
Mike Huckabee Labels Lara Logan a 'Hero Journalist' for Discredited Benghazi Report

Reality Based Steve11/27/2013 12:49:59 pm PST

re: #97 kirkspencer

Because suddenly we’re having nobody but the three of us, I’m changing things up a lot. I’m braising the turkey now, and when it’s done I’ll slice it all up and pack it away - some to the refrigerator, some to the freezer. Things that’ll go bad are going to be cooked, or par-cooked, and/or frozen. Things that’ll keep for meals over the next few weeks are staying in storage.

Braising the turkey because while I truly like crisp skin, skin does not stay crisp through storage, and other than skin braising produces it’s own sort of wonderful cooked meat.

I just have a friend coming over, so i’m doing a roasting chicken. Got it all splatcocked, rubbed with the dry brine mix, everything that can be pre-prepped is done, Should be an easy day tomorrow. Nothing too fancy, focus on just enjoying the day.