
Corsi's Idiotic Birther Book Debuts at #6

Mostly sane, most of the time.5/31/2011 11:50:12 am PDT

re: #8 Surabaya Stew

Harmless conspiracies:

Shakespeare didn’t write his plays
Sherlock Holmes actually lived

That’s about it that I can think of. The rest fall under the category of…

Harmful conspiracies:

The Elders of Zion wrote a protocol
The CIA killed JFK and/or RFK
AGW is a hoax
…and now this crap.

Wait, are we sure that Darwin’s theory of evolution is correct? Because I’m not feeling it right about now!

How about “Florence Harding actually killed Warren Harding because he was messing around?”

Seriously. It’s a theory, and the answer doesn’t actually matter, because they’re both dead, and his death didn’t matter much for America.