were simply thrown overboard and drowned.

Yes. From the epilogue:

“The National Homelands and the Jewish boat-person plans were both his [B. Frederick Judd’s, a possible source of Offred’s name], as was the idea of privatizing the Jewish repatriation scheme, with the result that more than one boatload of Jews was simply dumped into the Atlantic, to maximize profits. From what we know of Judd, this would not have bothered him much. He was a hard-liner and is credited by Limpkin with the remark ,‘Our biggest mistake was teaching them to read. We won’t do that again.’”

JordanRules  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:37:57pm
Brian J.  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:40:15pm

re: #6 freetoken

I suspect, strongly, that the general entertainment complex, especially comedians, are going to go full throttle at any of the White House press corp who try and cover up for SHS’s daily whitewashing of the ugliness of Trump.

That’s the thing about commercial journalism - it’s all very very competitive. The reason the WHCA live or die on access is because without it they are of no use to their corporate masters.

But that also means the underling-journalists, who don’t have the prime gig at the White House, have no reason to not try and unseat their seniors at the trough.

Hogwash, sadly. How many millions of potential customers do the media reject with their strident Republican support? Their industry is ailing and has been since the rise of the Internet and the fall of the classified ad. They believe that only state and GOP worship can save them. (In addition, many liberals still believe, against all available evidence, that the media is on their side and voluntarily give them subscription money.)

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:42:19pm

So much has been written about Leni Riefenstahl and propaganda that I doubt I can add anything new.

I did take a propaganda class in school, and of the few things I remember is this: to be effective, propaganda has to have enough truth in it so people do not turn if off immediately.

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:44:10pm

re: #9 Brian J.

Hogwash, sadly. How many millions of potential customers do the media reject with their strident Republican support? Their industry is ailing and has been since the rise of the Internet and the fall of the classified ad. They believe that only state and GOP worship can save them. (In addition, many liberals still believe, against all available evidence, that the media is on their side and voluntarily give them subscription money.)

Well, I do not believe many in journalism actually believe that.

That said, given the corporate interests that dominate almost all of American journalism, it is very easy for entertainment to be dressed up as journalism (e.g., Fox News) and to find an audience of people who don’t care to find out the truth.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:44:43pm

re: #10 freetoken

So much has been written about Leni Riefenstahl and propaganda that I doubt I can add anything new.

I did take a propaganda class in school, and of the few things I remember is this: to be effective, propaganda has to have enough truth in it so people do not turn if off immediately.

That was when everybody lived in the same reality. Now the right wing has created their own (Thanks Rupert!) and there’s no arguing with them with facts or logic.

wheat-dogg  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:45:18pm

re: #10 freetoken

So much has been written about Leni Riefenstahl and propaganda that I doubt I can add anything new.

I did take a propaganda class in school, and of the few things I remember is this: to be effective, propaganda has to have enough truth in it so people do not turn if off immediately.

Or truthiness. We’ve had three decades of RW media grooming a receptive audience for ever-increasing false narratives. Now we have a president who lies as easily as he breathes, and his base accept every word as the gospel truth.

wheat-dogg  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:46:34pm

re: #11 freetoken

Well, I do not believe many in journalism actually believe that.

That said, given the corporate interests that dominate almost all of American journalism, it is very easy for entertainment to be dressed up as journalism (e.g., Fox News) and to find an audience of people who don’t care to find out the truth.

There are still people who don’t understand the difference between a newspaper ad, an opinion column and a news story.

Citizen K  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:46:41pm

This, again, is what continues to get me. THey keep consistently going to bat for the folks who would put them in gulags at first chance for the crime of covering the ‘regime’ in vaguely unflattering language. Meanwhile, the Dean Baquets fight tooth and nail against liberal critics, and even push contrarian narratives out of pure spite for them, because the folks fact checking them, they, THEY are the ‘real threat to the free press’, the ones causing the chilling effect to free speech.

It’s galling and depressing all over.

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:46:51pm

re: #12 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

re: #13 wheat-dogg

Well, I will throw this out: “truthiness” is not new, neither is programming audiences to not be able to tell the difference between truthiness and facts.

Indeed, I will assert this: religions have been doing this for millennia.

wheat-dogg  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:49:34pm

re: #16 freetoken

Well, I will throw this out: “truthiness” is not new, neither is programming audiences to not be able to tell the difference between truthiness and facts.

Indeed, I will assert this: religions have been doing this for millennia.

Not just religion. Ethnic “pride” and tribalism also. {Those people} are not as good as {us people}, so let’s go kill/enslave them all.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:51:05pm


freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 9:57:10pm

re: #17 wheat-dogg

But to get people to go to war, which is after all messy and a lot of work and expensive, one has to deal with the nature of humans to go do their own thing.

This is done, in the case of Riefenstahl with aplomb, by reinforcing the self-view, exploiting idealism. We humans have views of ourselves that combine things we want to believe with things that are actually true.

By elevating the want-to-believe category as an external reality, the propagandist is getting into the inner workings of the mind of a person.

The reason that the phrase “dime story Mussolini” applies well to Trump is that Trump is a really cheap version of the more effective strong-man.

So getting back to the WHCA and journalism - for them the currency of their lives is access. Threaten that access and they will do what it takes to preserve. There is not really any ideology at work here. It’s just naked self-interest. Because that is so harsh to believe about oneself, they dress themselves in the robes of the righteous cause of being the eyes and ears of the public.

Yet it really is just all about self-interest.

goddamnedfrank  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:03:14pm
JordanRules  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:06:59pm
Targetpractice  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:10:59pm

re: #20 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

It really is sad to see them argue so hard for why groveling at Huckaboo’s feet is the right and proper thing for them to do. I cannot say I remember the last Press Sec who enjoyed this sort of fawning devotion from them.

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:14:27pm

re: #22 Targetpractice

It really is sad to see them argue so hard for why groveling at Huckaboo’s feet is the right and proper thing for them to do. I cannot say I remember the last Press Sec who enjoyed this sort of fawning devotion from them.

Our Citizen K calles this “performative Stockholm Syndrome”.

Teukka  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:15:15pm

So this Lizardim stumbled upon “Studies in Prejudice”, and downloaded all five volumes for reading. So far, I have looked at a handful of the pdf’s, but already has chills running down my spine. This thing was written in 19-friggin-50, and it describes the drumpfbots to a tee…

Citizen K  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:15:24pm

re: #22 Targetpractice

It really is sad to see them argue so hard for why groveling at Huckaboo’s feet is the right and proper thing for them to do. I cannot say I remember the last Press Sec who enjoyed this sort of fawning devotion from them.

It’s an extension of the fawning devotion they seem to have for Trump. And yet, remember, Obama was the one who supposedly had the press slobbering all over him with undue praise and celebrity. Yet they attacked him more for not giving Fox News a front row seat at press briefings than Trump literally leading 2 Minute Hates toward them at every single rally he runs.

They’re complicit.

scottslemmons  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:17:01pm

re: #22 Targetpractice

It really is sad to see them argue so hard for why groveling at Huckaboo’s feet is the right and proper thing for them to do. I cannot say I remember the last Press Sec who enjoyed this sort of fawning devotion from them.

They see “Press Secretary,” and they think the “press” part means she’s one of them. And they always circle the wagons whenever one of their own gets criticized. Was it Chuck Todd who declared Fox was NBC’s “sister station” when they got a little mild criticism from Obama?

It seems like the press is incredibly easy to manipulate — tell them they’re in with the Cool Crowd, and there’s nothing they won’t do for you. (It’s honestly surprising Trump didn’t kiss their ass during the campaign — they’d be cheerleading mass executions of minorities by now if he’d flattered them a little more.)

Citizen K  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:19:03pm

re: #26 scottslemmons

They see “Press Secretary,” and they think the “press” part means she’s one of them. And they always circle the wagons whenever one of their own gets criticized. Was it Chuck Todd who declared Fox was NBC’s “sister station” when they got a little mild criticism from Obama?

It seems like the press is incredibly easy to manipulate — tell them they’re in with the Cool Crowd, and there’s nothing they won’t do for you. (It’s honestly surprising Trump didn’t kiss their ass during the campaign — they’d be cheerleading mass executions of minorities by now if he’d flattered them a little more.)

He’s already got them in his pocket at this point it seems. He could call for mass executions of reporters at this point and at least half would blame Dems for provoking him and say liberals and protesting college students are the ones really leading the genocide against journalists.

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:20:32pm

BTW, as dime-store as Trump is, and I didn’t finish my thought earlier which was that Trump’s tawdriness makes any propaganda effort of his gang not very effective, one thing he knows he can always exploit is that he can divide the “media”/press and they will not be able to do anything about it.

Trump also knows that he can get others to agree with him on this point about “the media”.

This is why I refuse to jump on the bandwagon of lumping all of the various journalistic ventures together. To do so is to imitate Trump, and he’s the last person I want to be like.

scottslemmons  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:21:38pm

re: #25 Citizen K

It’s an extension of the fawning devotion they seem to have for Trump. And yet, remember, Obama was the one who supposedly had the press slobbering all over him with undue praise and celebrity. Yet they attacked him more for not giving Fox News a front row seat at press briefings than Trump literally leading 2 Minute Hates toward them at every single rally he runs.

They’re complicit.

I’m still of the opinion that, if this country ever makes its way back to sanity, we need to be putting a lot of media stooges in prison for treason along with the politicians. Bad reporters never seem to get held to account for their actions — most of the elite reporters and columnists will never lose their jobs, no matter how much they fail at their jobs — and it’s seems to me it’s past time to remove the stenographers from their perches, at the very least.

goddamnedfrank  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:48:34pm
Amory Blaine  Apr 29, 2018 • 10:57:59pm

NK has 2 nuke test sites (known), correct? One of them is badly damaged by subsidence. So when Trump says that a site, singular, will be closed has anyone asked which one it will be? I already know the answer but wth.

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:03:51pm

re: #31 Amory Blaine

Most stories on NK nuclear capability seem to speak of one site, the one that probably suffered significant damage:

North Korea nuclear test site has collapsed and may be out of action - China study

North Korea’s main nuclear test site has partially collapsed under the stress of multiple explosions, possibly rendering it unsafe for further testing and leaving it vulnerable to radiation leaks, a study by Chinese geologists has shown.

The findings could cast doubt on North Korea’s sincerity in announcing last weekend that it would stop testing nuclear weapons at the site ahead of Friday’s summit between the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and the South Korean president, Moon Jae-in.

The test site at Punggye-ri, in a mountainous area in North Korea’s north-east, has been the location for all six of the regime’s nuclear tests since 2006.


That story calls it’s subject the “main” site, but I emphasize that making nuclear weapons takes a great investment in resources and bits and pieces will be done in various locales.

Single-handed sailor  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:05:35pm

Trump is the Founding Father of the Idiocracy.

freetoken  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:06:57pm

I also doubt that NK was anywhere near a deliverable nuclear weapon when said site ran into trouble.

All NK has had to do is convince the US that it might have such a weapon in order to bring the US to a table to be willing to trade.

And it appears that gambit by the NK has been successful.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:19:56pm

re: #34 freetoken

I also doubt that NK was anywhere near a deliverable nuclear weapon when said site ran into trouble.

All NK has had to do is convince the US that it might have such a weapon in order to bring the US to a table to be willing to trade.

And it appears that gambit by the NK has been successful.

They’ve had six tests, all failures, and thrown an empty missile straight up, demonstrating that they could deliver a payload of zero over intercontinental distances, so they have everybody pissing their pants in fear.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:23:41pm

the kims have obviously been developing these nukes as bargaining chips, and now lil’ kim wants to use them to bargain with

my question is, what does he want in return for giving them up?

has anybody been covering this aspect or am i just way behind the curve here?

goddamnedfrank  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:34:08pm

re: #34 freetoken

I also doubt that NK was anywhere near a deliverable nuclear weapon when said site ran into trouble.

All NK has had to do is convince the US that it might have such a weapon in order to bring the US to a table to be willing to trade.

And it appears that gambit by the NK has been successful.

There’s a wide spectrum of deliverability. Since the first successful test it’s been within their capabilities to smuggle a weapon inside a third party flagged container ship and detonate it in a US port.

re: #35 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

They’ve had six tests, all failures, and thrown an empty missile straight up, demonstrating that they could deliver a payload of zero over intercontinental distances, so they have everybody pissing their pants in fear.

The tests were not failures and the last one is estimated to be at least 100 Kt yield. Also, if their designs aren’t all that efficient that just means they’re extra dirty, which isn’t exactly comforting.

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:41:40pm

re: #35 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

They’ve had six tests, all failures, and thrown an empty missile straight up, demonstrating that they could deliver a payload of zero over intercontinental distances, so they have everybody pissing their pants in fear.

You keep saying they were all failures, but that’s not what I read coming from actual experts. You dramatically understated the yields of the last three tests, especially the last.

goddamnedfrank  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:42:24pm

re: #36 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

the kims have obviously been developing these nukes as bargaining chips, and now lil’ kim wants to use them to bargain with

my question is, what does he want in return for giving them up?

has anybody been covering this aspect or am i just way behind the curve here?

I don’t think he’s planning to give them up at all. I think he wants to leverage them into creating legitimacy and a public relations coup against the US. To create a narrative where he’s seen as having tried to be reasonable but that America is antithetical to peace in Korea and the Asia Pacific region. To prove in a sense that he and his father were strategically correct to pursue this program, because “North Korea needs nuclear weapons to survive in the face of imperialist US aggression.”

At least that’s what 70 years of North Korean propaganda tell me he’s planning.

Targetpractice  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:43:37pm

re: #30 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

I cannot remember Donny ever once personally apologizing to a woman he insulted for their looks, their bleeding from their “you know what,” or in any way being a sexist pig. In fact, I remember the opposite, Trump and his female staffers ratcheting up the attacks if any woman took exception to his remarks.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:48:18pm

re: #37 goddamnedfrank

There’s a wide spectrum of deliverability. Since the first successful test it’s been within their capabilities to smuggle a weapon inside a third party flagged container ship and detonate it in a US port.

The tests were not failures and the last one is estimated to be at least 100 Kt yield. Also, if their designs aren’t all that efficient that just means they’re extra dirty, which isn’t exactly comforting.

Well, 6-8 kT like tests 3,4, and 5 are failures. If they got 100 kT from a two-stage device in the last test, that’s really a failure, too. If their designs aren’t all that efficient that means they’re extra clean—less fission products. It probably also means they’re extra heavy. I’ll take some convincing that they’ve ever had a deliverable weapon by any means they have available.

Targetpractice  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:48:50pm

re: #39 goddamnedfrank

I don’t think he’s planning to give them up at all. I think he wants to leverage them into creating legitimacy and a public relations coup against the US. To create a narrative where he’s seen as having tried to be reasonable but that America is antithetical to peace in Korea and the Asia Pacific region. To prove in a sense that he and his father were strategically correct to pursue this program, because “North Korea needs nuclear weapons to survive in the face of imperialist US aggression.”

At least that’s what 70 years of North Korean propaganda tell me he’s planning.

My personal belief is that Kim’s regime is on unstable ground and he fears a coup. Whether a coup will happen is anybody’s guess, but the fear of such is what is motivating him to pursue nukes as a means of elevating NK’s place on the world stage. He may have hoped for at least some easing of sanctions and possibly a thawing of relations with the South, but he’s instead had major success in the shape of a desperate Donald Trump who equally needs some major “win” to shore up his own regime. Kim wanted NK to be treated as equal to SK on the world stage, instead he’s on his way to being seen as equal to the POTUS. That’s a major win for a nuclear program that (as of right now) is still in its infancy.

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:48:52pm

re: #39 goddamnedfrank

I don’t think he’s planning to give them up at all. I think he wants to leverage them into creating legitimacy and a public relations coup against the US. To create a narrative where he’s seen as having tried to be reasonable but that America is antithetical to peace in Korea and the Asia Pacific region. To prove in a sense that he and his father were strategically correct to pursue this program, because “North Korea needs nuclear weapons to survive in the face of imperialist US aggression.”

At least that’s what 70 years of North Korean propaganda tell me he’s planning.

If you assume he’s neither crazy nor stupid, he won’t give them up. He’ll accept a maximum arsenal, in exchange for lifting sanctions. He’ll mske peace IFF we remove our troops.

Mu assumption is he doesn’t want to take over SK, but rather stay in power and make NK more prosperous.

sagehen  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:54:19pm

re: #39 goddamnedfrank

I don’t think he’s planning to give them up at all. I think he wants to leverage them into creating legitimacy and a public relations coup against the US. To create a narrative where he’s seen as having tried to be reasonable but that America is antithetical to peace in Korea and the Asia Pacific region. To prove in a sense that he and his father were strategically correct to pursue this program, because “North Korea needs nuclear weapons to survive in the face of imperialist US aggression.”

At least that’s what 70 years of North Korean propaganda tell me he’s planning.

Or when he says “denuclearize the Korean peninsula”, that means US bases must go (we have nuclear submarines, the planes we use in the vicinity can carry nuclear bombs, a lot of our artillery has depleted uranium shells…)

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:55:17pm

re: #41 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, 6-8 kT like tests 3,4, and 5 are failures. If they got 100 kT from a two-stage device in the last test, that’s really a failure, too. If their designs aren’t all that efficient that means they’re extra clean—less fission products. It probably also means they’re extra heavy. I’ll take some convincing that they’ve ever had a deliverable weapon by any means they have available.

Again, not sure where you’re getting your yield numbers, but they are substantially less than anybody else’s.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Apr 29, 2018 • 11:57:45pm

re: #44 sagehen

Or when he says “denuclearize the Korean peninsula”, that means US bases must go (we have nuclear submarines, the planes we use in the vicinity can carry nuclear bombs, a lot of our artillery has depleted uranium shells…)

ah, that sounds right to me

he’ll demand that the u.s. military leaves korea


Targetpractice  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:04:11am

re: #46 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

ah, that sounds right to me

he’ll demand that the u.s. military leaves korea


He’s playing it smart, with all the talk about finally negotiating a formal peace treaty to resolve the ceasefire. No ceasefire, no DMZ. No DMZ, no real reason for the US to maintain a large military presence in South Korea. It’s significant that the request for formal one-on-one talks came not from Pyongyang directly, but from Seoul relaying the request to Washington.

Cheechako  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:04:48am

No matter what NK/SK agree to, trump is going to take credit. He expects to get a Nobel Prize for “all he work he’s put into getting this agreement”. The Nobel Prize is one thing that President Obama has that trump doesn’t and trump desperately wants one.

The Nobel Committee would be nuts to give this sleaze-ball a Nobel Prize.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:05:52am

re: #48 Cheechako

No matter what NK/SK agree to, trump is going to take credit. He expects to get a Nobel Prize for “all he work he’s put into getting this agreement”. The Nobel Prize is one thing that President Obama has that trump doesn’t and trump desperately wants one.

The Nobel Committee would be nuts to give this sleaze-ball a Nobel Prize.

I cannot imagine that he would be considered for any sort of prestigious international award. He does not have the fan base there that he enjoys in his native country.

Chad Thundercock  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:07:04am

re: #48 Cheechako

I could see him threatening military action against Sweden unless he gets one.

Cheechako  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:08:45am

re: #49 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I cannot imagine that he would be considered for any sort of prestigious international award. He does not have the fan base there that he enjoys in his native country.

Doesn’t matter. In trump’s mind he’s the world’s greatest “peacemaker” and deserves this prize.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:12:33am

re: #50 Chad Thundercock

I could see him threatening military action against Sweden unless he gets one.

50% import tariff on IKEA furniture.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:22:10am

re: #50 Chad Thundercock

I could see him threatening military action against Sweden unless he gets one.

It’s actually Norway that awards the Peace prize, but I don’t expect him to know that.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:22:46am

re: #52 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

50% import tariff on IKEA furniture.

Is that really a bad thing?


Amory Blaine  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:23:02am

I’ve never had good luck with flare nut wrenches. I ordered a set that’s supposed to be the bees knees. If these carve fittings like butter it will be vice grips all the way until I die.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:24:38am

re: #47 Targetpractice

He’s playing it smart, with all the talk about finally negotiating a formal peace treaty to resolve the ceasefire. No ceasefire, no DMZ. No DMZ, no real reason for the US to maintain a large military presence in South Korea. It’s significant that the request for formal one-on-one talks came not from Pyongyang directly, but from Seoul relaying the request to Washington.

We swept in in 1950 to protect SK. If they can live with a settlement, then great! Our work is done. Why do we need bases surrounding Russia any more now that we’re a wholly-owned subsidiary?

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:30:56am

re: #37 goddamnedfrank

We don’t even know if their nuclear devices were mobile. Whatever fission they have been able to demonstrate, they could have assembled the device in-situ. This would explain why losing a single site may be so devastating. It’s not just that they have no place to test, as any hole deep enough in the mountains would work. Their assembly/purification facility was likely destroyed.

BigBadDemocrat  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:34:44am

Get the Norks on our pay roll and have them attack China and China it’s Putin that did it as he has Trump in his pocket!

Easy stuff!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:35:01am

re: #54 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Is that really a bad thing?


He’s just frustrated because his drawers keep falling apart…

danarchy  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:41:28am

re: #49 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I cannot imagine that he would be considered for any sort of prestigious international award. He does not have the fan base there that he enjoys in his native country.

Once they gave Yasser Arafat a Nobel Peace Prize all bets were off.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:47:17am

re: #60 danarchy

Once they gave Yasser Arafat a Nobel Peace Prize all bets were off.

Arafat had a bigger fan base in the international community than DT

Single-handed sailor  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:05:25am
Amory Blaine  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:18:20am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:22:08am

re: #62 Single-handed sailor

Remember when there were seeds in pot? LOL.

And you used a double album cover to sort them out into the spine

Dave In Austin  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:23:13am

re: #62 Single-handed sailor

Remember when there were seeds in pot? LOL.

[Embedded content]


Yep….. CC, One of my Favs.

Dave In Austin  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:25:52am

I hate these people. I hate them.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:26:37am

re: #66 Dave In Austin

I hate these people. I hate them.

The right to arm bears

Ace-o-aces  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:28:09am

re: #60 danarchy

Once they gave Yasser Arafat a Nobel Peace Prize all bets were off.

Why does everyone forget that Arafat shared the prize with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin?

Single-handed sailor  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:28:33am

re: #64 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

And you used a double album cover to sort them out into the spine

… and I remember Album Nosers, a power hit from a joint blown down the spine of the album to cool it.

Chad Thundercock  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:29:55am

re: #62 Single-handed sailor

I think Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen was the first “name” band i ever saw.

Single-handed sailor  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:33:18am

re: #70 Chad Thundercock

I think Commander Cody was the first “name” band i ever saw.

I think mine was Slade and the J. Geils Band at Winterland but really it was the 5th Dimension at the 1967 AFC playoffs so I pretend that didn’t happen.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:36:29am

re: #71 Single-handed sailor

I think mine was Slade and the J. Geils Band at Winterland but really it was the 5th Dimension at the 1967 AFC playoffs so I pretend that didn’t happen.

Wishbone Ash at the Hammond, Indiana Civic Center ca 1975

Dave In Austin  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:38:57am

Mr. Hendrix / Vanilla Fudge at the Phx Coliseum ‘67 (I think).

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:39:29am

re: #72 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Wishbone Ash at the Hammond, Indiana Civic Center ca 1975

Does Merilee and the Turnabouts count? (She graduated from Shoreline high school the year before I started and played in the gym….)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:42:30am

re: #74 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Does Merilee and the Turnabouts count? (She graduated from Shoreline high school the year before I started and played in the gym….)

We were talking about “name acts”. Did she have any sort of record in any charts ever?

Ace-o-aces  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:44:56am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:49:01am

re: #75 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

We were talking about “name acts”. Did she have any sort of record in any charts ever?

The original Angel of the Morning. Biggest record of 1966, I think.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:51:13am
Single-handed sailor  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:51:55am

I went to so many Bill Graham ‘Day on the Green’ concerts at Oakland Coliseum I don’t even remember who I saw. I don’t even remember who was playing when Elton John walked on stage and joined….

Wiki seems to have it.

Day On The Green #2: The Doobie Brothers, Eagles, Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen, Kingfish (featuring Bob Weir) (June 29, 1975). Surprise guest Elton John came out at both the Eagles and Doobies’ encore numbers and joined them onstage.

Single-handed sailor  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:52:47am

Oh, so I HAVE seen Commander Cody! Who knew.

Dave In Austin  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:53:33am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:57:15am

re: #81 Dave In Austin

Totally tubular!

Dave In Austin  Apr 30, 2018 • 2:15:04am
Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Apr 30, 2018 • 2:27:21am

re: #70 Chad Thundercock

I think Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen was the first “name” band i ever saw.

I was present at Armadillo World Headquarters in Austin, at least in body, when Commander Cody recorded some of the tracks for their Live from Deep in the Heart of Texas album in 1973. Some hippies behind us dropped a full pitcher of beer on the floor. You can hear the crash on the album, at least you could on the early pressings. It may have been cleaned up on more recent ones.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 2:32:14am

People have heard of Paul Revere and the Raiders, right? It occurs to me they were in some Battle of the Bands thing I went to in ‘66 or ‘67.

With local bands you never know—imagine my surprise when I saw Animal House and realized other people knew Louie, Louie.

teleskiguy  Apr 30, 2018 • 2:32:28am
Dave In Austin  Apr 30, 2018 • 3:22:10am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 3:44:58am

re: #77 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The original Angel of the Morning. Biggest record of 1966, I think.

one of my faves when I was seven

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 3:58:15am

re: #88 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

one of my faves when I was seven

I would see her frequently at Pier 70 in the mid-to-late ’70s, and she was just a tremendous entertainer. There was something there—interaction with the audience, whatever—that just didn’t record, I guess.

Then she was all set to release a comeback album with AotM on it, when Juice Newton released her cover….

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 4:14:18am

Oh, and it wasn’t my first name band, but I used to see Heart at the Aquarius Tavern like every Friday and Saturday for $1 cover. Who knew?

jeffreyw  Apr 30, 2018 • 4:45:03am


Good morning!

Targetpractice  Apr 30, 2018 • 4:47:13am

re: #91 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

*grumbling* What’s so “good” about it?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 4:48:24am

re: #91 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

I really envy you the variety of birds you get there. When I was a kid, we’d try to feed them and just get inundated with a plague of flying rats sparrows that drove everything else away.

William Lewis  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:02:52am

re: #90 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Oh, and it wasn’t my first name band, but I used to see Heart at the Aquarius Tavern like every Friday and Saturday for $1 cover. Who knew?

Wasn’t my first concert but Heart opening for Jackson Browne in the late 80s? was excellent.

Scout  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:18:39am

re: #94 William Lewis

Wasn’t my first concert but Heart opening for Jackson Browne in the late 80s? was excellent.

I’m not much of a fan of Heart (even though I’m from Seattle) nor of Jackson Browne, so forgive my ignorance, but I’m surprised Heart would have fallen to the point they were opening for anyone — I thought they were a huge “supergroup.”

A Mom Anon  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:20:39am

re: #94 William Lewis

My first show was Blue Oyster Cult and Uriah Heep at Veterans Memorial in Columbus Ohio around 1976 or so. I feel incredibly old now.

Last concert I saw was Foo Fighters a couple nights ago in Atlanta. I hurt my feet from dancing for almost 4 hours straight. First show I have been to since The Kid was a little guy. I had a blast.

William Lewis  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:22:34am

re: #95 Scout

Both were fairly big at the time. It was one of those “Summerfest” kind of things on an island in the Mississippi up in the Twin Cities. Great fun. David Lindley remains the greatest slide guitarist I’ve seen in person.

William Lewis  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:24:18am

re: #96 A Mom Anon

My first show was Blue Oyster Cult and Uriah Heep at Veterans Memorial in Columbus Ohio around 1976 or so. I feel incredibly old now.

Last concert I saw was Foo Fighters a couple nights ago in Atlanta. I hurt my feet from dancing for almost 4 hours straight. First show I have been to since The Kid was a little guy. I had a blast.

FOO! I’m jeally :D

Your feet though, that sounds like me after seeing Garbage or John Mellencamp play in Madison. I was bouncing off the walls at both shows.

Scout  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:27:28am

re: #97 William Lewis

Thanks for the reply.

My first real concert was the Steve Miller Band at the old Coliseum in Seattle. I guess it was around 1978 or 1979.

My favorite concert was the second time I saw Al Stewart, at Seattle’s Paramount Theater.

The funnest time I ever had at a concert was when the Rolling Stones played the Kingdome. My friends and I spent the night before the show waiting in line. Much trading of contraband was done in that line, I can tell you.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:44:42am

re: #33 Single-handed sailor

Trump is the Founding Father of the Idiocracy.

He’s the first White Trash President.

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:48:03am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:48:25am

re: #100 Joe Bacon 🌹

He’s the first White Trash President.

That’s what the Beltway types thought Bill Clinton was, but they slobber all over Cheetolini…because he was born rich, I guess. Drain the swamp, indeed! Let’s get started.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:51:06am

re: #98 William Lewis

FOO! I’m jeally :D

Your feet though, that sounds like me after seeing Garbage or John Mellencamp play in Madison. I was bouncing off the walls at both shows.

My first real concert was seeing Frank Zappa at the Pittsburgh Syria Shrine. More important to see Frank live than waste time at the school prom. And I didn’t go to school the next day because I caught a cold. But it was worth it!

William Lewis  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:52:11am

re: #99 Scout

Thanks for the reply.

My first real concert was the Steve Miller Band at the old Coliseum in Seattle. I guess it was around 1978 or 1979.

My favorite concert was the second time I saw Al Stewart, at Seattle’s Paramount Theater.

The funnest time I ever had at a concert was when the Rolling Stones played the Kingdome. My friends and I spent the night before the show waiting in line. Much trading of contraband was done in that line, I can tell you.

I dig it. Funnest would probably be U-2 at Camp Randal Stadium in Madison. 50k+ people singing along to “Pride (In the Name Of Love)”

A Mom Anon  Apr 30, 2018 • 5:55:49am

re: #98 William Lewis

The tickets were expensive. That’s the thing, to see a decent band at a decent venue is ridiculously expensive. I had to save up for this one. I was so glad I went though. It was really fun. They did Van Halen’s Jump to the melody of John Lennon’s Imagine, which was hilarious. Mr. Grohl is pretty damned funny. I love the Foos because they really seem to love what they’re doing. I’ll be going to see them again. Raising a kid on the spectrum isolated me a lot more than I realized. 20 years and no social life. Remedy to that is harder than I thought.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:06:28am

re: #70 Chad Thundercock

I think Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen was the first “name” band i ever saw.

KISS, August 20th, 1976 at Anaheim Stadium.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:07:51am

My first concert was Boston in ‘86. I wasn’t really a Boston fan but a coworker had tickets. I’ve since come to appreciate them. After that it was Rush, then after I’d moved to California, the Rolling Stones/Guns & Roses, then Metallica. Back on the East Coast again, saw U2 a few years ago.

William Lewis  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:10:45am

re: #105 A Mom Anon

The tickets were expensive. That’s the thing, to see a decent band at a decent venue is ridiculously expensive. I had to save up for this one. I was so glad I went though. It was really fun. They did Van Halen’s Jump to the melody of John Lennon’s Imagine, which was hilarious. Mr. Grohl is pretty damned funny. I love the Foos because they really seem to love what they’re doing. I’ll be going to see them again. Raising a kid on the spectrum isolated me a lot more than I realized. 20 years and no social life. Remedy to that is harder than I thought.

Amen to all of that. My boy’s problems are similar but not the same.

So Jump scans to Imagine… I have to remember that one :)

William Lewis  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:12:52am

re: #107 Sir John Barron

My first concert was Boston in ‘86. I wasn’t really a Boston fan but a coworker had tickets. I’ve since come to appreciate them. After that it was Rush, then after I’d moved to California, the Rolling Stones/Guns & Roses, then Metallica. Back on the East Coast again, saw U2 a few years ago.

I liked Boston when the 1st album came out. Burned out on the radio overkill for awhile but the sheer talent in the guitars & vocals pulled me back. I can put on side 1 of that first album at any time, crank it & be back in 1976, in a heartbeat

A Mom Anon  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:15:00am

re: #108 William Lewis

I think someone has put a video up of it on You Tube. It’s funny as hell.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:23:00am

re: #110 A Mom Anon

I think someone has put a video up of it on You Tube. It’s funny as hell.

I knew I couldn’t have been the only person to notice this:

Uke Season 162: Puff the Gilligan’s Island

makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:27:08am

re: #111 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I knew I couldn’t have been the only person to notice this:

[Embedded content]

Someone also did a recording of the Gilligan’s Island theme to the music of Stairway to Heaven.

Stairway to Gilligan’s Island

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:32:24am

re: #31 Amory Blaine

[Embedded content]

NK has 2 nuke test sites (known), correct? One of them is badly damaged by subsidence. So when Trump says that a site, singular, will be closed has anyone asked which one it will be? I already know the answer but wth.

It’s been suspected that the North Koreans don’t need to do further tests since they have a working design and have attained strategic parity so to get the US to recognize it as an “equal”. Deterrence at work: North Korea can hit Hawaii or California as enough of a deterrent to the US trying regime change. Nuclear weapons got the US to the negotiating table and even got the South to consider ending the war; which is something the UN would have to agree with.

The test site may have been compromised geologically and therefore further tests are too dangerous to be held there. The goal was achieved though, and it was without the North giving up its nuclear weapons or the nuclear program.

Giving up a test site that may no longer be used for tests isn’t a concession.

Unshaken Defiance  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:39:34am

re: #113 lawhawk

The Toys in Toy Story were less played than the US by North Korea. That nation has confounded two Bush admins, one Clinton POTUS one Clinton Sec State, Obama and now of course the exemplar of ineptitude himself Donald Trump.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:46:39am

he’s feisty this morning (and still a moron):

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:49:34am
retired cynic  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:51:41am

re: #116 Backwoods_Sleuth

Damn! I liked his reports!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:52:27am

details for another one:

dangerman  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:53:04am

re: #62 Single-handed sailor

Remember when there were seeds in pot? LOL.

[Embedded content]

…and double album covers had a function

dangerman  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:53:28am

re: #64 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

And you used a double album cover to sort them out into the spine

Damn! I shoulda read ahead….

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:54:16am

re: #115 Backwoods_Sleuth

he’s feisty this morning (and still a moron):

[Embedded content]

No the only fake news is your pal Maggie going after Michelle Wolf while ignoring your fans booed the sheer mention of Hispanics.

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:55:00am

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area. Everyone seems to still be fixated on the WHCD, which makes perfect sense.

Media outlets are navel gazing and complaining about the unfair treatment by a comedian about how Sanders uses the lies to add to the smoky eyeshadow she uses.

That’s what this is about?

It’s not even an attack on Sanders’ appearance.

It figures that the right wing outlets are bent out of shape. They’re too busy deflecting from Trump’s weekend white supremacist rally where he called out Hispanics (again), and whose history of white supremacist positions is ignored or diminished by the same correspondents who only worry about maintaining access to contacts in the WH, not doing their goddamned jobs.

This admin lies at a rate never seen by any admin. We’ve got reporters and journalists claiming that they shouldn’t be calling Trumpworld out for their lies.

That’s insane on its face.

But that’s the state of journalism today, and Trump exploits this like no one else.

Meanwhile, Trump continues burden shifting from the rich to everyone else.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:55:15am

re: #116 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Poor guy. My deepest condolences to his loved ones.

dangerman  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:55:49am

re: #82 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Totally tubular!

Cowabunga dude

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:56:22am

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth

“The bomber disguised himself as a journalist and detonated himself among the crowd,” AFP quoted a police spokesman as saying.

At least eight journalists and four police officers were among the dead, interior minister spokesperson Najib Danish told the BBC. So far, 45 people have been reported injured.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty confirmed that three of its journalists were killed in the attack. Abadullah Hananzai, a journalist and cameraman, had been working on a story about narcotics, while Maharram Durrani worked on the weekly women’s programme. Sabawoon Kakar had earlier been listed as injured, but died later in hospital
Tolo News said its cameraman Yar Mohammad Tokhi was among the victims
Afghanistan’s 1TV said reporter Ghazi Rasooli and cameraman Nowroz Ali Rajabi had been killed

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:57:33am

re: #102 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

That’s what the Beltway types thought Bill Clinton was, but they slobber all over Cheetolini…because he was born rich, I guess. Drain the swamp, indeed! Let’s get started.

I like that the Clintons are elites but Trump somehow isn’t. Trump was an elite from the day he was born.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 6:59:03am

good grief

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:00:37am

re: #127 Backwoods_Sleuth

good grief

[Embedded content]

Uh that’s exactly what journalists should do. And Michelle Wolf isn’t a journalist. Go back to your ACU, safe space Matt.

retired cynic  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:01:28am

re: #125 Backwoods_Sleuth

Oh, no….

retired cynic  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:03:03am

re: #129 retired cynic

Not sure why I think that is worse than just a group of civilians being slaughtered, but that was my first, instinctive reaction.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:04:42am
Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:05:52am

re: #130 retired cynic

Not sure why I think that is worse than just a group of civilians being slaughtered, but that was my first, instinctive reaction.

Because they’re civilians going into dangerous places to make sure the rest of us know what’s going on.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:06:07am

re: #127 Backwoods_Sleuth

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:09:15am


Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:10:43am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:11:38am

re: #133 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Or maybe even:

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:13:39am

re: #72 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Wishbone Ash at the Hammond, Indiana Civic Center ca 1975


I’ve been revisiting all the old Wishbone Ash albums over the last few weeks.

Saw them three times here in Columbus.

Got to meet them one time as I was walking up High Street in the Ohio State Campus area. I saw a limo pull up out on front of University Records. Out jumped Wishbone Ash and some PR people for an album signing and meet ‘n’ greet at the store.

They were touring and promoting Wishbone Four.

I walked in and got to shake hands with the Turner Brothers and got a nod from Andy Powell. Drummer was busy yakking with others.

I had tickets for the show they were in town for at The Ohio Theater. It was a good show with them and The Climax Blues Band. Good stuff all around. Good guys too along with great musicians.

Nyet  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:15:26am

Plz report.

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:15:52am

re: #75 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

We were talking about “name acts”. Did she have any sort of record in any charts ever?

My first big name act show was Chicago at Wooster (Ohio) College. That was 1970 with the full original band (Terry Kath). Good stuff.

Citizen K  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:16:57am

re: #127 Backwoods_Sleuth

It really is amazing how so many journalists have decided to abdicate their role in informing the public of when a public figure is lying or not. The victory of ‘he said she said’ ‘both sides same thing’ Fog of Unknowing is a huge part of why we’re in this fucking mess.

retired cynic  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:18:18am

Listening to David Folkenflik on On Point NPR about the several hundred people from primarily Honduras (the CARAVAN!) as ICE/BP suddenly announces that all asylum slots are full, and they can’t even be considered for any sort of assistance. GAH! Also included a nasty pack of lies from DT and now some other jerk claiming it is just ‘catch and release’ and they are all criminals, etc., etc. MS13! Criminals! Drug kingpins!

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:18:55am

re: #91 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

It a lovely dove morning.

The Vicious Babushka  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:19:43am


HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:20:44am

re: #143 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

It was a satirical roast, you idiot.

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:22:03am

re: #96 A Mom Anon

My first show was Blue Oyster Cult and Uriah Heep at Veterans Memorial in Columbus Ohio around 1976 or so. I feel incredibly old now.

Last concert I saw was Foo Fighters a couple nights ago in Atlanta. I hurt my feet from dancing for almost 4 hours straight. First show I have been to since The Kid was a little guy. I had a blast.

Hey, I was at that show!!!

You know Vet’s is gone now. They are building a new U.S. Veterans Memorial that has been granted as THE U.S. military Veterans Memorial. I did a page on it here a few months back.

makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:22:27am

Frum raises a good point here: A White House Indignant at Receiving What It Metes Out

President Trump calls the press “enemies of the people.” His wife, then the future first lady, shrugged off murderous anti-Semitic abuse of a Jewish journalist as “provoked” by the journalist’s reporting on Melania Trump’s Slovenian origins. Trump regularly shares on Twitter images of fantasy violence against the press.

White House staffers regularly speak glaring untruths. Just a few weeks ago—March 27, 2018—White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told journalists from the White House rostrum that a question about citizenship status has “been included in every census since 1965, with the exception of 2010 when it was removed.” She repeated the same claim later in the same briefing. In fact the question had last been asked in 1950.

And then the Trump White House laments that journalists don’t respect them.

This two-facedness baffles elite journalists, Washington’s preeminent enforcers of decencies and courtesies. After the dinner, Pulitzer Prize winner Maggie Haberman tweeted a message of solidarity with Sanders, a butt of comedian Michelle Wolf’s jokes. “That ‪@PressSec sat and absorbed intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth, instead of walking out, on national television, was impressive.” That was nice of Haberman, reputedly a very nice person. But only eight days previous, the press secretary’s boss—the president—had tweeted abuse at Haberman at least as harsh as anything Wolf said about Sanders. “The New York Times and a third rate reporter named Maggie Haberman, known as a Crooked H flunkie who I don’t speak to and have nothing to do with, are going out of their way to destroy Michael Cohen and his relationship with me in the hope that he will “flip.”…” Surely Trump’s own behavior toward free media and standards of truth might color how journalists and those who care about journalism react to Trump and his enablers?

He ends the piece, however, with a re-phrasing of ‘When they go low, we go high’ - which for all intents and purposes does not work on these thugs.

As Trump’s enablers are careless, cynical, shortsighted, morally obtuse, and rancorous, so Trump’s opponents must be thoughtful, idealistic, wise, morally sensitive, and conciliatory.

Yeah, fuck that. Make ‘em squeal. Wolf had it nailed.

plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:24:39am

re: #21 JordanRules

How could you go through life and never see a dog? No wonder she never smiled.

makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:25:10am
HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:26:42am

The fucked up thing is even after large parts of the media defended SHS. The administration is still going after the media. Newsflash guys. This administration would love to put you in jail if you criticize them. They show it daily.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:26:59am
Citizen K  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:28:13am

re: #146 makeitstop

Frum raises a good point here: A White House Indignant at Receiving What It Metes Out

He ends the piece, however, with a re-phrasing of ‘When they go low, we go high’ - which for all intents and purposes does not work on these thugs.

Yeah, fuck that. Make ‘em squeal. Wolf had it nailed.

“Going high” assumes two things sadly lacking in our current environment:
1) A discourse that actually accepts moral arguments on merits rather than a partisan bludgeon for use by the already agreed on ‘moral’ side against the agreed on ‘heathens’
2) A sense of shame on the parts of those Going High is meant to shame.

We have none of those. Instead, Going High gets punished, either for being too ‘uppity’, or because no amount of Going High will be enough for those who have decided by default that the Republicans have the monopoly on morality, and Dems are suspect forever.

And shame is an alien concept to the current batch of GOP, who found out that endless bad faith without a sense of shame is one of the most outrageously successful political strategies you can ever imagine. They get unchecked power, AND get to blame their opponents for it while being treated simultaneously as naifs unsullied by politics and just being ‘boys will be boys’, and conquering heroes waving the flag for the ‘little man’ against the big bad ‘cultural elites’.

plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:30:39am

re: #73 Dave In Austin

I will forever be jealous of anyone who got to see Hendrix live.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:31:47am

re: #152 plansbandc

I will forever be jealous of anyone who got to see Hendrix live.

Ditto that.

Barefoot Grin  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:33:41am

This is a long, but important (I think) Frank Rich piece on Roy Cohn, Trump, and the NYC elites—many Democrats—who enabled them. It’s worth the read if you can set aside 30 minutes or so.

plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:34:09am

re: #96 A Mom Anon

Saw them on their last tour. Everyone in the venue stood for the entire show.

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:34:22am

re: #122 lawhawk

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area. Everyone seems to still be fixated on the WHCD, which makes perfect sense.

Media outlets are navel gazing and complaining about the unfair treatment by a comedian about how Sanders uses the lies to add to the smoky eyeshadow she uses.

That’s what this is about?

It’s not even an attack on Sanders’ appearance.

It figures that the right wing outlets are bent out of shape. They’re too busy deflecting from Trump’s weekend white supremacist rally where he called out Hispanics (again), and whose history of white supremacist positions is ignored or diminished by the same correspondents who only worry about maintaining access to contacts in the WH, not doing their goddamned jobs.

This admin lies at a rate never seen by any admin. We’ve got reporters and journalists claiming that they shouldn’t be calling Trumpworld out for their lies.

That’s insane on its face.

But that’s the state of journalism today, and Trump exploits this like no one else.

Meanwhile, Trump continues burden shifting from the rich to everyone else.

[Embedded content]

I watched the first half-hour of Morning Joke to see what they would say since Mika was all butt-hurt.

She is still butt hurt. She is convinced there was no reason to attack SHS the way she was attacked. Mika is dense, she doesn’t understand why SHS was “attacked” and how it relates to how the press is treated.

But the one thing that stood out is they put up a picture of the woman from Handmaidens and Joe said “don’t tell me she mentioned that character and didn’t mean it to be about Sarah’s appearance.”

There…case closed. Joe of course didn’t mention the politics behind that character…he had a point to make.

He did get on all the Republican butthurt over the comedian though saying it was pretty pathetic when you consider what Trump spews.

Overall, they came to the conclusion Wolf did what she was hired to do and that maybe it would be best to not have comics do the show anymore. I then changed the channel. It was as expected. Nothing wrong with Morning Joe, we are perfect, that’s why you watch!

Eventual Carrion  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:35:36am

re: #127 Backwoods_Sleuth

good grief

[Embedded content]

So it’s not journalists job to get to the truth? If not, then what the fuck is their job? What the fuck are they getting paid for, PR work? And why the hell should I pay any attention to them then? JFC, if this is the case then we have truly lost it as a nation.

Citizen K  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:35:51am

Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize, says South Korea’s Moon

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons programme, a South Korean official said on Monday.

“President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize. What we need is only peace,” Moon told a meeting of senior secretaries, according to a presidential Blue House official who briefed media.

Nothing matters. This is proof.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:36:00am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:38:57am


Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:39:19am
lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:39:32am

re: #158 Citizen K

Seeing that there are several interpretations of what was actually said in translation.

Some indicate that they don’t care if Trump gets a peace prize if Moon gets peace.

Trump hasn’t done anything to warrant peace. He doesn’t know or care what he says, and his ignorance hasn’t helped.

North Korea is exploiting Trump’s ego and vanity, as is everyone else.

Trump is easily manipulated.

Eventual Carrion  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:43:05am

re: #141 retired cynic

Listening to David Folkenflik on On Point NPR about the several hundred people from primarily Honduras (the CARAVAN!) as ICE/BP suddenly announces that all asylum slots are full, and they can’t even be considered for any sort of assistance. GAH! Also included a nasty pack of lies from DT and now some other jerk claiming it is just ‘catch and release’ and they are all criminals, etc., etc. MS13! Criminals! Drug kingpins!

RWNJ: Why don’t these people follow the proper channels to immigrate legally into the country?

Immigrants at border doing things as they are supposed to be by law for refugee status.

RWNJ: Don’t process them! Send them back! Goddamn illegals.

Just more puling up the ladder after you and your family have already gotten over the hurdle.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:44:52am

re: #97 William Lewis

Both were fairly big at the time. It was one of those “Summerfest” kind of things on an island in the Mississippi up in the Twin Cities. Great fun. David Lindley remains the greatest slide guitarist I’ve seen in person.

I can ditto that, having seen him in Bloomington, Indiana in 1978

MsJ  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:45:08am

re: #103 Joe Bacon 🌹

My first real concert was seeing Frank Zappa at the Pittsburgh Syria Shrine. More important to see Frank live than waste time at the school prom. And I didn’t go to school the next day because I caught a cold. But it was worth it!

Mine too, at the Chicago Amphitheater…the worst venue ever for musical events.

I always used to say that you could hear a concert there twice, once as the music comes at you from the stage and again as it bounces off the cement walls and comes back at you.

plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:45:27am

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth

“Journalism” in 2018, ladies and gentlemen.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:47:05am

re: #120 dangerman

Damn! I shoulda read ahead….

I know, I was just about to post Stairway to Gilligan but then went and checked…

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:47:14am

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


How many times did FNC call the Obama administration, liars? Stand by it all you want, Matt, you’ve got orange Trump shit all over your face.

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:47:27am

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth


I think it’s safe to assume that Trump and Co either straight out lie, or they bullshit, meaning they do not care whether it’s true or not.

Matt wants to play in the space between words that allows Trump to get away with what he’s doing.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:48:09am

re: #126 HappyWarrior

I like that the Clintons are elites but Trump somehow isn’t. Trump was an elite from the day he was born.

It is all in how one successfully markets oneself…

Citizen K  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:48:26am

re: #159 Backwoods_Sleuth

You know the phrase ‘The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions’? Even assuming good intentions, passing around known falsehoods has the impact just as much as if you were lying knowingly. And the more you do it, the more you cast doubt on how ‘unknowingly’ you’re doing it.

So fuck this ‘we can’t ascribe intentions’, especially when Trump exaggerates about easily verifiable things and doesn’t retract even after being corrected. He’s a fucking liar. Call him that.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:48:40am

re: #163 Eventual Carrion

RWNJ: Why don’t these people follow the proper channels to immigrate legally into the country?

Immigrants at border doing things as they are supposed to be by law for refugee status.

RWNJ: Don’t process them! Send them back! Goddamn illegals.

Just more puling up the ladder after you and your family have already gotten over the hurdle.

What makes their claim really outrageous is those people are fleeing MS-13 and violence.

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:48:49am

re: #158 Citizen K

Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize, says South Korea’s Moon

[Embedded content]

Nothing matters. This is proof.

I think he is blowing smoke up Trump’s ass. Best to keep Trump happy while the North and South figure out what is going on. Moon is working with two unstable characters, he’s in a tough spot.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:49:03am

re: #170 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is all in how one successfully markets oneself…

No, it’s all about how stupid Trumpers are.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:49:35am

re: #173 ObserverArt

I think he is blowing smoke up Trump’s ass. Best to keep Trump happy while the North and South figure out what is going on. Moon is working with two unstable characters, he’s in a tough spot.

Yeah I don’t envy Moon in the slightest. He’s already in a tough spot.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:49:46am

re: #139 ObserverArt

My first big name act show was Chicago at Wooster (Ohio) College. That was 1970 with the full original band (Terry Kath). Good stuff.

another member of the 27 Club (death by misadventure, playing Russian roulette)

Nyet  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:49:52am

Plz report.

Citizen K  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:50:26am

re: #170 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is all in how one successfully markets oneself…

He’s marketed himself with all gold leaf everything. The only thing remotely ‘elite’ the Clintons have done is be politicians for the most part.

Marketing only works on those willing to be fooled, and we have millions upon millions of that in this country it seems.

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:50:35am

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


Matt just wants to lie.

And not be called for it.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:50:51am

re: #177 Nyet

Plz report.

[Embedded content]

Would if I were on Twitter. Man I don’t envy you at all for having to deal with these psychos.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:51:15am

re: #174 HappyWarrior

No, it’s all about how stupid Trumpers are.

means they fall for marketing gimmicks

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:51:20am

re: #178 Citizen K

He’s marketed himself with all gold leaf everything. The only thing remotely ‘elite’ the Clintons have done is be politicians for the most part.

Marketing only works on those willing to be fooled, and we have millions upon millions of that in this country it seems.

The guy has a fucking gold toilet but it’s Michelle Wolf that’s an elite and not gold toilet Donnie.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:51:47am

re: #181 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

means they fall for marketing gimmicks

They’re a minority is all I’m saying. A big enough minority that our outdated system allowed them to win but a minority nonetheless.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:51:55am

re: #159 Backwoods_Sleuth

Remember: it’s not a lie if you believe it.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:52:54am

re: #165 MsJ

Mine too, at the Chicago Amphitheater…the worst venue ever for musical events.

I always used to say that you could hear a concert there twice, once as the music comes at you from the stage and again as it bounces off the cement walls and comes back at you.

Sight unseen (Sound unheard?) it couldn’t be worse than the Kingdome. That was like having a concert in a toilet with the lid down.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:52:54am

re: #183 HappyWarrior

They’re a minority is all I’m saying. A big enough minority that our outdated system allowed them to win but a minority nonetheless.

and a minority that has a grip on the Legislative and Executive branches and is using that to lack the judiciary…

plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:53:47am

My first concert was Foreigner. My friend and I could not have been dressed more nerdy. (sweaters, seriously) The freaks just had a blast giving us shit.

We had so much fun!

Hundreds of shows later, I still LOVE live music. Prefer up and coming bands at small venues, but will go to a big show if I really love the band. (Foo Fighters being one of those bands.)

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:54:50am

re: #186 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

and a minority that has a grip on the Legislative and Executive branches and is using that to lack the judiciary…

Believe me I know. That’s why this fall is so important.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:55:29am

I don’t remember my first concert off the top of my head. I guess if it counts, there was a lot of good music played in Clinton’s first inaguaration and my Dad took me to that.

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:55:31am

re: #171 Citizen K

You know the phrase ‘The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions’? Even assuming good intentions, passing around known falsehoods has the impact just as much as if you were lying knowingly. And the more you do it, the more you cast doubt on how ‘unknowingly’ you’re doing it.

So fuck this ‘we can’t ascribe intentions’, especially when Trump exaggerates about easily verifiable things and doesn’t retract even after being corrected. He’s a fucking liar. Call him that.

I’ve seen plenty of “Christian” conservatives use that phrase to get out of doing things for other people. I would like to find a way to change that phrase to “The road to hell is paved with personal agendas.”

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:56:52am

I’m not much of a concert goer, but I went to a few in college. They were:

10,000 Maniacs
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Cocteau Twins

Unshaken Defiance  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:57:49am

re: #158 Citizen K

I am further convinced Trump terrified everyone he would start a war. Millions of lives at stake, all else pales.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:58:39am

re: #177 Nyet

I don’t care and will disqualify anything that was discovered by Jewish community, the community know for being the most prolific liars in the history of mankind. Their holy Talmud is infested with deciet. That is what defines them lies
— R_Whiteway

Someone else who needs a Do Not Work Around Heavy Machinery warning.


Barefoot Grin  Apr 30, 2018 • 7:59:18am

re: #173 ObserverArt

I think he is blowing smoke up Trump’s ass. Best to keep Trump happy while the North and South figure out what is going on. Moon is working with two unstable characters, he’s in a tough spot.

Yep, and he’s from a party that seeks an end to US troop presence on the peninsula.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:00:07am

re: #171 Citizen K

You know the phrase ‘The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions’? Even assuming good intentions, passing around known falsehoods has the impact just as much as if you were lying knowingly. And the more you do it, the more you cast doubt on how ‘unknowingly’ you’re doing it.

So fuck this ‘we can’t ascribe intentions’, especially when Trump exaggerates about easily verifiable things and doesn’t retract even after being corrected. He’s a fucking liar. Call him that.

I remember fondly the days when RWNJ refused to call both Clintons and Obama ‘liars’ because they admitted they could not know their intentions.


ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:01:22am

re: #185 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Sight unseen (Sound unheard?) it couldn’t be worse than the Kingdome. That was like having a concert in a toilet with the lid down.

St. Johns Arena on the Ohio State campus had all the big shows back in the 60s and 70s in Columbus. It was a big rumbling mess.

Then I saw Santana there on their Caravanserai tour. They had damn good sound engineers that figured out the issue with the building was in the bass spectrum.

All they had for PA was stacks of horns and maybe two bass bins on each side of the stage. The building carried and over made bass tones so all you needed was a little and push the mid-to high ends.

Best sound ever in that building. It taught me a lot about sound. You have to figure out the venue and go with what the room needs, not what you have on the truck that you use wherever you go.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:01:52am

re: #195 Sir John Barron

I remember fondly the days when RWNJ refused to call both Clintons and Obama ‘liars’ because they admitted they could not know their intentions.


And you know the thing is. They have NO problem calling Comey a liar at all. But I get it, special rules for the Trump cult.

Citizen K  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:02:10am

re: #195 Sir John Barron

I remember fondly the days when RWNJ refused to call both Clintons and Obama ‘liars’ because they admitted they could not know their intentions.


Yep. I remember when the media too refused to call the Clintons liars, and most certainly never outright said that Hillary ‘lied with impunity’, much less within the last year or so. ///

Unshaken Defiance  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:04:26am

So I think my first concert was Chuck Berry or Grateful Dead, (now defunct Country Club in Reseda) both summer 76. The last might have been G3, which at that venue was Satriani, Eric Johnson, Kenny Wayne Shepard. At the now gone venue at Universal Studios.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:05:04am

re: #198 Citizen K

Yep. I remember when the media too refused to call the Clintons liars, and most certainly never outright said that Hillary ‘lied with impunity’, much less within the last year or so. ///

I remember well the days when GOP members of Congress didn’t yell out ‘liar’ during Obama’s SOTU message.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:05:17am
freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:06:04am

I thought the whole idea of hiring a comedian to speak at these things is that said comedian can say things that the usual correspondents are afraid to, or supposedly not allowed to, say.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:07:17am

re: #191 Belafon

I’m not much of a concert goer, but I went to a few in college. They were:

10,000 Maniacs
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Cocteau Twins

I managed to see Lynrd Skynrd not long before the disastrous plane crash at a massive open air fest outside Chicago along with Yes, Peter Frampton and Gary Wright…

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:07:54am

re: #202 freetoken

I thought the whole idea of hiring a comedian to speak at these things is that said comedian can say things that the usual correspondents are afraid to, or supposedly not allowed to, say.

What I’m hoping is it does for Michelle’s career what the 2006 one did for Stephen Colbert’s.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:10:29am

So I finally watched Michelle’s full bit overnight. Seriously. Everyone is triggered by that? The only thing I felt was off was her Southwest Airlines quip, and that was at the beginning. These people need to get the fuck over themselves.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:11:43am

re: #205 GlutenFreeJesus

So I finally watched Michelle’s full bit overnight. Seriously. Everyone is triggered by that? The only thing I felt was off was her Southwest Airlines quip, and that was at the beginning. These people need to get the fuck over themselves.

This has nothing to do with logic or consistency, it has to do with seizing talking points and running with them.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:12:17am

re: #205 GlutenFreeJesus

So I finally watched Michelle’s full bit overnight. Seriously. Everyone is triggered by that? The only thing I felt was off was her Southwest Airlines quip, and that was at the beginning. These people need to get the fuck over themselves.

She made fun of herself too.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:14:39am

re: #207 HappyWarrior

She made fun of herself too.

Yup. And she told everyone exactly why she was there.

Weaselone  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:16:31am

re: #159 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Didn’t these same jellyfish call Chelsea a liar for saying she didn’t have keratin treatments done on her hair?

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:16:45am

re: #208 GlutenFreeJesus

Yup. And she told everyone exactly why she was there.

I think she made fun of the Dems some too. But of course Habermann, Mika, and the others are ignoring that important tidbit.

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:17:16am

re: #201 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Someone show those images to Trump and his Gang. Then explain they were attacked by a terrorist. And that many were probably Muslims themselves.

You know where I am going with this…

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:17:45am

re: #205 GlutenFreeJesus

So I finally watched Michelle’s full bit overnight. Seriously. Everyone is triggered by that? The only thing I felt was off was her Southwest Airlines quip, and that was at the beginning. These people need to get the fuck over themselves.

Only liberal politically correct snowflakes can ever be triggered or offended, conservatives are never offended or politically correct they just get mad when anyone is mean to them.


makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:18:49am

I’m not clear on my first concert, but it was probably one of the ‘dance concerts’ promoted by Electric Factory Concerts in Philly, at the long-gone Spectrum.

I seem to remember a show with Johnny Winter And, The Allman Brothers and Elvin Bishop that may have been my first show. This was before the ABB’s ‘Live At The Fillmore’ album - they were out in support of the ‘Idlewild South’ album. I had no idea who they were, but they kicked my ass.

Once I got out of high school and landed a gig as a concert reviewer for a Philly entertainment paper, I saw a ton of shows at the Spectrum and didn’t have to pay for most of them. I interviewed Al DiMeola there and got to watch Return To Forever’s set from behind the backdrop on the stage.

That was the night I got scolded by Renaissance’s singer Annie Haslam for smoking in the backstage area. Once she walked away, I remember Stanley Clarke mocking the hell out of her for it. Good times…

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:20:00am

re: #212 Sir John Barron

Only liberal politically correct snowflakes can ever be triggered or offended, conservatives are never offended or politically correct they just get mad when anyone is mean to them.


I was amused to see Laura Ingraham not even a month after she mocked David Hogg complaining about how mean and insensitive the left are. It’s like- are you fucking kidding me man.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:21:19am
Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:22:02am

I hope conservatives can find some safe spaces today.


HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:23:08am

re: #216 Sir John Barron

I hope conservatives can find some safe spaces today.


I believe the conservative safe space is called Fox News.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:24:10am

re: #217 HappyWarrior

I believe the conservative safe space is called Fox News.

Surely there are some am radio shows they can turn on today to sooth their special feelings.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:24:19am

re: #216 Sir John Barron

I hope conservatives can find some safe spaces today.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:25:26am

re: #212 Sir John Barron

Only liberal politically correct snowflakes can ever be triggered or offended, conservatives are never offended or politically correct they just get mad when anyone is mean to them.


liberals are full of hate, conservatives are full of truth


Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:26:32am

re: #220 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

liberals are full of hate, conservatives are full of truth


But don’t tell them they wear it as eye shadow, or you’re body shaming them.

MsJ  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:28:42am

I love Ellen. Andy is her EP.

Dr. Matt  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:30:44am

Under a President Romney or McCain or just about any other R, I might be saying Michelle Wolf was “over the line”. But, sorry, in the age of Trump, there is no bar too low. This is America today and probably forever thanks to that vile, parasitic asshole. I really don’t feel sorry for McHuster or anyone else that defends Dotard.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:33:46am

re: #222 MsJ

I love Ellen. Andy is her EP.

Not a real hero didn’t have a gun.


Weaselone  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:34:26am

re: #220 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

liberals are full of hate, conservatives are full of truth


They’re full of something that’s spelled with a t and h, but truth ain’t it.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:35:48am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:35:52am
Dr Lizardo  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:36:47am
HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:37:57am

re: #222 MsJ

I love Ellen. Andy is her EP.

[Embedded content]

POTUS has talked more about Kanye West kissing his ass than he has Shaw. That’s how pathetic he is.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:38:40am

re: #226 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Let’s point out one thing here about the ACU and Schnaap. They’re party hacks all the way.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:40:31am

Some good reporting on the politics of soybeans and tariffs in this thread:

Barefoot Grin  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:41:40am

Fox just now before going to CM: ‘growing controversy over the WHCD: some critics say a comedian crossed a line and want the event shut down; others say she wasn’t even funny.’

I wonder who “some critics” is…..

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:41:48am

re: #231 jaunte

Some good reporting on the politics of soybeans and tariffs in this thread:

[Embedded content]

I hope they learn from this but I’m honestly skeptical.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:43:31am

re: #233 HappyWarrior

“But he promised he was only going to hurt other people!”

Dr. Matt  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:44:06am

I don’t think Walt Whitman could have composed such a beautifully written paragraph:

You Can’t Bully These Motherfuckers

When I write that CNN politics writer Chris Cillizza is the rankest assbrain in the Western Hemisphere, I am not being nice to him. When I write that God clowned Chris Cillizza before he was born by making him Chris Cillizza instead of a shit-eating maggot, I am being unkind. When I say that Chris Cillizza himself is the punchline to the cruelest work of absurdist comedy in the history of the fucking universe, and that the title of that work is On the Origin of Species, I am being mean. Likewise it probably is downright nasty for me to write that on the whole American society would benefit greatly by Chris Cillizza being fired out of a large cannon into an even larger cliff face. But I am not bullying Chris Cillizza. Categorically, I cannot do that.

“Wolf’s treatment of Sanders was bullying,” Cillizza wrote on CNN’s website yesterday, because he is an obsequious slimeball even more slovenly with language than his forebears were in the dispensation of their chromosomes.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:47:31am

This is interesting:

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:47:31am

re: #232 Barefoot Grin

Fox just now before going to CM: ‘growing controversy over the WHCD: some critics say a comedian crossed a line and want the event shut down; others say she wasn’t even funny.’

I wonder who “some critics” is…..

some people say, many people are saying…..

MsJ  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:49:16am

re: #231 jaunte

Some good reporting on the politics of soybeans and tariffs in this thread:

[Embedded content]


(retreating back to the corner)

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:51:36am

re: #231 jaunte

Some good reporting on the politics of soybeans and tariffs in this thread:

Dems fault for obstructing nominees or something.


jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:51:41am

re: #238 MsJ

Well, accurate, at any rate.

sagehen  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:52:15am

re: #157 Eventual Carrion

So it’s not journalists job to get to the truth? If not, then what the fuck is their job? What the fuck are they getting paid for, PR work? And why the hell should I pay any attention to them then? JFC, if this is the case then we have truly lost it as a nation.

“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”

― George Orwell

BeachDem  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:53:52am

re: #115 Backwoods_Sleuth

he’s feisty this morning (and still a moron):

[Embedded content]

The fact that he thinks he determines the fate of an event that is supposed to represent independent journalists who cover the White House kinda says it all. Sigh. Roll eyes. Puke.

BeachDem  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:55:45am

re: #121 HappyWarrior

No the only fake news is your pal Maggie going after Michelle Wolf while ignoring your fans booed the sheer mention of Hispanics.

Not just Maggie—some of her NYT cohorts, Andrea, Mika and Stephanie also joined in the noise (some others too, I’m sure, but can’t remember who.

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:57:23am
Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:57:53am

re: #243 BeachDem

Not just Maggie—some of her NYT cohorts, Andrea, Mika and Stephanie also joined in the noise (some others too, I’m sure, but can’t remember who.

Did Trump ever apologize for calling women ‘fat pigs’?

Dr. Matt  Apr 30, 2018 • 8:58:29am

re: #115 Backwoods_Sleuth

he’s feisty this morning (and still a moron):

Numerous countries are being considered for the MEETING, but would Peace House/Freedom House, on the Border of North & South Korea, be a more Representative, Important and Lasting site than a third party country? Just asking!

WTF the holy Hell with all that improper capitalization?! It’s literally like getting a text message from a 7th grader.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:01:14am
Barefoot Grin  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:01:45am

Credit to Velshi and Ruhle: they just had Sarah Kendzior on and allowed her to express concerns about press relationship to Trump administration without getting defensive. (Yes I’m working from home today.)

Barefoot Grin  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:02:30am

re: #247 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

One of the “featured products” at the NRA annual meeting is a pistol that looks like a cellphone. What could go wrong?

Nothing. If you’re white.

b.d. (Disposable)  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:03:35am

re: #236 Dr Lizardo

This is interesting:

[Embedded content]

LOL, trump passed a polygraph?

No polygraph machine could survive being touched by trump

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:04:40am

re: #231 jaunte

Some good reporting on the politics of soybeans and tariffs in this thread:

[Embedded content]

Some of that Ohio area is in Jim Jordan’s district. He of the Freedom Caucus.

But the majority seems to be Ohio district 5 under Republican House Rep Bob Latta. I wonder how he explains to his district they will be screwed by Trump tariffs.

Hmmm. How about blame it on Obama? That part of the state is very family farm old-time America in thinking. They’d buy that excuse without even thinking about it.

BeachDem  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:07:49am

re: #166 plansbandc

“Journalism” in 2018, ladies and gentlemen.

I used to joke about how I used my journalism education to pursue the more honorable profession of advertising, because at least there are truth in advertising rules. The joke is no longer funny.

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:07:53am

re: #245 Sir John Barron

Did Trump ever apologize for calling women ‘fat pigs’?

The thing is, the pearl-clutchers have a story they tell themselves everyday, namely something like this: “We are good people, we are better than Trump”.

What this story, and it is a story, is truly: a way to avert accepting that someone like Trump could be so important, while they (in this case, certain female reporters) who went to school and learned the language and spent time in menial jobs (in most cases) are below Trump on the social scale.

Trump demonstrates very well, in his life, that life for the average human is not fair, nice guys do not finish first, in fact monsters often finish first.

The attempt to claim, by certain WH Correspondents Association, that they are aghast at what the comedian said, which in fact was pretty mild compared to what could have been said, is to keep up the pretense that they are somehow better. Better than Trump, better than the comedians (who in their careers are much more successful, if we are to measure success on income and celebrity), better than twitter, better than the internet, etc.

It’s all a very naked exercise.

Which is why said correspondents are getting so easily grilled on outlets like twitter.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:08:18am

re: #247 Backwoods_Sleuth

One of the “featured products” at the NRA annual meeting is a pistol that looks like a cellphone. What could go wrong?

It should carry a written warning that black people should not carry this in public.

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:08:51am

re: #244 lawhawk

One poll, with a drop among whites.

The only thing that really annoyed me about it is that TomP over at Daily Kos got to put it up. Among BernieBros, he’s the biggest ass kisser on the site.

ObserverArt  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:09:14am

re: #242 BeachDem

The fact that he thinks he determines the fate of an event that is supposed to represent independent journalists who cover the White House kinda says it all. Sigh. Roll eyes. Puke.

It’s Trump Washington DC now. He is president of everything. If they want to cover Donald J Trump, then they are his journalists and they do what he says.

Isn’t that how all this works?

I bet Donny thinks so,

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:09:26am

re: #254 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It should carry a written warning that black people should not carry this in public.

It was probably designed so that cops would have a legitimate excuse.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:10:06am
HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:11:26am

re: #258 jaunte

[Embedded content]


BeachDem  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:11:31am

re: #169 Belafon

I think it’s safe to assume that Trump and Co either straight out lie, or they bullshit, meaning they do not care whether it’s true or not.

Matt wants to play in the space between words that allows Trump to get away with what he’s doing.

Also, they repeatedly tell the same lies even after the facts have been pointed out (like “poor, poor, pitiful Sarah” continuously spouting the same proven lie about the citizenship question on the census.) So, even if we give them a mulligan on the first instance as an unintentional error, the repeating, ad nauseum, of the same crap is an intentional

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:11:32am

re: #258 jaunte

Remember when the Democratic party supposedly was the party of Nazis?

plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:12:11am

re: #250 b.d. (Candy Man)

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:16:57am

Did Michelle Wolf Call Sarah Huckabee Sanders A ‘Debased Redneck Motherfucker’ Or Something?

With this kind of backlash, you’d think Michelle Wolf had called Sarah Huckabee Sanders a “debased redneck motherfucker” or something. But nah, Wonkette did that.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:17:16am

re: #261 Belafon

Remember when the Democratic party supposedly was the party of Nazis?


HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:17:47am

re: #263 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Did Michelle Wolf Call Sarah Huckabee Sanders A ‘Debased Redneck Motherfucker’ Or Something?

She could have been much more harsh towards SHS. Much more.

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:18:14am

re: #258 jaunte

I still doubt Little will come in as #2 in the primary. Perhaps I will be proven wrong, as a sitting Senator will draw the majority of the Democratic voters. But, there are other candidates on the primary list.

The list for Senator starts top of page 12. It goes on for three pages :

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:21:29am

re: #266 freetoken

I still doubt Little will come in as #2 in the primary. Perhaps I will be prove wrong, as a sitting Senator will draw the majority of the Democratic voters. But, there are other candidates on primary list.

The list for Senator starts top of page 12. It goes on for three pages :

[Embedded content]

Reps in disarray!!!

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:24:28am

re: #266 freetoken

Yes, they’re not a credible electoral threat. But to someone who grew up when Nazis were the embodiment of evil on Earth, it’s incredibly weird to see people openly claiming the title running for office here in the U.S.

BeachDem  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:25:53am

On the “first live concert” question—mine was the Beatles at Forest Hills in 1964. I iz old.

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:26:06am
makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:29:14am

Here’s a pretty good take on the WHCD from Bloomberg: Hey, Washington, The Joke’s On You

On Saturday evening, Michelle Wolf, a comedian who broke into the business on late night television and “The Daily Show,” scandalized a village inhabited by politicians, lobbyists and reporters by … wait for it … being a comedian.

Wolf, the latest professional wit invited to entertain those gathered at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner by roasting the president, the media and the rest of the Washington establishment, cracked wise, funny, ruthless, cruel and vulgar for 19 minutes about subjects near and dear to those stakeholders.

She took on topics like the White House assault on facts; how women’s issues, political spin, and dissembling intersect uncomfortably with luminaries such as Ivanka Trump, Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders; President Donald Trump’s possible dalliance with a porn star, his wealth and his courtship of white nationalists; Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick; Al Franken and sexual harassment; Democratic ineptitude; and the tangled, symbiotic relationship between journalists and the president.

“And just a reminder to everyone, I’m here to make jokes,” Wolf said at the top of her routine. “I have no agenda. I’m not trying to get anything accomplished. So everyone that’s here from Congress, you should feel right at home.”

Lots of the dinner guests, we now know, did not end up feeling right at home as Wolf toed the line between being provocative and being offensive — a line that comedy, particularly political comedy, routinely blurs. Many of the critical responses to Wolf’s caustic monologue wound up showing the extent to which the joke here truly is on tribal, insular Washington itself, and why cozy media events like Saturday’s dinner are inevitably uncomfortable and better off put to rest.

ipsos  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:30:11am

re: #269 BeachDem

On the “first live concert” question—mine was the Beatles at Forest Hills in 1964. I iz old.

You is lucky!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:30:57am

re: #258 jaunte

Top-polling California Republican Senate candidate has called for country “free from Jews”

I have just been learning this song with my daughter, who has become a big fan of They Might be Giants and it cannot be more topical

They Might Be Giants: Your Racist Friend *Studio Version & Lyrics*

This is where the party ends
I can’t stand here listening to you
And your racist friend
I know politics bore you
But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
And your racist friend…

Eventual Carrion  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:32:05am

re: #209 Weaselone

Didn’t these same jellyfish call Chelsea a liar for saying she didn’t have keratin treatments done on her hair?

That was because so many lives hung in the balance of weather it was true or not.

Dr. Matt  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:32:20am

re: #269 BeachDem

On the “first live concert” question—mine was the Beatles at Forest Hills in 1964. I iz old.

Iron Maiden (Twisted Sister opened) in 1985 at JLA in Detroit.

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:32:29am

re: #268 jaunte

It has been my conclusion for some time that there were plenty of Americans of my grandparents’ generation who were not troubled by the Nazi party at all. It took Japan bombing Hawaii to push the US into the war.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:34:21am

re: #258 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Top-polling California Republican Senate candidate has called for country “free from Jews”

Quick! Somebody write him a campaign song—“Judenrein” to the tune of Edelweiss!

Belafon  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:35:09am

re: #276 freetoken

It has been my conclusion for some time that there were plenty of Americans of my grandparents’ generation who were not troubled by the Nazi party at all. It took Japan bombing Hawaii to push the US into the war.

Dr. Seuss was all over these ‘America First’ types. And the resurgence of the name is not a coincidence.

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:35:33am

There’s reasons we have representative democracies and not direct democracy.

Here’s one: my voter guide for the primary election is 95 pages long :

plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:38:19am

Just saw someone refer to President Racist Grandpa as “iQ45”. Might have to steal that one. :D

The Vicious Babushka  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:38:20am

re: #270 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

I have figured out why Donald Trump always sits with his hands between his knees making a triangle shape with his fingers.

It’s a signal for VLAD HAS MY BALLS IN A VISE.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:41:27am

Kyle Rempfer | Military Times |Army Times
Date: April 27, 2018

Chaplains in the 101st Airborne Division have fired the longstanding Jewish lay leaders at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, allegedly without providing any reason, effectively ending Friday night Shabbat services for Jewish soldiers and their families.

The two ranking chaplains also refused to support the Jews’ attempts to celebrate Passover on March 30, the first night of the eight-day long religious celebration, allegedly because it conflicted with Christians’ Good Friday observances and would save money during the installation’s four-day holiday.

Making America Anti-Semitic Again

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:42:20am
freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:44:22am

re: #283 lawhawk

George Mason U. has always been suspect in my mind. It’s a kind of anti-academy version of a traditional academy.

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:45:15am

Reading the candidate statements - and not all candidates pay the tidbit of money to put in statements - in the Voters Guide is always a hoot.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:45:51am
lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:46:03am

So, Bibi is going to have a presser shortly where he claims Iran is violating the JCPOA.

It’s hard to take Bibi seriously since he claimed for the past decade that Iran was months or weeks away from having a nuclear weapon and years have gone by and the same message came from Bibi.

With the deal, they’ve been delayed further, but that’s not stopping Bibi from claiming that Iran is violating the deal. Apparently the Mossad has evidence that has been shared with the member countries that Iran is violating the deal.

This announcement has an audience of one: Trump.

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:46:56am

re: #287 lawhawk

To wit:

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:47:11am

re: #283 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Agh as a GMU alumnus.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:48:55am

re: #284 freetoken

George Mason U. has always been suspect in my mind. It’s a kind of anti-academy version of a traditional academy.

TBH, the humanities departments are great but that economics department is filled with a lot of kooks and unlike what conservatives claim about lefty professors actually is hostile to other points of view. I had an aquaintence who had to answer why the Obama was stimulus was bad. Not why or why not mind you, why it was bad, knowing the stories I do about GMU’s econ department is why I have no sympathy for conservatives who act like liberals are the ones stifling because I’ve seen conservatives do it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:49:18am
freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:50:05am



A Campaign for Sanity. There is no such thing as “transgender.” It does not exist. What does exist are broken people who pretend to be the opposite sex and even mutilate themselves in the attempt. In our constitutional Republic we are free to be psychotic as long as we do not hurt ourselves or others but we have no right to lie to children and teach them that this mental, emotional, and spiritual pathology/sickness is normal, natural, or healthy in the slightest possible way. To do so is a very sick attack upon children and a form of child molestation. There is a massive Social Engineering campaign to normalize the soul pathology and social sickness of “transgenderism.” So-called “transgender” children are being used as weapons to attack and destroy normal/healthy children. The objective of these attacks is to warp and then break the moral foundations
of increasing numbers of children so that both current and, especially, future generations will be manufactured into psychotics and destroyed. This must be stopped. The children of our state and nation must be protected from this monstrous attack. Please join the developing national campaign to save children from the transgender hysteria and to ban the transgender mutilation of children. Go to to join the fight to save our children from this war/jihad against them. And please join the Constitution Party—the last and only party in California which will fight to defend our children and families. Chairman—Constitution Party YouTube—USA vs Sodom Inc.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:51:43am

re: #273 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

TMBG never pulls punches; Your Racist Friend is a serious one right to the solar plexus.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:51:51am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:53:11am

re: #287 lawhawk

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:57:39am

re: #290 HappyWarrior

I have no doubt there are many good faculty at GMU, or that your experience helped you.

Yet, I have seen so many examples of talking points coming out of GMU - and maybe it is concentrated in the Econ department as you noted - that seem straight out of the “Libertarian” meme-machine funded by the usual players, that I’ve become jaded about that institution.

I feel the same way about Stanford, btw, outside of the various science departments.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 30, 2018 • 9:59:32am

re: #292 freetoken


Makes our Goodspaceguy, who’s always running for something or other, look tame.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:01:28am
sagehen  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:03:19am

re: #276 freetoken

It has been my conclusion for some time that there were plenty of Americans of my grandparents’ generation who were not troubled by the Nazi party at all. It took Japan bombing Hawaii to push the US into the war.

This is not news.

Here’s some footage of a 1939 American Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden

The Nazi Rally in Madison Square Garden

and hey, look! 1930’s Nazi summer camp on Long Island:

Youtube Video

Dr Lizardo  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:03:38am

re: #298 jaunte

The GOP’s transformation into a white ethno-nationalist party is essentially complete.

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:05:19am

re: #299 sagehen

Yes, rallies all over the place.

But… I don’t know what percentage of the population such rallies actually represented.

I guess my conclusion is that that while not a majority, a substantial minority of “white” Americans of the time were not that upset at the Nazi party.

makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:06:02am


Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:08:48am

re: #298 jaunte

“Oh, they were just booing illegal Hispanics….”


HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:10:52am

re: #296 freetoken

I have no doubt there are many good faculty at GMU, or that your experience helped you.

Yet, I have seen so many examples of talking points coming out of GMU - and maybe it is concentrated in the Econ department as you noted - that seem straight out of the “Libertarian” meme-machine funded by the usual players, that I’ve become jaded about that institution.

I feel the same way about Stanford, btw, outside of the various science departments.

Oh no doubt. It’s cool. But yeah it seems like it’s the economics department and some cranks at the law school too though my paralegal instructor was very fair minded.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:12:10am

re: #298 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Yet few are talking about that. It doesn’t help there are relatively few Hispanics in the media.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:12:21am

re: #301 freetoken

I guess my conclusion is that that while not a majority, a substantial minority of “white” Americans of the time were not that upset at the Nazi party.

Look at the St. Louis in 1939

And, while you can argue that it was all about the depression and immigration quotas, the bottom line is that the US didn’t give a rat’s ass about a (literal) boat-load of Jewish emigres who were looking to not die.

After Cuba denied entry to the passengers on the St. Louis, the press throughout Europe and the Americas, including the United States, brought the story to millions of readers throughout the world. Though US newspapers generally portrayed the plight of the passengers with great sympathy, only a few journalists and editors suggested that the refugees be admitted into the United States.


Sailing so close to Florida that they could see the lights of Miami, some passengers on the St. Louis cabled President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking for refuge. Roosevelt never responded. The State Department and the White House had decided not to take extraordinary measures to permit the refugees to enter the United States. A State Department telegram sent to a passenger stated that the passengers must “await their turns on the waiting list and qualify for and obtain immigration visas before they may be admissible into the United States.” US diplomats in Havana intervened once more with the Cuban government to admit the passengers on a “humanitarian” basis, but without success.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:13:01am

re: #276 freetoken

It has been my conclusion for some time that there were plenty of Americans of my grandparents’ generation who were not troubled by the Nazi party at all. It took Japan bombing Hawaii to push the US into the war.

I sadly think you are right about this.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:15:09am

re: #299 sagehen

This is not news.

Here’s some footage of a 1939 American Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden

[Embedded content]

I’ve always wondered what my dad’s paternal grandparents thought of the Nazis. Great Gpa was born in Germany and Great Nanna’s father was too and her mother’s parents and sister and brother did too.

Mike Lamb  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:15:14am

re: #262 plansbandc

[Embedded content]

One of the most hilarious Simpsons’ scenes ever.

Nyet  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:16:30am

Plz report.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:18:26am

re: #310 Nyet

Plz report.

[Embedded content]


William Lewis  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:20:24am

re: #228 Dr Lizardo

Oh, this looks good.

[Embedded content]


That could be the best film of the year.

prairiefire  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:20:31am

Lots of strong wind gusts on the prairie today. Storms a’comin’!

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:20:55am

There’s a theory about genetic memory. I have no idea if it’s legit or not but for the first three years of my life, I called my Slavic grandmother Baba, she never asked for it nor did I know my roots in Slovakia. On a more serious note, I wonder if perhaps memories of ancestors who were oppressed makes me more sympathetic to the plight of those.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:23:05am

re: #314 HappyWarrior

There’s a theory about genetic memory. I have no idea if it’s legit or not but for the first three years of my life, I called my Slavic grandmother Baba, she never asked for it nor did I know my roots in Slovakia. On a more serious note, I wonder if perhaps memories of ancestors who were oppressed makes me more sympathetic to the plight of those.

I definitely feel Slavic in my bones and I am certain it is because I was born that way.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:26:59am

How many “Republican consultants” will we see get challenged by cable hosts over the president demonizing Hispanics, using an entire ethnic group of Americans as a line for the crowd to boo?

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:27:35am

re: #316 jaunte

How many “Republican consultants” will we see get challenged by cable hosts over the president demonizing Hispanics, using an entire ethnic group of Americans as a line for the crowd to boo?

“Well, that’s just who the president is, he’s very real and his supporters love him for it.”

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:28:51am

re: #315 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I definitely feel Slavic in my bones and I am certain it is because I was born that way.

Well it’s not that I feel Slavic or Celtic. I definitely relate to the cultures I concede but after finding out a distant relative on the Irish side was involved with the land reform efforts for the peasantry. It just makes me wonder. Same thing with having relatives who fought the Nazis. But more likely I’m like this since I’ve always seen myself as an underdog a bit myself.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:29:30am
HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:29:50am

re: #317 Sir John Barron

“Well, that’s just who the president is, he’s very real and his supporters love him for it.”

He tells it as is!

Then clutches pearls over Michelle Wolf’s “vulgarity.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:32:25am

“Refuse to Loose”


HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:33:02am

re: #321 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

“Refuse to Loose”


Refuse to take spelling lessons too.

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:33:17am
Dr Lizardo  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:33:48am

re: #321 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

“Refuse to Loose”


“Citizens United for National Trumpism” sounds better.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:34:34am

re: #323 lawhawk

Bibi is dreaming of a war to distract from his corruption scandal I see.

Interesting Times  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:35:19am

re: #324 Dr Lizardo

“Citizens United for National Trumpism” sounds better.

Ha! I was going to say, their current acronym CUTA sounds like a combination of that word and the Spanish slang “Puta” o_O

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:35:36am
plansbandc  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:36:29am

re: #321 Backwoods_Sleuth


sagehen  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:36:52am

re: #314 HappyWarrior

There’s a theory about genetic memory. I have no idea if it’s legit or not but for the first three years of my life, I called my Slavic grandmother Baba, she never asked for it nor did I know my roots in Slovakia. On a more serious note, I wonder if perhaps memories of ancestors who were oppressed makes me more sympathetic to the plight of those.

It is for real.

There’s a semi-famous epigenetic study where rats are pavlovian-trained to fear a particular scent that they would normally never have any exposure to. The offspring of those rats, down three generations, were born with an instinctive aversion to that scent.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:37:27am

re: #326 Interesting Times

Ha! I was going to say, their current acronym CUTA sounds like a combination of that word and the Spanish slang “Puta” o_O

I like that….”Patriots United for Trump’s Agenda”.

Sorta like years and years ago, on Maude, when the guys were protesting the recent opening of a gay bar in their town, they’d formed an organization called “Fathers Against Gays”.

LOLOL I still remember that all these years later.

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:37:51am

re: #327 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

The punch line is that Israel has always maintained strategic ambiguity about Israel’s nuclear capabilities. We know that they have a nuclear reactor at Dimona, and everyone assumes Israel has nuclear weapons - including missiles and aircraft dropped bombs - around 400 in total.

Israel has never acknowledged their capabilities.

makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:40:21am
Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:40:25am

re: #321 Backwoods_Sleuth

“Refuse to Loose”


Well I’m glad to see that like the famously nonpartisan Tea Party, Citizens United is just concerned about The Constitution and not aligned with either Party and is just about The Rule of Law, etc.


Eventual Carrion  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:40:44am

re: #330 Dr Lizardo

I like that….”Patriots United for Trump’s Agenda”.

Sorta like years and years ago, on Maude, when the guys were protesting the recent opening of a gay bar in their town, they’d formed an organization called “Fathers Against Gays”.

LOLOL I still remember that all these years later.

“Fathers Against Radical Teen Shenanigans!”

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:41:46am

re: #332 makeitstop

Is that legal? Are campaign funds allowed to be able to defend a litigant that is not the candidate?

BeenHereAwhile  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:42:15am

re: #62 Single-handed sailor

Remember when there were seeds in pot? LOL.

[Embedded content]

Here’s my favorite Commander Cody cut:

Mama Hated Diesels - Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen

lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:42:41am

None of this is actually new.

The IAEA knew all this and this was one of the reasons why the JCPOA was so critical in derailing the Iranian nuclear ambitions.

jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:43:04am

re: #321 Backwoods_Sleuth

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:43:54am

re: #321 Backwoods_Sleuth

“Refuse to Loose”


Isn’t Citizens United a non-profit group, you know, not supposed to endorse a particular party or candidate?

Hope they aren’t avoiding paying the taxes rightfully due from partisan organizations.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:44:04am

re: #329 sagehen

It is for real.

There’s a semi-famous epigenetic study where rats are pavlovian-trained to fear a particular scent that they would normally never have any exposure to. The offspring of those rats, down three generations, were born with an instinctive aversion to that scent.

Wow very interesting.

makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:44:16am

re: #335 freetoken

Is that legal? Are campaign funds allowed to be able to defend a litigant that is not the candidate?

Rule of thumb: If Trump does something and you have to ask ‘Is that legal?’ it probably isn’t.

That’s how I do it, anyway.

sagehen  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:44:22am

re: #331 lawhawk

The punch line is that Israel has always maintained strategic ambiguity about Israel’s nuclear capabilities. We know that they have a nuclear reactor at Dimona, and everyone assumes Israel has nuclear weapons - including missiles and aircraft dropped bombs - around 400 in total.

Israel has never acknowledged their capabilities.

A whole country full of Einsteins and Oppenheimers? Who could have guessed.

I’ve also heard many times, for many years about Israel’s supposed threat to use their nukes for a “Samson Option” if they’re ever about to lose an existential war.

b.d. (Disposable)  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:45:08am
lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:45:46am

re: #332 makeitstop

That’s some conflict of interest right there.

For a guy who’s worth millions in taxi medallions and could lend money to Ukrainian businessmen, he’s suddenly in need of funding from Trumpworld?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:48:24am
dangerman  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:51:12am

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]
I stand by that statement. Lying implies motive. Just cover the facts no matter how ugly and let the voters decide motives and intent. P

You “misspeak” every single day, either you are intending to deceive or you are an actual idiot
There is no third thing

BeachDem  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:51:40am

re: #283 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Not just the Kochs.

From 2011

John Allison, former chairman of bank holding company BB&T Corp. (BBT), admires author Ayn Rand so much that he devised a strategy to spread her laissez-faire principles on U.S. campuses. Allison, working through the BB&T Charitable Foundation, gives schools grants of as much as $2 million if they agree to create a course on capitalism and make Rand’s masterwork, “Atlas Shrugged,” required reading.

And from 2015

Banking on the Curriculum

freetoken  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:51:42am

re: #345 Backwoods_Sleuth

Kanye just posted another tweet trying to get out of this…

b.d. (Disposable)  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:53:15am

re: #345 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

My party did something good over 150 years ago!!….since then? not so much…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:53:53am

re: #348 freetoken

Kanye just posted another tweet trying to get out of this…


Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:55:10am
jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 10:59:44am
lawhawk  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:00:16am
makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:00:19am

re: #350 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Kanye’s comments are a hot mess.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:01:48am
jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:02:21am
Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:02:38am

re: #351 Backwoods_Sleuth

Marco Rubio on the corporate tax cut: “there’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.”

— Sahil Kapur

Damn, RINO.


Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:04:43am

re: #353 lawhawk

This is one powerful presentation by @netanyahu.
Anyone who doesn’t think Iran was lying and still is lying doesn’t know Iran.

— Ari Fleischer

‘Lying’? Well, now, you can’t say anybody is really lying unless you can determine ‘intent’.


MsJ  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:06:19am

re: #321 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

“Refuse to Loose”


Garbage is loose? Hmmm….

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:06:53am

re: #345 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Yeah because the parties are set in stone forever. I can’t believe people actually think this is a legitimate argument.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:08:00am
jaunte  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:09:27am

re: #345 Backwoods_Sleuth

“Steve” gets a good grade on 1864 facts, but fails post-1964 facts.

JordanRules  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:09:40am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:11:08am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:11:36am
Eventual Carrion  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:12:07am

re: #360 HappyWarrior

Yeah because the parties are set in stone forever. I can’t believe people actually think this is a legitimate argument.

Or that there were 2 separate parties, Democrats and Southern Democrats.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:12:30am

good grief

Skip Intro  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:12:35am

re: #354 makeitstop

Kanye’s comments are a hot mess.

He’s an idiot. Who care’s what he says?

We’ve sunk so low.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:13:20am

re: #366 Eventual Carrion

Or that there were 2 separate parties, Democrats and Southern Democrats.

Yep there were a lot of Democrats opposed to slavery and secession.

Dr. Matt  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:14:08am

I’ve been in a board [bored] room for the last 3 hours. Are we at war with Iran or NK yet?

The Vicious Babushka  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:20:49am

re: #369 HappyWarrior

Yep there were a lot of Democrats opposed to slavery and secession.

The 1860 election was a 4-way. The forerunner of today’s Democratic party took 1 state: Missouri.

Eventual Carrion  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:21:17am

re: #370 Dr. Matt

I’ve been in a board [bored] room for the last 3 hours. Are we at war with Iran or NK yet?

Nope, still just Eastasia.

makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:21:24am

re: #368 First Epistle of Paul to the Bagmen

He’s an idiot. Who care’s what he says?

We’ve sunk so low.

Oh, not me.

I was just pointing out that his tweets are filled with Trumpers and Lost Cause true believers dumping misinformation and wingnut-think by the truckload.

b.d. (Disposable)  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:21:26am

re: #370 Dr. Matt

I’ve been in a board [bored] room for the last 3 hours. Are we at war with Iran or NK yet?

North Korea?!?! He’s our bestest buddy!

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:24:01am

re: #266 freetoken

I still doubt Little will come in as #2 in the primary. Perhaps I will be proven wrong, as a sitting Senator will draw the majority of the Democratic voters. But, there are other candidates on the primary list.

The list for Senator starts top of page 12. It goes on for three pages :

[Embedded content]

The California approach is actually very dangerous to democracy and our republic, even if the result is that Dianne Feinstein wins in a landslide. A person who represents an extreme minority can win because the votes among the sensible candidates are spread out. Those with famous names or substantial resources definitely have an advantage.

Think of a situation where there are 2 racists running, each of whom receives 7% of the vote, and 15 others with liberal views, each of whom receives no more than 6% of the vote. So, though 86% of the voters are liberal, the 14% who are despicable choose the two candidates who will actually appear on the ballot for the general election. Although not likely, it can happen.

As I’ve recounted previously in old threads here, my state representative district had been an old-style Republican district of fiscally conservative and socially moderate voters. One year in the 1990’s, there were 3 candidates in the Republican primary: 2 women whose views represented the district and a very conservative man. I don’t recall the exact results: but it was something like 65% for the 2 women, 35% for the man and the man won.

Anymouse 🌹  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:25:18am

re: #269 BeachDem

On the “first live concert” question—mine was the Beatles at Forest Hills in 1964. I iz old.

My first live concert was when I was a teenager. My mother took my sister to see her favourite artist, John Denver, in Ann Arbor. She dragged me along.

The first concert I saw on my own was Yes.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:25:52am

re: #371 The Vicious Babushka

The 1860 election was a 4-way. The forerunner of today’s Democratic party took 1 state: Missouri.

[Embedded content]


makeitstop  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:26:22am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:27:16am
Skip Intro  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:28:02am

Let’s listen to Bryan FIscher explain the firing of Father Patrick Conroy. In case you don’t want to listen I’ve included Fischer’s key argument below.

RWW News: Bryan Fischer Praises Paul Ryan For Firing The House Chaplain

[Conroy] is an out gay man. He’s married to a man — quote, end quote. So a shameful move to put this guy in charge of the chaplaincy of the House in the first place. This is a great win. He’s pro-gay, he’s a homosexual guy that’s married to a homosexual guy. Big win!

Feline Fearless Leader  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:30:00am

My first live concerts were both in the early 80s in Pittsburgh:

- George Thorogood at the Syria Mosque. Johnny Winter was the opening act.
- Deep Purple at the Civic Arena. Opening act was Pantera I think.

My ears rang for three days after the Deep Purple concert.

HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:31:22am

re: #380 First Epistle of Paul to the Bagmen

Let’s listen to Bryan FIscher explain the firing of Father Patrick Conroy. In case you don’t want to listen I’ve included Fischer’s key argument below.

[Embedded content]

[Embedded image]

Wtf is he talking about. Conroy isn’t gay nor married. Fischer is again showing what an Ignorant bigoted piece of shit he is.

Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:32:09am

re: #380 First Epistle of Paul to the Bagmen

Let’s listen to Bryan FIscher explain the firing of Father Patrick Conroy. In case you don’t want to listen I’ve included Fischer’s key argument below.

[Embedded content]

[Embedded image]

I’m shocked, just shocked, that Bryan Fischer would say this is all about Teh Gay.


HappyWarrior  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:34:03am

re: #383 Sir John Barron

I’m shocked, just shocked, that Bryan Fischer would say this is all about Teh Gay.


I think Fischer’s got some interesting stuff in his closet mainly leather submissive gear.

Nyet  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:34:05am
Dave In Austin  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:35:33am
Sir John Barron  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:36:32am

re: #382 HappyWarrior

Wtf is he talking about. Conroy isn’t gay nor married. Fischer is again showing what an Ignorant bigoted piece of shit he is.

Fischer is just repeating whatever he hears down in the steamrooms.


Anymouse 🌹  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:43:49am

re: #231 jaunte

Some good reporting on the politics of soybeans and tariffs in this thread:

My own district is number three on that list. (Adrian Smith, NE3)

Three Republicans are running to primary Rep. Smith.

Only one Democrat is running, Paul Theobald … if you’re looking to give outside help to our candidate, that would be him.

The Senate race is a free-for-all in both parties, with several republicans trying to primary Deb Fischer, and several Democrats trying to unseat her. Currently both my wife and I are behind Jane Reybould.

In comparison to a Democrat from many places, they would be rated as conservative. In comparison to any Republican they are flamin’ liberals.

Mike Lamb  Apr 30, 2018 • 11:48:09am

re: #367 Backwoods_Sleuth

good grief

[Embedded content]

That’s pretty much an admission.

Anymouse 🌹  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:25:01pm

re: #300 Dr Lizardo

The GOP’s transformation into a white ethno-nationalist party is essentially complete.

It has been a racist party all my life (more than half a century). It was already headed there before the Civil Rights Act. Nixon and Reagan finished the job. All Trump did was remove the dog whistles that liberals already knew were dog whistles.

Seriously, Reagan laying a wreath at the tomb of dead SS soldiers in West Germany? If that wasn’t a dog whistle I don’t know what was.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 12:58:01pm

re: #351 Backwoods_Sleuth

Marco Rubio on the corporate tax cut: “there’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.

we assume that he voted for it, therefore should STFU and stop pretending that he abandoned any right to comment ages ago

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 30, 2018 • 1:00:36pm

re: #369 HappyWarrior

Yep there were a lot of Democrats opposed to slavery and secession.

History is complicated and nuanced and requires in-depth reading, not just memes, Tweets and talking points.

That’s a fact.

gocart mozart  Apr 30, 2018 • 2:04:39pm

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