
The Downfall of the Limbaugh-Hannity Talk Show Axis Accelerates

CuriousLurker7/29/2013 7:17:40 am PDT

re: #85 Sionainn

I’m in the process of starting my own medical transcription company and need to figure out what web host to use for a website. Does anyone have experience with any that you could recommend? Thanks!

I’d go with or Both have good up-time & support, but it really depends on what you’re going to use the site for—i.e. is it just a “brochure” type site to tell people about your services, or do you have something more complex in mind? If any of the medical transcriptions are going to be stored on the server and/or emailed via the server, or if there’ll be a client log-in area, then security/encryption would definitely be an important consideration and a regular shared hosting account might not work for you.

Oh, and register your domain yourself. If the hosting company offers you a “free” domain, make sure that you’re the registrant of record and have full access to its control panel, and find out how much they’ll charge you to take it with you if you ever move to another hosting company.