
Trump Crazy-Tweeting Again, Says He'll "Terminate Deal" With Cuba

Myron Falwell11/28/2016 12:44:20 pm PST

re: #37 darthstar

Except he’s already backed off from ACA repeal…just as he has from building the wall and prosecuting Hillary for imaginary crimes.

And NPR (!) this morning reported that international growth has been revised upward from 2.9% to 3.3% based on his post-win comments about adding $1 Trillion in infrastructure spending.

It may turn out the guy can’t even destroy the planet right. How fucked up would that be?

We’re also going under the assumption that the GOP House and Senate is a unified body with little dissent in most of these scenarios.

Take the ACA, for example. Will they be able to actually produce a so-called “repeal” when it’s clear that they can’t come to a consensus on what’s going to be in the repeal? Because some of them are going to want a replacement, some a rebadging as “TrumpCare” and others just want to push Granny over the cliff… and that’s the House alone.

While Trump is going to fire and replace his cabinet posts with impunity at any sign of dissent, he won’t be able to fire anyone in the legislative branch who crosses his path. (And that’s not counting his inevitable screwing over Heritage WRT a judicial picks; what if Trump’s ego demands he installs his sister or someone else for the Supreme Court… thus unveiling another con job?)