
Stunning a Cappella Version of Snarky Puppy's "Shofukan," Adapted for Six Voices

BogeyMon8/27/2018 7:07:40 pm PDT

Greetings and Salutations!
Long time lurker, since before the great schism, remembering Mandy Manners and FBV. It feels strange commenting, I’ve never been part of an online community, but I feel like I know you all…

I really just joined to kick into the pot, Mr. Johnson maintains an incredible site, I’ve spent countless hours reading your comments, learning, jamming to some great tunes and blowing snot on a keyboard laughing, Thanks!

Craft beers on the table to the right, single malt scotch on the table in the middle, coffee and VB’s virtual pies on the left… I’ll be over in the corner sweeping up eggshells…

Teleski - be cool, its a marathon, not a sprint

Anymouse - hope the power is back on

William Lewis - I think we have frozen our asses off in some of the same places, B-1-13 AR, Illesheim, ‘82 - ‘82

CL - rest, you are missed