
Mary Chapin Carpenter Is Singing Songs From Home: Episode 3, “The Hard Way” (Live From My Kitchen)

March 2020
Geeky math time in the age of corona: The Fibonacci series is an exponential function. If you look at the the ratio of F(n)/F(n-1), this has an asymptote at approximately 1.618034 (which is the golden ratio). if you look at ...

Seth Meyers From His Garage: Trump Fights With Governors, Reporters Over Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

428A Three Hour Tour
March 2020
re: #328 Eclectic Cyborg Reiterating a point Scotty made in the feature film STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK (1984). "How much refit time until we can take her out again?" " Eight weeks, sir. But since you don't ...