
Video: Jon Stewart on the Wall Street Pepper Spray Incident

Killgore Trout9/30/2011 2:43:52 pm PDT

The fine folks from Anon have published personal information about him and his family…….

Pepper-Spraying Cop Gets Death Threats—And Police Protection

The NYPD has given extra personal security to Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, who was caught on multiple videos pepper-spraying protesters around Union Square last weekend, in response to his personal information being released by Anonymous. Bologna, who is now being investigated by the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau and by the Civilian Complaint Review Board, has been reportedly receiving death threats and harassing calls at his home. Police are also providing extra security to his family.

I’m sure it’s just love notes from the always peaceful leftists because we know they can fo know wrong. The anarchists from Anon have also published the personal information of banking executives….
Hackers release data about JP Morgan Chase CEO

The document released on Pastebin by “CabinCr3w” includes information about CEO James Dimon’s addresses, family, business connections, political contributions and legal information. A spokeswoman for J.P. Morgan Chase said the company is declining to comment.

The same hackers posted personal data of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and of New York Police Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna