
Associated Press Suddenly Remembers How to Fact-Check

RaiderDan4/30/2009 10:51:16 am PDT
Let’s see how long this lasts, if they continue. Now they can point to that story and say, “see? we were critical of our most glorious and powerful magnificence, that tower of power, too sweet to be sour, the man, the myth the legend, our savior, barack hussein obama!”

They’ll do this once every six months or so, as a fig leaf.

Flying pigs, you can stand down.

#37 Rightside.

#44 Ward Cleaver

You’ve figured out EXACTLY how modern journalism works. (or doesn’t work)

Now, back to our regularly schedule programming, featuring the AP’s Liz Sidoti and her diamond-studded kneepads.

(Read it if you dare)

Here’s an unpleasant taste for those unwilling to read through this act of journalistic fellation.

Obama quickly, confidently adapts to presidency

As an audacious candidate, Obama meticulously built a powerhouse organization and fundraising juggernaut to engineer his victory. As a fledgling president, he similarly has mapped out a big-risk agenda that he’s methodically begun to execute, keeping to the discipline that has been a hallmark of his life.

Rookie jitters? Far from it.

Confident almost to a fault, he could seem aloof, even arrogant at times in the campaign. He’s kept that focused attitude in the White House, while exhibiting few flashes of any off-putting, self-important tone.