
Ambassador Stevens's Family: Hillary Clinton Is Not to Blame for Benghazi

Blind Frog Belly White6/28/2016 11:05:06 pm PDT

re: #95 Nyet

It’s sort of like Hitler. Sure, Hitler was a Christian. But he wasn’t driven by Christianity (being influenced by the historical Christian antisemitism and being driven by religious precepts are very different things), his Christianity was heterodox in comparison to his environment, it could be called a “liberal” version (in the sense of non-fundamentalist, not sticking to traditional conservative interpretations), with free interpretation of the Bible, knocking down of Paul, reinterpreting Jesus as he himself saw fit, etc. - i.e. what we see many non-fundie Christians doing.

I have yet to encounter any Christian anywhere who didn’t freely interpret the Bible and reinterpret Jesus as he sees fit. Fundies love to claim they believe the whole thing is the literal word of god in every single letter, but that’s bullshit. They choose which verses inform their beliefs, and they interpret away unpleasant contradictions to it, like the ‘camel/eye of the needle’ verse. They find absolute personhood at conception in the ‘I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb’, but handwave away the limited punishment for causing a miscarriage.

So, no, it’s not just ‘non-fundie Christians’.