
Joe Scarborough to GOP: 'Man Up' and Confront the Idiot Half-Governor

Gus11/30/2010 10:42:08 am PST

re: #96 Killgore Trout

Yes, It’s part of the radical libertarian philosophy popularized by the Tea Party. Ron Paul, Alex Jones and Fox News hos Andrew Napolitano love wikileaks and Assange. He loves them back.
Fox News on Wikileaks - Judge Napolitano

[Video]Uploaded to youtube by the Drudge Report.

And? I can find plenty of video showing support from Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! From that I can come to a conclusion that Assange it a leftist? I suppose using this logic I can therefore conclude he’s what? A Democrat?

This is just simple guilt by association. Andrew Napolitano supports Assange therefore he must be a Tea Partier.